I'd like to know

charity73 Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
My mother began chemotherapy less than a month ago. We recieved pamplets and added information concerning affect of treatment, but I would like to know the hard truths about the side affects. Aftethe first treatment she had severe diareah and nausea. Her hair has alredy begun to fall out and she has short spells of not being fully aware.(like being an airhead) Will you ladies please educate me a little more. The news of mother even having cancer was such a surprise that I really would not like to have any more. So please any of you ladies who are or have experienced chemotherapy let me know. Thank you.


  • kathryn1
    kathryn1 Member Posts: 88 Member
    My hair fell out after the first treatment too. As for nausea,my doctor gave me two different medications for it that really help. I would talk to her doctor about it.
    Being achey and some pain goes with it too.
    As for not being fully aware, that goes with it too sometimes. It's like having a blonde moment that doesn't end. It's called chemo brain. It will probably come and go.
    I also have breakouts on my head and neck. Itchy rash on arms that doesn't last too long.
    A terrible taste in my mouth too. My doctor recommended the old fashion lemon drops for that.
    I'm sure everyone has side affects that are different and it depends what kind of chemo you're getting.
    Tingling in fingers and feet, like they're asleep. I'm sure I'll think of more.
    Side affects can get a little worse with each treatment.
    I'll pray for your mom. She's lucky to have you to take care of her.
    Best wishes,
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    side affects
    Chemo brain is real. I could still say I am absent minded because of my age! But I can now say it is chemo brain. There is information on that in the information you get.

    Nausea - there are drugs for that. Zofran works great for me. Neurapothy (tingling in hands and feet) have had that too.

    Hair fell out totally after first dose. Diarreah and or constipation (both happen), should give you a list of what to take for either.

    Bone and muscule aches happen for some.

    Some chemo is harder on women than others. This time around for me it is harder nausea and aches, not so much tingling.

    Everyone is different. Some have very minimal affects. Some more. But usually something you can take to offset.

    Keep us posted.

    In His grip,
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    You are welcome here
    You can google the type of chemo she is on and find lots of sites with the side effects for each...
    I agree with the posts above. I had constipation with my taxol and carboplatin. I was given two types of nausea pills and took them as directed and had no nausea at all. The leg pain was so uncomfortable that I took pain pills a couple of times. It hit me 72 hours after the infusion and lasted about 3 days. I slept as much as I could. Hope this helps. Saundra
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hi Charity, Welcome to the board, it seems like a lot daughters here for their moms. How wonderful to have such caring daughters. I encourage you to talk to your mom's medical team about all her side affects also. It hits everyone a bit different, for the nerve pain/tingling I take L-glutamine everyday adn a bigger dose the day of and 3 days following treatment. I have had mostly constipation from the chemos, until the past month or so I have had opposite problem. For constipation Miralax and/or senna is very helpful.

    Come often with your questions and with updates. Now sending lots of hugs ♥ prayers
