Question for Meena1

Deb1969 Member Posts: 165
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Im wondering was your liver cancer detected by PET Scan? Did you have a liver biopsy?
I just had my first AC treatment to be followed by Taxol then Herceptin at what point were you rescanned to see if the liver is responding?
Thanks so much


  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    Hi Deb, I just found this
    Hi Deb, I just found this post. My first pet scan found 2 lesions on my liver. I did not have a liver biopsy. I then went through 12 weeks of taxol and herceptin, and then herceptin every 3 weeks for a year. I was scanned again after the taxol and herceptin treatment, which was last October--at that time there was no abnormalities identified and positive response to therapy. That is exactly what the report said. I was rescanned last month, with the same outcome. You will probably be scanned again after your treatment is done, and I am sure that you will have a good response with this treatment. I would not really consider it liver cancer, my first Pet Scan found 2 lesions, 1 on the right lobe with a value of 3.2 and one on the left lobe with a value of 4.2. This makes no sense to me, but I thought you could compare it to your report. Please let me know how you are doing, I know how frightening it all is, but these drugs are wonderful.