Foundations of Healing

robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I belong to an Integrated Cancer Care community in Vancouver called InspireHealth. They provide complementary support to cancer patients using such healing modalities as meditation, reiki, yoga, diet planning, supplements, music therapy, and stress reduction.

They are committed to providing "evidence based" means to help people cope with cancer and the effects of chemo, surgery, and radiation. Their philosophy is based on a Foundations of Healing model which sees things like "will to live", "hope", "spiritual connection", "body-mind awareness", "personal autonomy", "emotional connection", and "stress reduction" as necessary foundations for healing.

Over the next few weeks I'll be reflecting on how some of these "foundations" have been significant in my own journey. You can join me if you are interested in learning more. Follow along at "A Cancer Journal" Today's post is on the "Will to Live"

Be well... Rob; in Van

"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food." Hippocrates


  • Fb489
    Fb489 Member Posts: 69
    if our food is our medicine what foods should I eat to survive satge 4 rectal cancer?
  • pokismom
    pokismom Member Posts: 153
    Thank you
    Dear Rob ,
    thank you for that link to your journal. It was very uplifting to me and I also believe in the mind body spiritual concept. I am looking forward to reading more in the weeks to come, thank you.
    Much love
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Fb489 said:

    if our food is our medicine what foods should I eat to survive satge 4 rectal cancer?

    fruit and veggies that build your immune system
    Greens; spinach, collard greens, brocoli, kale, and blue berries, bananas, cranberries, carrotts, blackberries...really all the fruit and veggies that build your immune system. Juice, when you juice you help your body by breaking the food down for it by getting rid of all the pulp before it enters your mouth. Not everyone agrees on diet because there are lots of people that eat healty and still get cancer, but I believe and got down to even healthier eating by adding juicing and eating more fruit and vegatbles and less meat. My diet:

    I eat a healthy cereal with blueberries for breakfast or oatmeal.

    a fruit

    lunch, tuna on wheat, salad - a soup

    a fruit

    dinner, some pasta (wheat) or rice, fish or a bit of chicken, or I take a couple mouthfuls of beef if I crave it and a veggie

    juice some veggies/fruit