My mammo didn't show my cancer

laurissa Member Posts: 773
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My fat dense breasts did not show tumor on my mammogram, but the ultrasound did. Anyone else?


  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Alot of times because of dense breasts, things may not show up on a Mammo or an Ultrasound, or it may be harder to determine "what" is there. I had both back in May'08, supposedly it showed "no abnormality", yet here I am now with IDC, doubled in size. All the tests I have had showed the tumor, but it wasn't until the biopsy that we knew it was cancer.
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    Cat64 said:

    Alot of times because of dense breasts, things may not show up on a Mammo or an Ultrasound, or it may be harder to determine "what" is there. I had both back in May'08, supposedly it showed "no abnormality", yet here I am now with IDC, doubled in size. All the tests I have had showed the tumor, but it wasn't until the biopsy that we knew it was cancer.

    Did the place where you had
    Did the place where you had the mammo have the new digital ones? they are far better than the standard ones. I know I felt something wasn't right with my last mammo the end of June this year. The tech took the films, looked at them, then she wanted a few more, frankly I was tired of being squeezed. Then I got something in the mail saying it was abnormal on the right side, also got a call, so made an appointment to go for more,they also did an ultrasound, that's when it was certain. Actually, I ASKED to see the film of the abnormal breast, there it was right up on the wall in front of me. The tech pointed out the area of question. There was no doubt in my mind there was something there. I could see it!
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Sometimes the bc doesn't
    Sometimes the bc doesn't show up on the mammo. I don't think this is that rare. Sometimes it shows up on the ultrasound or the MRI. I think that is one reason why doctor's should at the very least have a mammo and an ultrasound or MRI done on their patients. The main thing is that it is found.

    Kylez ♥
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Mine didn't show on the
    Mine didn't show on the mammogram or ultrasound and it was huge. 6cm and 3cm and another smaller one.
  • marilyndbk
    marilyndbk Member Posts: 238 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    Mine didn't show on the
    Mine didn't show on the mammogram or ultrasound and it was huge. 6cm and 3cm and another smaller one.

    I have to say yeah to
    I have to say yeah to mammograms. My mother passed away at age 46 40 years ago. I was diligent about mammograms. In 2001 calcifications showed up on mammogram. At that time they did not order any other tests-directly to breast surgeon for biopsy which was positive, Had lumpectomy and rads. Then in July, 2009 mammogram showed calcifications again. After more views, on to breast surgeon for biopsy, which was positive, as well as small invasive tumor found. After bilateral mastectomies, surgeon says 99% chance of not having reoccurence. When you are the 1% statistics are not helpful. It has been less than 3 weeks. on to med onc next week to see about chemo or new drugs for postmenopausal women (now that makes me feel old)
    I have 2 daughters and 2 sisters that I am persistent in them keeping up with mammos. Marilyn
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    I have to say yeah to
    I have to say yeah to mammograms. My mother passed away at age 46 40 years ago. I was diligent about mammograms. In 2001 calcifications showed up on mammogram. At that time they did not order any other tests-directly to breast surgeon for biopsy which was positive, Had lumpectomy and rads. Then in July, 2009 mammogram showed calcifications again. After more views, on to breast surgeon for biopsy, which was positive, as well as small invasive tumor found. After bilateral mastectomies, surgeon says 99% chance of not having reoccurence. When you are the 1% statistics are not helpful. It has been less than 3 weeks. on to med onc next week to see about chemo or new drugs for postmenopausal women (now that makes me feel old)
    I have 2 daughters and 2 sisters that I am persistent in them keeping up with mammos. Marilyn

    Mine showed up as
    Mine showed up as microcalcifications on the mammo. The ultrasound and then the core biopsy showed that it was bc. I had a girlfriend that had bc and it didn't show up on her mammo. Her doctor ordered a MRI because of other problems she was having and it showed up there.

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    I had a digital mammo and ultrasound in December, nothing showed. found it myself 3 months later, middle of march.
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Mine didn't show up on the
    Mine didn't show up on the mammo either. I felt the lump 3 1/2 months later. After the ultrasound and biopsy I was diagnosed with IDC Stage 1 grade 3. Because of the aggressiveness, I opted for a mastectomy. No lymph node involvement but had to do chemo anyway. Hugs, Lili