Tamoxifen after DCIS/LCIS excision and RDX

CarolynMA Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
hi everyone,
I am about to start taking tamoxifen anyday now (prescr. is waiting for me to pickup!)- I finished rdx a few wks ago (surgery was in the spring). I am somewhat borderline for whether to take tamoxifen - but I have been told the presense of LCIS and DCIS (and ALH/ADH) may make me more of a candidate than if there was just DCIS. Is there anyone in a similar situation OR any comments otherwise on taking or not...

also - has anyone done any pre-gyn screenings before starting to take tamoxifen or wished they had?

thank you -


  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Hi Carolyn, I took Tamoxifen
    Hi Carolyn, I took Tamoxifen for 15 months before they switched me to Arimidex. Once I knew that I would start the meds 6 weeks after chemo, I scheduled an appointment with my gyn and he did a thorough check-up including a pap and ultrasound. I was ok on the tamoxifen for a year and then started experiencing side effects that to me were debilitating so my onc switched me to Arimidex. Prior to starting the Arimidex, my gyn once again, scheduled me for a pap, ultrasound of the ovaries and a bone density test since the arimidex may cause osteoporosis.

    Unfortunately, every medicine has a potential for side effects, so technically, you go with the flow, since the benefits out weigh the risks. Not everyone has side effects so my motto is you try and try again until you find one that is the most tolerable. Good luck to you and keep us posted. Hugs, Lili
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    I was dx with DCIS in my
    I was dx with DCIS in my left breast six weeks ago. My mom and my grandmother both had bc, and I'm waiting on the gene test. But my onocologist already put me on tamox. I had the prescription for two weeks before I finally picked it up. Just didn't want to take it!! I only started taking it on Monday.

    I did call and ask my onocologist what I should do concerning a pap smear; I haven't had one in five years. Her nurse told me that I def. needed to get one before starting on tamox. My mom was one of the rare 1% that developed uterine cancer from taking it after five years. So, she wanted to have one now, prior to taking it, and I'm going to have to have pap smears and uterine ultrasounds every six months while I'm taking it.

    So ... my story is a little different from yours ... I only had the DCIS, but because of family history I'm taking it too.

    Hope it goes well for you!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    I was dx with DCIS in my
    I was dx with DCIS in my left breast six weeks ago. My mom and my grandmother both had bc, and I'm waiting on the gene test. But my onocologist already put me on tamox. I had the prescription for two weeks before I finally picked it up. Just didn't want to take it!! I only started taking it on Monday.

    I did call and ask my onocologist what I should do concerning a pap smear; I haven't had one in five years. Her nurse told me that I def. needed to get one before starting on tamox. My mom was one of the rare 1% that developed uterine cancer from taking it after five years. So, she wanted to have one now, prior to taking it, and I'm going to have to have pap smears and uterine ultrasounds every six months while I'm taking it.

    So ... my story is a little different from yours ... I only had the DCIS, but because of family history I'm taking it too.

    Hope it goes well for you!

    I wish my onc told me
    I have been on tamoxifen for 6 months now. I wish I did my checkup and pelvic and uterine before my first pill.
    If you have a chance , I think it is a good idea. My PCP sent me to pap smears and uterine ultrasound. She said that the science suggest it needs to be done before starting medications and important to have a base line. I did those tests and unfortunately my ultrasound is not a good one. I think it is due to induced menopause, They keep me on Tamoxifen, but with monitoring by ultrasound for every three months.
    Good luck
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    I wish my onc told me
    I have been on tamoxifen for 6 months now. I wish I did my checkup and pelvic and uterine before my first pill.
    If you have a chance , I think it is a good idea. My PCP sent me to pap smears and uterine ultrasound. She said that the science suggest it needs to be done before starting medications and important to have a base line. I did those tests and unfortunately my ultrasound is not a good one. I think it is due to induced menopause, They keep me on Tamoxifen, but with monitoring by ultrasound for every three months.
    Good luck

    Hi! I am not on tamoxifen yet and may not start. The percentage of it helping me is almost nothing, so, I don't think it is worth the side effects that can happen.

    I do wish you the best of luck and a healthy future!

    Kylez ♥