Hello everyone been awhile

gerrico1216 Member Posts: 41
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just wanted to let everyone know I have finished my treatments chemo and radiation. It was hard doing chemo but YES I made it through. Rads were a lot easier except for the burning. I did greta news Wednesday I am CLEAR, I just need to take Femara.

I am having mental issues. I am taking meds for that. Which is hard for me to understand. I use to be very quiet person nothing bothered me. Had ALOT of patience. Now, the least little thing botheres me and I cry. Is this all normal? It's not normal for me. I am trying to get back to normal.

Thank you for listening



  • Sam726
    Sam726 Member Posts: 233
    I have no advice on completing treatment because I just started chemo but I wanted to congratulate you! U made it and this is great to hear for me. Gives me inspiration....good luck!
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Congratulations Darlene
    I am so happy you are clear from the beast! I think it is very normal to cry , you have been through so much and your life has been changed because of it. I am also trying to get to my new normal. It may take awhile. at first I felt kind of lost, now that i am back to work and keeping my thoughts on other things it is getting better.

    You are a survivor!!
    Hugs, Jackie
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Sam726 said:

    I have no advice on completing treatment because I just started chemo but I wanted to congratulate you! U made it and this is great to hear for me. Gives me inspiration....good luck!

    Darlene, congratulations on
    Darlene, congratulations on completion of tx, and on the clear report. I am so delighted to hear that your reports were good. As far as the depression is concerned, this is something we have all had to deal with. I think most everyone has experienced depression as a result of the chemo and rads, and lots of us have had to rely on meds to get us back on track. Please discuss this with your dr, and make sure they understand that this is not normal for you to be down. Now, for getting back to "normal". Most cancer survivors realize real soon after treatment ends that you will find a "new normal". Life never goes back to how it was before diagnosis, but we do settle into a new pattern that involves more awareness of our bodies, our surroundings, and those people around us. Take your time, be patient, and let the doctor help you get through this period. It is not abnormal to feel this way, and know that all of us on this board are here whenever you need to vent, ask questions, or just share your feelings. Hang in there, girl.....we are all here for you. Hugs,

  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    you've been through a lot-it could all be just finally hitting you,I don't know.Maybe let your onc know how you are feeling.
    Glad that you are through with all of your treatments and are now ready to take Fem.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Congratulations, Darlene
    Completion of chemo and rads is a HUGE accomplishment. Not easy - now you're done.

    Afterwards, many of us experience something akin to "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder"... So, yes - your current feelings are quite normal, and to be expected, I think. And it's not always easy to figure our our "new normal" - Life After Cancer.

    Be good to yourself. It takes a long time to heal: physically, mentally and emotionally. And speak openly and honestly with your doctors and nurses. You'll get there... It just doesn't necessarily happen as quickly as we'd like it to.