chemo Help!

Zion Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello everyone! I first came on when I was diagnosed approx. 3 months ago. Since then, I've had a mastectomy and the beginning of immediate reconstruction. All seems to be going well. The cancer had not spread to the lymph nodes and tumor - size 2

My problem - CHEMO - I had the first of six Chemo treatments (Adjuvant Systemic Therapy After Surgery - Taxotere/Cyclophosphamide Regimen) one week ago, spread over every three weeks. I took all the anti nausea, vomiting medication (which I quit taking after four days)so I don't have that problem. However, this has been a week of other side effects. Please give me feedback on the following:

1. The fatigue was constant especially for the first five days. My oncologist told me to not give in to it but to force myself to work through it. I felt horrible but I forced myself to try and work through it.

2. No appetite and this metallic taste in my mouth. I followed advice from this forum and I use plastic utensils but when I do try and eat something, it tastes horrible. long does this last?

3. I followed your advice and am trying to force myself to drink lots of water to flush the Chemo out of my system.

4. Now, I'm being awakended at night with muscle aches and although I do not have sores in my mouth, my mouth is beginning to feel sore. In addition, I'm beginning to feel a tingly, itching sensation in my vaginal area. Is all of this common?

I've discussed all of this with my Oncologist and at first I was told that the side effects should last from 3-4 days; however, I wanted to get input from someone who also has actually gone through this.

I'd appreciate any input. You guys have already been an invaluable resource.


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Hang on..........
    The tiredness will last, sorry to say and probably will get all the chemo treatments are cumulative......I got just the EXACT opposite advice from my oncologist...and gyn.....They both stressed the need to restas much as possible, with maybe taking a walk.....I am so lucky, I don't work so I rested and napped when ever I felt like it....IT helped....We're all different and so are our doctors..

    I finished chemo Taxotere/Cytoxan 5 weeks ago. I had 4 infusions 3 weeks apart with a Neulasta injection the day after. The first one of those (Neulasta)kicked my butt 5 days later, big time! The next 3 weren't that bad......BUT, I was wiped out by the end of it!
    I can't say I had a metallic taste in my mouth, but the day after each chemo my taste buds went.......nothing tasted good, I may as well have been eating Alpo! I lived on watermeleon one week and tomatoes and cheese one week....Your taste buds consist of constantly changing cells, so since that's what chemo attacks, that's why this happens and also why your mouth and throat get sore...they are constantly cells.....mine usually came back after about 6-7 days. Also I ate popsicles......they provided some taste and liquids. I experimented with tons of foods....try to find what works for you......I also ate soups with lots of pepper..I also had a Rx for a mouth wash, Nystatin.....I used it and had no mouth sores....but did have a sore throat, the Nystatin worked wonders for that... and white tongue........yuk! JUST KEEP drinking, they told me it didn't matter what I drank, other than no alcohol. I did find the red gatorade refreshing and somewhat tasteful.

    The aches and pains are caused by a number of things....The Taxotere causes muscle and bone pain.....and so does the Neulasta so combined it's really a pain, no pun intended...I actually had to take Vicodan, Advil didn't touch it for me...but I was able to work through it. As far as the "va-jj" area, I had no problem there, so I can't help with that...but I bet someone can! By the second and third week after chemo, you should start to feel some better, just in time to start the next round......IT's horrible that we have to go through this, but somehow WE DO IT! We find some inner strength that we didn't know we had, at least I did. You'll do it and I promise you, when you finish, you will be SO PROUD OF YOURSELF! I tooted my own horn and patted myself on the back big time!

    I wish you the best and if I can help in anyway, just let me know!
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Hi Zion, I didn't have the
    Hi Zion, I didn't have the same meds as you but chemo is draining for everyone. I found that for 5 days after chemo my body would be really tired as if I had no strength. I would start feeling better about 1 week after. As for food, your taste buds are really affected by the chemo. The only food I was able to tolerate was mash potatoes. Not too much butter and my husband would prepare ensure shakes that he added ice cream and ice to so that it would kill the vitaminy taste. You'll have to try different foods and see what you tolerate best. I also craved grapefruit and that helped with the metallic taste. Lemon ice pops refreshed my mouth.

    For the sore feeling in the mouth I used warm water and salt but I know there is a mouth rinse that your oncologist will give you the prescription for which helps prevent the mouth sores, so talk to the nurse so that they can call in the prescription for you. Hope this helps. Hugs, Lili

    PS And of course........ water, water and more water.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769

    Hi Zion, I didn't have the
    Hi Zion, I didn't have the same meds as you but chemo is draining for everyone. I found that for 5 days after chemo my body would be really tired as if I had no strength. I would start feeling better about 1 week after. As for food, your taste buds are really affected by the chemo. The only food I was able to tolerate was mash potatoes. Not too much butter and my husband would prepare ensure shakes that he added ice cream and ice to so that it would kill the vitaminy taste. You'll have to try different foods and see what you tolerate best. I also craved grapefruit and that helped with the metallic taste. Lemon ice pops refreshed my mouth.

    For the sore feeling in the mouth I used warm water and salt but I know there is a mouth rinse that your oncologist will give you the prescription for which helps prevent the mouth sores, so talk to the nurse so that they can call in the prescription for you. Hope this helps. Hugs, Lili

    PS And of course........ water, water and more water.

    I did not have the same treatment as you but I have found even if you cook in metal pans you still get the metal taste even with plastic ware. I started cooking in glass ware and it seemed to help some.

    As for the mouth sores I got those and I rinsed my mouth with 1 tsp baking soda and water water several times a day.

    Fatigue is normal. I still worked and did not take naps because when I did I found myself not sleeping at night. Everyone reacts differently.

    Muscle and bone pain--my oncologist suggested Claratin and it helps me 100%.

  • Fran1947
    Fran1947 Member Posts: 72
    chemo - help!
    Hi Zion,

    I finished chemo with just Taxotere 6 months ago. The fatigue was the worst side effect I experienced. It was the worst from about day 3 to day 6. Round 2 and round 3 were a little better, then round 4 was the worst. There were days I could barely get out of bed and brush my teeth. There was no question of being able to tough it out and work - and my job is just a desk job, but there was no way! As someone else said, the bone & joint pain could be from the taxotere or the neulasta. My doctor did not prescribe any claritin, but I have heard that it really helps.

    Everyone is different & reacts differently to the meds, but just keep reminding yourself that chemo is very effective. And Taxotere, which is probably behind most of your side effects, is especially effective.

    Hang in there!


  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    I have had alot of the same side effects as you. I just finished with my last chemo this week. The fatigue lasts for quite a while for me. It goes through spurts for me. Ill be tired first few days and then it comes back a week later. All i want to do is sleep. The mouth effects are horrible. Ive developed rash and blisters in my mouth after every treatment and as soon as it would start to clear up it was time for another treatment. I got the dr to call me in meds called miles mixture and also a pill. I wake up sore and with bad night sweats after my treatments. And the vaginal area is tingling and itchy at times too. So, ive been feeling the same as you. I was on AC treatment. Glad mine is done with. How many more do you have to do? Did your onc offer any other treatments or meds for your mouth or anything. The metalic taste doesnt really go away until like i said it was about time for another treatment. Totally sucks.

    take care