Radiation effects on breast

johnss Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My wife is about to get radiation on one breast.
Does the radiation change the appearance that much?
Our doctor said it gets red and will get harder. Is this true?
Does the hardness go away after 6 to 12 months?
Does it turn brown color or just a tan?
Does it ever lighten up?
I hope someone knows these answers.
Thank you in advance for your help.


  • zahalene
    zahalene Member Posts: 670
    John, I understand...
    your (and no doubt your wife's) concerns about these issues of appearance. However, I would suggest that you (or both of you, as the case may be) focus on curing your wife of cancer and forget about appearances for the time being. It is not as if the breast is an area which will be on public display and thereby cause some sort of 'public trauma' by looking different or strange. The fact that the breast is being saved is a huge blessing and you need to concentrate on leaving no stone unturned to see that it remains so, regardless of any 'inconvenience'.
    God bless.
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    I just finished radiation
    I just finished radiation (33 treatments) and have noticed very little change. The area was red but is returning to its regular shade. I thought there would be a more noticeable change. Of course, everyone is different, but it is barely noticeable. I wish your wife the best of luck in her treatments.
  • johnss
    johnss Member Posts: 2
    I apologize for sounding like I only cared about looks!!
    We have had the biopsy and lumpectomy. She is a wonderful person who I love. I only care about her getting well. The doctors have read the pathology report (we read too) and she had DCIS in stage zero with clear margins.
    We are checking to see if we can just use radiation with no drugs, the drugs scares us. Too many chances of bad side effects.
    I wish to thank anyone who take the time to help us thru this stressful time.
    This is a very good support system.
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    johnss said:

    I apologize for sounding like I only cared about looks!!
    We have had the biopsy and lumpectomy. She is a wonderful person who I love. I only care about her getting well. The doctors have read the pathology report (we read too) and she had DCIS in stage zero with clear margins.
    We are checking to see if we can just use radiation with no drugs, the drugs scares us. Too many chances of bad side effects.
    I wish to thank anyone who take the time to help us thru this stressful time.
    This is a very good support system.

    Hi John
    Just wanted to tell you that I just completed radiation (35 treatments) 2 weeks ago. Yes, there will be a degree of change in the breast, but most likely temporarily. My breast seems to be returning back to normal at a very rapid pace. It did go from pink, to darker pink, to the darkest tan I ever had. The breast did become firmer (which I understood may remain that way, but not a bad thing) and it was tender (couldn't sleep on it). Now it is just peeling as if I had a little to much sun. These things are mostly temporary and very much doable. My hubby thought I looked terrible by the end (but it didn't feel as bad as it looked) and is amazed how quickly it is returning to normal. I understand you and your wife's anxiety, but appearance of the breast is not that bad an issue to worry about! She'll be fine. Pammy
  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Ask your radiologist or his assistant
    I was given a booklet from by my radiation oncologist about the possibilites of changes and things to do to protect the radiated area from exposure to sun light (I live part of the year in Florida). The booklet was excellent and any questions it raised for me were answered by the doctor. To answer your question, it's been over one year since I had 33 radiation treatments. And, yes, there were some changes - most markedly was the tanned looked in the radiated area. But that's gone and my skin tone has returned to normal. The size of my breast has changed a bit in the last three months but the only time I'm aware of it is when I'm in the shower. But, that is one of the things the booklet tells you about - possible change in size of the radiated breast. Quite honestly, I rarely think about my radiation except to be grateful that I had it. Best wishes to you and to your brave wife. Marilynn
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    Not much difference.
    The surgery changed my breast. I had breast conserving surgery and my right breast looks perkier than my left. I finished my radiation 2 months ago and there is no difference in the color or texture of the skin. I still have a hard area where they removed tissue because it the hole was filled with fibrous tissue. My husband thinks itlooks better than my "health" breast. Good luck to you both.

  • jolenew
    jolenew Member Posts: 38
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Hope this helps
    The main thing is just to support your wife and to help her in anyway that you can.

    I haven't been done with rads long, so, I will answer your questions inre to me.

    The radiation didn't change the appearance that much of my breast.

    I got a little pink in a couple of places, just got a little red around my collarbone. My breast still is a little harder than my other one, which they say is scar tissue and will go away. So, that gives it the appearance of being bigger.

    The hardness will go away. And, some never even have the hardness. Some breasts get smaller, not larger. Everyone is different.

    My breast didn't tan as some say theirs did. I was told by my cancer center and my radiation oncologist that because their machine was so new, I wouldn't get the tan. They said that only comes with older machines.

    My breast skin looks and feels like baby's skin. The skin is beautiful, but, I took good care of it too. I used the creams and babied it.

    Hope this helps. But, talk to her rads oncologist. And, they should have a lot of literature for you to read, mine did.

    Good luck!

    Kylez ♥
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    johnss said:

    I apologize for sounding like I only cared about looks!!
    We have had the biopsy and lumpectomy. She is a wonderful person who I love. I only care about her getting well. The doctors have read the pathology report (we read too) and she had DCIS in stage zero with clear margins.
    We are checking to see if we can just use radiation with no drugs, the drugs scares us. Too many chances of bad side effects.
    I wish to thank anyone who take the time to help us thru this stressful time.
    This is a very good support system.

    you don't sound like that! You only sound like you care about your wife and enough so to get on this board and ask questions to someone who you feel might know!I admire you for that.
    Keep us posted on how your wife is doing and please let her know that we are here for her and that this board is available to her as well!
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    I also had DCIS with lumpectomy and radiation. I burned fairly badly but that all done with--I finished rads in April. My breast is brown and the nipple is still *very* pink where it peeled. Of course, it didn't peel uniformly so it's a little weird. But I figure it's still there so I'm happy. I had hardness after the surgery (January) but did not notice any after radiation. It is actually gotten softer but there is still a hematoma according to the mammography I had 2 months ago.

  • xskeetshooter
    xskeetshooter Member Posts: 169
    johnss said:

    I apologize for sounding like I only cared about looks!!
    We have had the biopsy and lumpectomy. She is a wonderful person who I love. I only care about her getting well. The doctors have read the pathology report (we read too) and she had DCIS in stage zero with clear margins.
    We are checking to see if we can just use radiation with no drugs, the drugs scares us. Too many chances of bad side effects.
    I wish to thank anyone who take the time to help us thru this stressful time.
    This is a very good support system.

    what did the doc say , for her to do the chemo too or not.
    its inportant that you go with what the doc says, chemo is scary , the on known and horror stories. but remember it effects everyone different. i am on my second treatment, so far its not that bad, they have amazing drugs for feeling sick, their amazing. good luck , ask god for strength
  • zahalene
    zahalene Member Posts: 670
    johnss said:

    I apologize for sounding like I only cared about looks!!
    We have had the biopsy and lumpectomy. She is a wonderful person who I love. I only care about her getting well. The doctors have read the pathology report (we read too) and she had DCIS in stage zero with clear margins.
    We are checking to see if we can just use radiation with no drugs, the drugs scares us. Too many chances of bad side effects.
    I wish to thank anyone who take the time to help us thru this stressful time.
    This is a very good support system.

    I am sorry too, John...
    for appearing to be insensitive to your original post.
    You are obviously a loving, supportive husband and God knows no woman should have to go through something like this without her sweetheart's total involvement. I commend you for standing by her, and I hope you will continue to allow us to be of any help we can in the process.
    God bless you both.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    I had radiation for 7 weeks and 4 boosters. The radiated tissue did burn, even though it was a very new machine, they stated if that area had ever been burned before, there is a higher chance of it burning thru radiation (mine had-I was a hippy in the 70's!). So, burn, peel, and continue burning. But nothing we can't handle. The skin, now after two years, was still much darker and thicker. Never really mattered to me, figuring anything we can do to lessen our percentage of recurrence is a good thing. Same with chemo, it may suck the big one (it does), but the alternative of possibly leaving cancer cells in the body to continue thier merry way?? No way. I think the majority of us here believe this too. Good luck with your wife's treatment and let us know how it goes for her.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    cats_toy said:

    I had radiation for 7 weeks and 4 boosters. The radiated tissue did burn, even though it was a very new machine, they stated if that area had ever been burned before, there is a higher chance of it burning thru radiation (mine had-I was a hippy in the 70's!). So, burn, peel, and continue burning. But nothing we can't handle. The skin, now after two years, was still much darker and thicker. Never really mattered to me, figuring anything we can do to lessen our percentage of recurrence is a good thing. Same with chemo, it may suck the big one (it does), but the alternative of possibly leaving cancer cells in the body to continue thier merry way?? No way. I think the majority of us here believe this too. Good luck with your wife's treatment and let us know how it goes for her.

    I just recently finished radiation treatments. My radiated breast did swell and is still swollen somewhat. But, it should go back to normal eventually. I just got a little burn near my collarbone, but, not even bad enough that it peeled. The cancer center I went to had a brand new machine, and as I was told, I did not tan. I was also told that only the older machines produce the tan on you. I started putting the creams on my skin from day one and kept using them for 2 weeks afterwords. My skin is like a baby's behind. It has never looked this good. And, I lost the hair under my arm and I have no sweat glands there, so, no need for deodorant and no shaving! So, TWO things good came out of it. lol Good luck to your wife!

  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    I haven't started my rads yet, but my thoughts and prayers are w u both. This is an excellant site for inspiration, answers and support. Keep us informed, because I know I will be learning for u both also. Katz
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    johnss said:

    I apologize for sounding like I only cared about looks!!
    We have had the biopsy and lumpectomy. She is a wonderful person who I love. I only care about her getting well. The doctors have read the pathology report (we read too) and she had DCIS in stage zero with clear margins.
    We are checking to see if we can just use radiation with no drugs, the drugs scares us. Too many chances of bad side effects.
    I wish to thank anyone who take the time to help us thru this stressful time.
    This is a very good support system.

    Cancer is scarier than drugs in my opinion....and if you read the posts of those of us who are or have had chemo, It's VERY DOABLE......they have come such a long way with drugs that take care of side effects......it isn't even like it was 5 years ago....I, personally, never had the first wave of nausea......it's no day at the beach, but not as bad as most imagine.

    I wish your wife the best.........Hang in there....
  • jikaras
    jikaras Member Posts: 58
    johnss said:

    I apologize for sounding like I only cared about looks!!
    We have had the biopsy and lumpectomy. She is a wonderful person who I love. I only care about her getting well. The doctors have read the pathology report (we read too) and she had DCIS in stage zero with clear margins.
    We are checking to see if we can just use radiation with no drugs, the drugs scares us. Too many chances of bad side effects.
    I wish to thank anyone who take the time to help us thru this stressful time.
    This is a very good support system.

    John, I had DCIS, stage zero with clear margins also. I didn't go through radiation though because I had it in both breasts and did the mastecomy.

    Good luck to you and your wife as you travel down this journey.

  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Katz77 said:

    I haven't started my rads yet, but my thoughts and prayers are w u both. This is an excellant site for inspiration, answers and support. Keep us informed, because I know I will be learning for u both also. Katz

    I finished rads the beginning of June. I had soreness and burning underneath and the radiologist prescribed some great creams. Make sure they do that for your wife. My breast has returned to normal, albeit a little smaller and misshapen after the lumpectomy. Mammo yesterday showed it was denser than it was, but I can't feel any difference. Good luck to you and your wife, and tell her she and you are in our prayers while she goes through with this.