Pooh, Is totallly Blocked

WinneyPooh Member Posts: 318
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am seeing my doctor tomarrow as a follow up to Tuesday when he told me to take a whole bunch of different kinds of laxitives and he ordered an x-ray to see about the blockage,
My Pooh is still not moving and i am really cramping, He will probally put me in the hospital,
What do they do to get thing moving? I am scared they will going and gut me, and i will come out with a coloscopy bag, I have been off chemo awaiting surgery, so i hope my mass has not grown and this is why , not the pain mets, which i have not taken since saturday,


  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Obstructions are so very painful, they start out as cramps, then the pain travels, and starts feeling like you're in labor with no meds! you can't even move, I was throwing up 5 times in an hour as well! I been hospitalized twice for these, usually they resolve itself, but if not, then surgery is what they have to do. I had a partial blockage the first time, went to the ER and they did their X-rays with me, and found the blockage, then to stop the puking, they put the NG tube up my nose and down my throat (ask for the lidocaine spray to numb that area....

    The doctors then just put me on a pain pump to relieve the horrible pain, they will give you heparin shots to avoid clotting while waiting to resolve. They basically just "wait it out" no laxatives, nothing, when 3 weeks passed by, they finally did surgery on me, the second time, I was lucky just a couple weeks ago, it resolved itself, so I was only there for 5 days. They did go through my incision that I have for my colostomy to get to the partial blockage though the first time. It's all a waiting at first. They rather would not open you up, since the more surgeries you have, the more scar tissue is formed, and the more risks for more blockages and obstructions, since the scar tissue seems to tbe the blame of them.

    I hope you feel better soon, and hope you get there before it really starts to hurt! Good Luck with it!

  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
    O Winney!
    This sounds horrible!

    I've struggled with constipation since this journey began 5 years ago. But this last week has been the worst. I started on morphine pain meds on Wednesday. I do think they can totally bung you up so don't go thinking this is your tumour! Let the scans and scopes do the diagnostic work. Don't go "borrowing trouble" as my wife would say!

    The Doctor is NOT going to "gut you" and take all your stuffing out! You won't come out with a colostomy bag. They have ways of dealing with constipation in the hospital setting and you will know sweet relief shortly.

    Here's one site with some basic information on constipation which is probably all old news to you...

    For myself, it is soup, soup, and more soup!

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Rob;in Van
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    I'm sorry Winney, I was hoping to have you laugh a poop out. I too had a blockage caused by a bowel obstruction as did Donna. She described it pretty well. I was throwing up like crazy and I also had to drink the stuff for a CT scan. This was the thick white stuff they used to use and not the Chrystal Light like they use now. It was very hard to get down and keep down. They also had to use the NG tube. A nurse told me later that if I ever needed one again to ask for a pediatric tube, they are smaller. My blockage was caused by scar tissue from my first operation so after a few days in the hospital, they had to go back in and correct it surgically. I did have my bowels shut down another time after a lung operation and they had to do the NG tube again. One thing to remember and watch out for is that while the pain meds may take pain away, they are also narcotics and they can cause the bowels to slow down. Take in mind that this was ME and not you, I had the blockage once and just slow or stopped bowels the other times. Don't put the cart before the horse, take things as they come. I hope things pass very soon.
    Thinking of you
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    PhillieG said:

    I'm sorry Winney, I was hoping to have you laugh a poop out. I too had a blockage caused by a bowel obstruction as did Donna. She described it pretty well. I was throwing up like crazy and I also had to drink the stuff for a CT scan. This was the thick white stuff they used to use and not the Chrystal Light like they use now. It was very hard to get down and keep down. They also had to use the NG tube. A nurse told me later that if I ever needed one again to ask for a pediatric tube, they are smaller. My blockage was caused by scar tissue from my first operation so after a few days in the hospital, they had to go back in and correct it surgically. I did have my bowels shut down another time after a lung operation and they had to do the NG tube again. One thing to remember and watch out for is that while the pain meds may take pain away, they are also narcotics and they can cause the bowels to slow down. Take in mind that this was ME and not you, I had the blockage once and just slow or stopped bowels the other times. Don't put the cart before the horse, take things as they come. I hope things pass very soon.
    Thinking of you

    Winney...I can say it in 5 words.......
    Warm coffee and look out..........

    Here's hoping things get better very soon, Clift
  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Hi Winney,I am really sorry
    Hi Winney,I am really sorry to hear what you are suffering.You are in my prayers.Please get well soon.Take care.Hugsss.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Winnie :(
    I'm so sorry Winnie

    I had the bowel get twisted right after my original resect surgery and was very sick with that for a few days - they almost opened me back up, but fortunately as Donna mentioned, it un-kinked itself and resolved on its own.

    I hope you do get relief, that is one of the worse feelings ever.

    My thoughts are with you.

  • grammadebbie
    grammadebbie Member Posts: 464
    Oh Winney,
    I'm sorry that

    Oh Winney,
    I'm sorry that you are having such horrible pain etc. I, like many others here have had obstructions and they are horribly painful. Hopefully it is severe constipation and they can get things moving without surgery. If they rule out obstruction they might give you enemas. They aren't that bad...anything to get things moving. I'v been on large doses of narcotics for several years now and my pain management doctor has me on a RX called Lactulose, it's a syrup and it adds fluid to your "pooh" and it really helps. Also eat dried plums/prunes everyday and lots of water and natural fiber.

    I will be praying for you. So sorry.

    God Bless you,
    Debbie (gramma)
  • WinneyPooh
    WinneyPooh Member Posts: 318

    Oh Winney,
    I'm sorry that

    Oh Winney,
    I'm sorry that you are having such horrible pain etc. I, like many others here have had obstructions and they are horribly painful. Hopefully it is severe constipation and they can get things moving without surgery. If they rule out obstruction they might give you enemas. They aren't that bad...anything to get things moving. I'v been on large doses of narcotics for several years now and my pain management doctor has me on a RX called Lactulose, it's a syrup and it adds fluid to your "pooh" and it really helps. Also eat dried plums/prunes everyday and lots of water and natural fiber.

    I will be praying for you. So sorry.

    God Bless you,
    Debbie (gramma)

    Thanks All
    I appreciate you all, I hope I have movement before tomarrow, I am having some honey in the honey pot, but not enough to amount to much.
    Hopefullyi will have a funny story to tell you all friday.

    Hugs Winney