I got a question??

Deb1969 Member Posts: 165
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ive read many posts here by women who have a mastectomy then undergo their chemo/radiation or both. What determines to remove then treat or to treat then remove. Ive just began chemo, my onc says mastectomy will come after I finish chemo. My lump is very large (PET scan says 10cm)with liver mets. I fear that what if the chemo doesnt work and cancer also spreads to my lungs, ribs. Thanks for your input. Prayers to all.


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Forgot to mention how cute the doggy is!
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Deb, chemo is often given
    Deb, chemo is often given before surgery to shrink tumors. It was offered to me, but the cancer I had was growing so fast that I did not want to wait. I have never heard of chemo beforehand not helping at all; usually, there is shrinkage of the tumor. Marcia and others here have had chemo first; you should hear from them soon.

    Again, it is unlikely that the chemo would not help at all, that the cancer would continue to grow. You might talk again with your oncologist. He or she should be able to explain to your satisfaction the benefits of getting chemo first. You need to feel more secure about what is being done, and it is his/her job to help you understand the proposed treatment plan.

    Good luck to you, and I hope that you start seeing the tumor shrinkage very soon.

    p.s. I also like your cute pup!
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    I think Re had very good advice for you. I would listen carefully to my options. I will be praying for the best.
    hugs, jackie
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    different reasons
    It all depends on size of mass, location of mass and if the onco wants to use the mass to determine if the chemo he is giving you is strong enough to destroy the mass. All of my tumors have been under 3 cm and two were located on the outer region of the breast so they were easy to remove. The second one however was my second cancer when it mast. to the chest wall and sentinel node and it was quite visible. It was not removed it was left there to see if the chemo would shrink it which it did. Had it not shrunk it they would have gone to a diff. chemo to see which would work better. Hope this has helped a bit.


  • ruthielaine
    ruthielaine Member Posts: 59
    RE said:

    different reasons
    It all depends on size of mass, location of mass and if the onco wants to use the mass to determine if the chemo he is giving you is strong enough to destroy the mass. All of my tumors have been under 3 cm and two were located on the outer region of the breast so they were easy to remove. The second one however was my second cancer when it mast. to the chest wall and sentinel node and it was quite visible. It was not removed it was left there to see if the chemo would shrink it which it did. Had it not shrunk it they would have gone to a diff. chemo to see which would work better. Hope this has helped a bit.



    Re I just read your post about your second cancer and an amazed at how easily you discuss it and how you seem so comfortable talking about it - do you mind if I ask how long it has been since that happened?
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    rjjj said:

    I think Re had very good advice for you. I would listen carefully to my options. I will be praying for the best.
    hugs, jackie

    I had chemo first because of
    I had chemo first because of the type of cancer I had (Inflammatory) and because my tumor was very large and agressive. I want to reassure you that Chemo will kill the cancer cells, believe it. I also had met to my bone and liver and they were gone after 12 rounds of chemo. I read this book called, The Anti-Cancer, a new way of life. It was very good, along with the chemo you have to also apply healthy living. I wish you the best of luck, stay positive.