"UPDATED "SURGERY Date Set for Oct 16th – Another SUNDANCE Update

I met with my new surgical onc this past week to go back over everything.
I needed to find a comfort zone and I wanted his medical opinion and input on what I should do about this surgery. All doubts have now been eliminated – he told me that the tumor has now moved INTO MY LUNG. So, it’s looking like a Thoracotomy with a Wedge Resection.
So, it’s done now finally – Surgery for me is set for Thursday, Oct 15th.
I’m bummed because I will again miss the Texas Longhorns vs Oklahoma Sooners in the annual Red River shootout at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas.
Want to know something funny? When I did my bowel resect, it was the EXACT same weekend and I missed the game that year! The irony in Life sometimes, huh? Sometimes you just gotta’ laugh about it.
So time to saddle up and take that “long ride down the hall” again. Here’s hoping that everything goes well and as planned.
Donna, hopefully “your lion” will roar again

That was so sweet! ((Chicky))
I want to talk with you guys some more this evening– can you take a few more minutes and sit here and talk with me?
I don’t open too many posts, but when I do I like to talk about things and need someone to share it with. I always look forward to hearing your replies – I mentioned in my hospital post that for me, it’s like Christmas morning just waiting to “unwrap” all of the g I f t s under the tree. Hearing replies from you guys MEANS EVERYTHING to me – it’s like food for my soul – it helps me in ways you can only imagine.
I’ve never known this many people in my life and the list keeps growing

When I came to the board, I was of course, at a different stage of my journey. I was looking for a connection and open and honest communication between each other - You guys have "delivered" on that!
I’d already traveled some of the roads many of you are going down today, so I thought my role would be to try and help, inspire and support this wonderful group of people who I just wanted to get to know and share with . I want you to know that you have ALL been that to me and so much more! (((SEMIS;))))
Just having you around for the 3rd leg of my journey is so comforting to me now. I honestly still don’t know how I faced down what I did for so long without some good friends such as you

My emotions have been boiling under the surface I guess since the re-dx and I just failed to acknowledge how I was really feeling about things and the other day when we set the surgery date, things got a whole lot “more real” very quickly. The countdown is on now. ..24 days to go. I’ve got a lot to wrap up at work and home to get everything ready.
I wanted to tell you this story – and CareGivers this one is for you too, I can never ever forget you guys and the price you pay to take care of us.
I’m guilty sometimes, well many times, of not really acknowledging how Kim feels while I’m going through this. She is one who does not like to talk about things like this – she just really cannot do it is all there is and I know accept her for that and I thank God I found the Board so I can tell you what I feel and experience.
She expects me to be strong and I have to portray that image for her so she does not lose Hope and Faith. When she sees me handling things, then it makes it easier to her.
Now this brings me to my story…I want to talk a minute about ANGER. I believe when we get the cancer diagnosis, whether it’s the 1st time or the 3rd time like me, that the emotions are always the same – and they are.
I skip past Denial and go straight to Anger – after all having been through this more than once, I know exactly how much time and effort it will take before I can get back to TODAY where I am feeling as good as I can given everything. You know the surgery itself, the hopsital stay and all that entails, healing and the resulting infections etc. than can occur. Time off from work, trying to get back to work, trying to recover and the many, many follow-up visits etc.etc.
I mean when you stick your finger in a light socket, it hurts right? We know not to do that more than once. Sadly, with surgery and cancer and fighting for our lives, we must sometimes do the things we know we don’t want to do, so we can get better and keep going.
Ok, so a day or 2 after we met with the onc, me and the honey began bickering and we got to where we could not say Hello without an argument.
But, let’s look at the underlying causes…stress…which can lead to Anger, and the emotions have to come out somewhere, don’t they?
Anyway, we were carpooling in last week and we had a few words that morning and as we drove, she said “Maybe it’s just time we get a divorce.”
I told her to pull the trigger and I would do that for her and set her free. The rest of the ride to work as in silence. We were literally 2 feet away from each other – but miles apart in our minds.
When we got close to her work, she tells me “I’ll buy you some breakfast because we are early.” So she swung by McD’s and I had a sausage biscuit with a hash brown…Buzzard, I like the biscuit and I know you like the McGriddle

When we drove up to her work, she acknowledged to me, “I know you are just ANGRY right now.” And that was a tender moment between us…she does not tell me her feelings and she was finally telling me she got it.”
I said "From a Divorce to a biscuit, huh?" Of course, she did not mean it, but my point is the CareGiver has it just as rough if not rougher than we do, and their lives are messed up equally…I know my house runs because of my wife Kim…if it were not for her, the home would not be what it is…and I would not be alive today, because she made me get the colonoscopy…and she saved my life that day.
So, when we are all angry, we are not MAD at each other – it’s just the Pain and the Cancer talking, right Jennie

Patteee told me in a post that she appreciated how I “put myself out there” for people to see, so I am just letting everybody know this story – I’m sure you have yours too! But what this lets us know, is that it is OK to have anger and feelings do come up, but we deal with them, hug each other, and get back to the battle.
I spoke about this at the hospital the other day – part of the discussion was Anger and it’s underlying causes.
And Kathleen – Aloha! This was what I wanted you to see when I posted to you the other day…you had stated that you and **** would be getting mad, sad, and the other…and I understand this…and if you’ve read this, well then you get it.
Everybody loves each other, but when stressful times come, we sometimes take it out on our significant others, because who are you going to do this too, right?
You can’t do it at work, or to your neighbors, or family members, they will all just walk away…so this is a normal feeling we all experience with Cancer…I think it’s OK to feel that way and apologize when this happens…if it is routine, then it’s not OK…but occasional slip-ups do happen and that’s what I wanted to point out.
DEPRESSION – another topic we discussed at the hospital.
Bdee (Debbie) opened a post for this and so I wanted to talk about that for a minute here.
Debbie, I think Depression is again another facet of the journey that we all face as well.
It’s also normal to have depressing feelings especially with the cancer situation. I believe more than a few days of depression can start to become not normal…for me 2 or 3 days here not feeling right, but still working, is sometimes the norm and part of the human condition.
As a society, we sometimes “over-medicate” the population – you know, take a pill for this and take a pill for that and it will all go away.
Now, first of all, I’m for depression or anxiety medication if that’s what is called for and if a person needs the help to keep them sane and moving forward. If it’s helping and not hurting, then go for it.
But, we should also acknowledge that depression is a normal human reaction to life’s issues in general and not just cancer. So, sometimes it is OK to feel blue for a day or 2 and move on.
To personally illustrate, a week or so ago I had a 2-3 day spell of depression. The feeling kept getting worse and on a Friday I came home really despondent and just had a heavy heart and just could not pull out of it.
After that, the bickering began, frustration was released, and now we’re getting along just fine. We spent the weekend in the yard cutting branches off trees and I had to secure guttering back to the house, so were again a TEAM.
Why do I mention this?
Well, it’s because I’m just letting everybody know that this is OK and there have been topics of discussion on the board and I wanted to contribute my experience to that.
So, Anger and Sadness are the first stops of the grieving process that we encounter during a diagnosis or a re-diagnosis of Cancer.
Next up, will be the FIGHT stage, where I get my mind right – to FIGHT!
And then, 24 days from now, I’ll hop up on a gurney and wait for them to “turn out the lights.” It is my sincerest wish that I “see” each of you again.
Cancer does not define me, but how I live and fight with Cancer DOES define me.
And in the event that anything happens to me and I don’t make it back here, then I want you all to know what a BLESSING that you are to me…and I’ve discovered the wonderous joys of having FRIENDS.
You are all so real to me and we know enough about each other to develop relationships and feelings for one another - mine get stronger for you every day!
You know it’s funny, I read your posts and see your pictures, and I swear sometimes “I can see your lips moving” while you talk to me

Lastly, I wanted to talk about Sundance for just a minute to show you how smart our dogs truly can be

Sadly, it has been just over a year since I lost my pal and his mama and papa still miss him so

Anyway, Sundance used to come and lay down next to me in bed. He would place his head in my colon area and he would lay there sometimes for quite awhile – we always wondered why he would do that…well I had colorectal cancer, in the spot where Sundance used to lay his head!
Then, when we thought we were ahead of the Cancer and it was behind us for the most part, he began laying his head on my LIVER on the side.
I used to joke to Kim and say, “Sundance, does your papa have cancer again?”
I was joking, but in the back of my mind I wondered…well, I wondered no more, because I had the mets to the Liver and it was big a round as a tennis ball or small orange! Can you believe that? Sundance was trying to tell us something – such a smart boy he was! Still the best thing I’ve ever done…he brought us such joy in our lives.
That’s the reason why I am SUNDANCE on the board – the care and love he gave me, I honor his memory and use his name, so I can reach out to others as he reached out to me.
I’ll open a post right before the surgery date as a reminder – and just to hear from you again – I have not been one to ask for much yet on the Board, but always gladly accept your Love, Friendship, and Support, good wishes, good vibes, or whatever is in your “medicine cabinet” to send my way.
I’m sorry my post was so long, but I do not get the chance to express myself in this manner except when I open a post – I don’t want to squash somebody else’s posts because they need their post for their feelings or questions. I just wait until the opportunity seems right and then I just try and talk with you, because I need to…we all want to feel loved and accepted don’t we?
Thank you for putting up with me and for sending some of the most loveliest words from your replies that I’ve ever read in my life…
I’ve been sad and melancholy too along with little fits of anger and frustration…I found myself going back to a couple of posts I opened and re-reading your responses and immediately I began to feel better.
You never know who you are going to touch when you post – someone posting or someone just reading – or BOTH!
I’ll close this post by adding that I echo the feelings that Buzzard and Phil talked about the other day – that Cancer does change your life for the better in more ways than you can understand right now.
I also feel it is important for the OL’ TIMERS to be here on the board and posting – leaving the light on and showing others that this “Can Be Done.”
I feel it is an honor to me personally and a responsibility to me and I’ve enjoyed sharing my life with you and you sharing your lives with me…Semi;Colons ROCK!
Canada Rob, it’s time to crank up the generator ‘cause I need to Channel the energy of the Semi;Colons again to get me to where I need to go now.
Oh, BTW, welcome home, Mags! I’ve not gotten the chance to get to know you just yet, but hope to

Well, I’m going to have a relaxing evening tonight as Arlington, Texas goes NATIONAL with the biggest event in the city’s history – the opening of Cowboys Stadium tonight @ 7pm (CST) on your NBC network – Sunday Night Football in America.
I’m just a few miles across town from the new digs and never would have figured a day like this would happen – going to be hyped like the Super Bowl tonight so even if you don’t like football, check some of the stadium out – we used to party up and down the streets where the new stadium is now – surreal

And when you think of the Cowboys – think of Arlington, Texas – and when you think of Arlington, Texas – think about your fellow semi; Craig – he LOVES YOU!
THANK YOU, my friends and family – so glad to be among you

OK, I think I’m done now…for now….but stay tuned, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel

I’m outta’ here…
Always your friend - Always in your corner!
Wow Craig
Wow Craig, what a blessing you are to all of us. Thank you for caring about each of us and for trusting us with your experiences. I appreciate the time you take to compose your thoughts and feelings.
It is good you have the date for your surgery. We will be there with you in thoughts and prayers.
You are right that we cycle through the thoughts and feelings. Things become so real and so raw. Right now we are working on one day at a time. Finding the joy in each day, smile, bit of sunshine. I find that I love to touch **** when I am close by him, just a hand on his shoulder or scratch his back a bit. Everything is precious.
Take care Craig.
Kathleen0 -
I brought you a shorter horse
Those darn saddles can be heavy and they're easier to throw onto a short horse.....
Craig, I appreciate your willingness to bring up what it's like to live with cancer over the long run. We're fortunate to be part of this board, and many people share inspirational stories, but my kudo goes to you tonight. There aren't enough ways nor phrases to say thank you. Much of what you've brought up tonight resonates for me.
Ride on friend,
Leslie0 -
Hi Craig,
I'm new here so I
Hi Craig,
I'm new here so I haven't followed your full path in this battle. I have enjoyed reading your posts, and want to thank you for taking the time to answer questions.
I'm glad you have a plan of attack and know what it is for this round. For me the hardest thing is not knowing the game plan. Once I know the plan I'm prepared to fight. From everything I've read I would say you sound like a fighter, so I expect you to win this round just like the others.
I do feel like some sort of oddball here. It is nice for you to share your feelings. I know anger and depression are a normal reaction to the dx. I haven't had either one yet. I just keep waiting for the meltdown...
Do you have anyone that can log on to your account and update us after your surgery? I know you won't be able to do it for a while with such major surgery. But we'd sure like to hear how you are doing as soon as we can.
You've got some time to get things set up before surgery so you won't have to worry about them while you recover. Make sure you also take some time to enjoy your favorite things that you won't be able to do for a bit during recovery - to hold you over till you are better again.
I'll be watching and reading - following your story, and wishing you the best.0 -
Craig, I feel speachless
Craig, I feel speachless after reading all that, and I am not one to be lost for words. YOu are an inspiration, your outlook on life is amazing and you are an exceptional person. I can relate to alot of things you said. WE ARE ONLY HUMAN.. We have to face the feelings, they will not just go away. I am sure alot of us can relate to your story and anger and depression.
I am so saddened that you have to go through all this. just know that we all respect you and your posts and have learned alot from you, you really have educated us alot, you have done what you wanted to do, but helping the semi's.. You will get this surgery done and you will recover and yes, it will take a while, you will bounce back and be ready again for whatever comes your way. I gain strength by reading your posts. I will think of you that day of surgery and send some positive energy your way. You will be ok., I guess it is just another bump in the road, why we will never know... Petrina0 -
I don't cry easily......... but this has touched me so much.
I love you Craig. Thank you for letting us be a part of your life. I am honored.
Diane0 -
Hi my dear big brother,let
Hi my dear big brother,let me share something with you since you opened this topic.Last Friday morning,me and my husband had a big fight:he said he wants to die because life doesn't make sense anymore with living a smelly bag.You know,his stupid talk made me so extremely angery,then I said,if you want to die,go somewhere else to die;if you want to die,then we divorce;you want to die in my hand,no way,I don't want to be a widow in such a yong age!Don't ruin my reputation!(I was yelling t him because I was so angery,I seldom yell)Then I still helped him get out of the shower,helped him dry his legs and helped him get dressed,then he said thank you to me and also kissed the top of my head.We made it up of course.Then he said he wants to grow old with me together.You know,sometimes the frustration and the depression make us say something we don't mean for sure.Although you always say you don't really know how we caregivers feel or think,actually you know,just because you know,you guys sometimes feel guilty or feel you bring us a bad life.When my husband says sorry to me,I just tell him that you should not worry about it,because you are still here with me,then I am happy; because you are still eating a dinner with me at our home dinner table,then I am happy;I also tell him that we are married,our marriage is a commitment.
You sure are in my prayers and I hope your surgery is going to be well done and everything goes smoothly.I know it's going to be a tough surgery,it may take you for a while to recover,but I know you can do it and you will make it just fine.
Dear Craig,we are all human,so we all live with anxiety,depression,frustration,anger and so on.This cancer makes each of us so emotional,but on the other hand,the cancer also makes our marriages,our will and faith stronger.
Thanks for the post.Best luck and best wishes to you with the surgery.Take care.0 -
Hi Craig
I don't post much...I'm having a hard time summoning positive thoughts these days. I just wanted to tell you that I've read many of your posts and you are truly a wonderful person. It's true that it's hard to find a reason for something like this and it takes a huge toll on so many parts of our lives. Thank you so much for having the courage to share your feelings. In doing so, you've made me feel not so alone in all of this.
I will pray for you and good results of your upcoming surgery.
Thanks for being you,
Elizabeth0 -
1000 emotionsmommyof2kds said:Craig, I feel speachless
Craig, I feel speachless after reading all that, and I am not one to be lost for words. YOu are an inspiration, your outlook on life is amazing and you are an exceptional person. I can relate to alot of things you said. WE ARE ONLY HUMAN.. We have to face the feelings, they will not just go away. I am sure alot of us can relate to your story and anger and depression.
I am so saddened that you have to go through all this. just know that we all respect you and your posts and have learned alot from you, you really have educated us alot, you have done what you wanted to do, but helping the semi's.. You will get this surgery done and you will recover and yes, it will take a while, you will bounce back and be ready again for whatever comes your way. I gain strength by reading your posts. I will think of you that day of surgery and send some positive energy your way. You will be ok., I guess it is just another bump in the road, why we will never know... Petrina
We all go through 1000 emotions and its when all those run their course is when we get ready for battle. After all the emotion then mad sets in, mad against a disease that is taking part of our life away. Part of our time from love ones. But, in all the emotion is the fact that we will fight it, because the survival instinct in us is so strong that even if some tend to give up the involuntary survival mode kicks in. You are another warrior so it will not defeat you either, you will not allow it. You will never have the slightest tinge that something could go awry, because it won't, you won't allow it. I have my 6 month CEA and checkup Sept 29th and office visit on the 6th of Oct. I don't expect anything but I have also learned that this disease is sneaky. Well, so are we. If it sneaks in on us, we're going to turn right around and sneak it out. We take no prisoners, this isn't a game, its a life issue, and I will be durned if cancer is taking me down. I'll be durned if it will you either. I will be blunt with you if you don't mind and say that I hear a slight negativity in your words, Craig, thats not allowed in here. You will be fine, and get your mad on so that we can get through this journey "again" and start enjoying more of what life is really about....... Living..............Your Friend, Clift0 -
Craig, we will be saying special prayers for you.
Hi Craig. We will be saying special prayers for you in South Carolina on October 15. Keep positive thoughts and know you are so special to us. You have touched me too.
Lizzy0 -
You are an inspiration to all!
I am new here and I don't know your entire story but I feel that...
You are an inspiration to everyone that reads your post. You have thought this through and are going through such a difficult time right now, but you think of your friends on this site to share your feelings and thoughts with to make everyone realize what could be expected. I am a caretaker of my husband who was diagnosed on April 8th of this past year with colon cancer, stage III, three tumors. Complete colonectomy. I am fortunate to have found this site, for support and to understand how my husband might be feeling. He doesn't really express his feelings and it is hard sometime to know exactly what he is going through. I want to make it as easy as I can for him and I try hard not to show my concern over this disease. I want to thank you for sharing your story. God Bless you and keep you safe on your next step.
Margaret0 -
your writing touches me and
your writing touches me and others. There is a cut through the crap gentleness about you that is very warm and kind. I think most of us see that and feel it. Thanks Craig, for that. You should write more, maybe you do? Do you journal?
Thanks for being a part of my experiences!0 -
Craig I"am not much for words, but you have been a godsend for me as well as alot of others.
I wish you the best of luck on the 15th and you will be in my prayers. you are always one of the first to reach out and help people. The world needs more people like you.
Thanks for all your support now and in the future because i expect to be taking advice from you 10 to twenty years from now:)
Just happy to be here!!!0 -
I don't answer many posts....Being a caregiver I am on the other side of the coin. I really cannot imagine what it is like to be on the other side, but from where I sit I don't think it is easy on either side!
I so enjoy reading your upbeat posts, you are a comfort, and a blessing to many on this board, you ralley behind everyone. After 3-1/2 years in our battle against this beast I know we have had all the same feelings, the denial, frustration, bargaining, and the anger,
for whatever reason the anger has not stuck with me. My husband once told me he thought "why me" and then he said "Why not me", I think that is when I got over the anger once and for all. There are some days when I did not figure I would ever crawl out of that depression hole, but I only had to turn to this board, and like you it has really helped more than anyone or anything to get me back on an even keel. Thank you for your posts, the encouragement, and the kicks in the butt when needed!
Always know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, and we will be talking for a long time to come!
Sue0 -
This was a big tear
This was a big tear jerker for me. I know you will fight this with all of your might. Your wife needs you, and so do we!! You are such an amazing human being, and I think we all can agree that you are the real deal. I will be praying for you non stop and will lift you up especially on the 15th. You get your game face on and get this done, you know how to do it!
God Bless you Craig, Patti0 -
You are a very precious person to me and to everyone on this board. I love the way you are so free with sharing your emotions and your experiences. It takes a real man to be able to do that.
Thank you for sharing the story of Sundance. I have read before that dogs can smell or sense cancer, but you are the first person that I actually know who has had the experience.
I'm sorry you have to go through surgery. I understand so well the dread that must be in your heart right now about having to go through that. You know we will be praying you through that day and wishing you well, each in our own way.
As I've said before, I'm not ready for you to "go to France." I'm counting on a good recovery and more uplifting words from you in the future.
Gail0 -
Wanted to add that my husband and son are watching the game, the open air dome is incredible! They both are playing fantasy football (for a trophy not money) and my son needs Dallas defense to score a touchdown. You must be enjoying the game, I hope you will go see a game in the Dome when your all better, I hear the ticket prices are outragious though. Patti0 -
My Special Lion...tootsie1 said:Lovely!
You are a very precious person to me and to everyone on this board. I love the way you are so free with sharing your emotions and your experiences. It takes a real man to be able to do that.
Thank you for sharing the story of Sundance. I have read before that dogs can smell or sense cancer, but you are the first person that I actually know who has had the experience.
I'm sorry you have to go through surgery. I understand so well the dread that must be in your heart right now about having to go through that. You know we will be praying you through that day and wishing you well, each in our own way.
As I've said before, I'm not ready for you to "go to France." I'm counting on a good recovery and more uplifting words from you in the future.
...you know you'll get through that surgery just fine, I can see you roaring on that gurney, prepared for battle, and you will win! you will come out of there just roaring, and you will see us here again, where we will be waiting to hear from you again to give us the update on how it went.
You are a truly amazing person, and I feel so pleased when I hear from you. Everyone bickers. caregivers do get annoyed; as we get annoyed being fussed over, where you just want to be left alone, but it doesn't mean we don't love each other any less, we understand we need space as well, to gather our thoughts and forget we need a caretaker at times, just like the caretakers need to go hang out and live life as well.
But please don't plan on thinking you won't be coming back, because you will be, and I wish you luck on your surgery, I'm sure you'll come out of it smelling like a rose :)a speedy recovery as well, you are always in my prayers.
I love you Craig, and look forward to seeing many more of your inspiring posts!!
{{{{Chicky Hugssssss her Lion}}}}0 -
Keep on Fightingittapp said:Dome
Wanted to add that my husband and son are watching the game, the open air dome is incredible! They both are playing fantasy football (for a trophy not money) and my son needs Dallas defense to score a touchdown. You must be enjoying the game, I hope you will go see a game in the Dome when your all better, I hear the ticket prices are outragious though. Patti
My husband is a HUGE Dallas Cowboys fan. He grew up in Tyler Texas!
You have been a wise, strong and inspirational person to so many people, you have no idea how many lives you have touched.
I will pray for you and a speedy recovery for your surgery.
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