A Blessing I recieved..

Calleen Member Posts: 411
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I posted a week or so ago about being asked to be a part of a oncotype study.. The rules were they would pay for the testing and I had to follow thier rules... When I went last Friday to sign the papers I got really emotional. I did my best to discuss with the gal my fears of this study and she told me I really really really needed to get on some meds so I wouldnt be so worried about stuff.. (she said really 3 times).. she said she's on them and she's just can't imagine not being on them now (she's not a cancer patient).. anyway I sat out in the waiting room crying and the office gals and this nurse talked back and forth about me.. The Doctor never came out or requested me to talk further.. the nurse just said well the Doctor said if you won't fully commit to this then she doesn't want you to do it... So I said ok.. they all made me feel like I was kinda nuts and that didn't set well with me... I wanted the test anyway even if it meant I was going to have to pay something for it... so they agreed to send it off.. They were also upset at me for putting off my bone scan and ct scan. I put it off on purpose since I wasn't comfortable any longer with them.. I made an appointment for a 2nd opinion with another oncologist and will see if he treats me the way I feel a doctor should treat a cancer patient. ANYWAY I got a phone call yesterday from the lab doing the oncotype testing and they said that my insurance company is paying the entire cost!!! WOW I of course started crying (I am now typing this).. I cannot tell you how blessed that made me feel!! I have been praying about this test since I found out about it and God knows what my financial status is and he answered my prayers in the best way possible...!!! So now it's 10 to 14 days before I get the results... Just in time to meet with the new Doctor...


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    If you aren't comfortable
    If you aren't comfortable with your docs, it's good you are finding another. I went with the second surgeon. I also found a good oncologist here but don't like his office staff. There were signs up warning you to check the refill amount for medication before calling to renew prescriptions. They treated me like a child when I did have to call and ask to renew a prescription. I decided the onc and nurse were good but I couldn't stand the office staff.

    Good things do happen! Count your blessings!
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    A good doctor
    I can't believe how uncaring this oncologist was. I've been so happy with all the doctors I've had to deal with. It makes all the difference in the world. You're going through enough without having to deal with a doctor who treats you like and underling. I haven't been on this discussion board for very long, so I don't know what the study is that you want to join. What is it?
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    contrail said:

    A good doctor
    I can't believe how uncaring this oncologist was. I've been so happy with all the doctors I've had to deal with. It makes all the difference in the world. You're going through enough without having to deal with a doctor who treats you like and underling. I haven't been on this discussion board for very long, so I don't know what the study is that you want to join. What is it?

    look back a few pages and it's titled "I've been asked to be a part of a oncotype study" and it explains it all.. I posted it Sept 9th or 10th...
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Calleen said:

    look back a few pages and it's titled "I've been asked to be a part of a oncotype study" and it explains it all.. I posted it Sept 9th or 10th...

    Glad it all worked out for
    Glad it all worked out for you and you moved on to a new doctor.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Hi and glad you are back posting! Do you always get that emotional before any procedures like that? Maybe it was a sign not to do it. If ya don't have bc, ya just don't know, so it's always easy to say "aw, just take a pill!" They have no idea how much we have to "take" or what has been taken from us! I guess it's just best to forgive them for their "unknown". I can't help but wonder that if a doctor gets upset because we refuse to do something or not according to their time, is it because of $$ or out of true concern over our health? You made the right decision to seek another oncologist! I need to do the same with my PCP.
    That truly was a blessing that they are going to pay for the test! That's great news! It's like an old saying, turn that frown upside down! So for the next two weeks just relax, breathe,take it easy,and keep the faith! I hope the next doctor is the right one for YOU!
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    that's awesome! I'm happy for you!Quite the blessing...
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    Some ins companies WILL pay
    Some ins companies WILL pay the entire cost. Mine won't. Only 80% because it's out of network to them. I was told many will because then if the test comes back you won't really benefit from chemo, they won't have to pay for chemo, which I understand is like 10,000 a month! I won't have my results until next Friday. For some reason the Path lab didn't send it out when my Dr. assumed that they had since he told them to in early September. When I talked with Genomic Health, that is what they told me, that my Ins would only pay 80%.They did say I could get Financial assistance if we qualified, which you probably would have if you needed it, we wouldn't. We aren't wealthy, but not considered poor. I hope your results come back that you don't need chemo and mine come back the same, then we can celebrate together!
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    lanie940 said:

    Some ins companies WILL pay
    Some ins companies WILL pay the entire cost. Mine won't. Only 80% because it's out of network to them. I was told many will because then if the test comes back you won't really benefit from chemo, they won't have to pay for chemo, which I understand is like 10,000 a month! I won't have my results until next Friday. For some reason the Path lab didn't send it out when my Dr. assumed that they had since he told them to in early September. When I talked with Genomic Health, that is what they told me, that my Ins would only pay 80%.They did say I could get Financial assistance if we qualified, which you probably would have if you needed it, we wouldn't. We aren't wealthy, but not considered poor. I hope your results come back that you don't need chemo and mine come back the same, then we can celebrate together!

    I'm so glad that your

    I'm so glad that your insurance company is paying for the onco test, and I think that your emotion at the doctor's may have been a sign that you shouldn't be part of the study. This way, you can get the treatment that you might need, if the test suggests that you should have chemo. Your treatments don't become a matter of chance.

    Sounds like you need to find a new doctor. You should be treated with kindness and compassion, not belittled. Hope you have a better experience with the next one.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    jk1952 said:

    I'm so glad that your

    I'm so glad that your insurance company is paying for the onco test, and I think that your emotion at the doctor's may have been a sign that you shouldn't be part of the study. This way, you can get the treatment that you might need, if the test suggests that you should have chemo. Your treatments don't become a matter of chance.

    Sounds like you need to find a new doctor. You should be treated with kindness and compassion, not belittled. Hope you have a better experience with the next one.


    Silly question .. Onco Test .. How much $$ is it ?
    I too requested this same test from my bc doctor ... no reply from his. Does anyone know ?

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    VickiSam said:

    Silly question .. Onco Test .. How much $$ is it ?
    I too requested this same test from my bc doctor ... no reply from his. Does anyone know ?


    Are you sitting down?
    The OncotypeDX test is only preformed at Genomic Laboratories and mine cost over $4000.00 (I can't remember exact cost, but between $4000.00 and $4500.00). My old insurance I had at the time refused to pay (they will try to submitt 3 times with more documentation each time that you need it). My new insurance said they would have covered it. My insurances switched in the middle of my treatment, go figure!
    Anyway, My score was so rare that Genomic Labs bought my sample (for the cost only....should have charged them more - ha,ha) and will freeze it for future testing on a whole bunch of other things (like altzheimers, etc). My score barely made a one (it was tested 3 times to make sure no error) yet my grade on my tumor was a three. So I guess I am an "oddity". But everyone here already figured that out by now (teehee)!! Pammy
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Hi Calleen...
    Good to see you back posting. If you are anxious to get your score...they tell you 10-14 days when they talk to you on the phone, but your Doc usually has it in about 7. I called my Doc's office everyday after 5 days and whala....there it came in the mail to them on day 7. They just laughed at me because I kept saying "my hubby is the one that carries a gun, so tell me the truth, is it there?" I bug the heck out of them when I want answers (in a very nice way!). They just laugh at me because my hubby tells them the only thing I would hurt is a spider! Even then, I make him do it! Pammy
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Are you sitting down?
    The OncotypeDX test is only preformed at Genomic Laboratories and mine cost over $4000.00 (I can't remember exact cost, but between $4000.00 and $4500.00). My old insurance I had at the time refused to pay (they will try to submitt 3 times with more documentation each time that you need it). My new insurance said they would have covered it. My insurances switched in the middle of my treatment, go figure!
    Anyway, My score was so rare that Genomic Labs bought my sample (for the cost only....should have charged them more - ha,ha) and will freeze it for future testing on a whole bunch of other things (like altzheimers, etc). My score barely made a one (it was tested 3 times to make sure no error) yet my grade on my tumor was a three. So I guess I am an "oddity". But everyone here already figured that out by now (teehee)!! Pammy

    Genomic Health told me
    Genomic Health told me 3,9067. Genomic Health I spoke with is located in Ohio. My results were supposed to be back by last Friday, but there was a stall in sending it out from the Path lab, so it won't be back until Wednesday of this week. My appointment was moved up to Friday of this week. I'm an oddity also in many things medically, so hopefully I will have a low score also! I'm having hernia surgery on the 8th, plus they are going to remove 2 tumors in my left axilla (my cancer was in the rt breast,node clear)They don't really know what the tumors in the left are, but the breast ultrasound was normal. I have neurofibromatosis, but never found out until I was 49! So that is an oddity! My benign tumors are all on the inside. apparently, I have a mild form of NF2. I had a hydatiformed mole pregnancy, carried it for 6 months, felt perfictly fine, most people with them loose them at 3 months or less and are very sick with toxemia. So, go figure.

    OH, and my General surgeon said that it is odd that I had a hernia there because I never had any abdominal surgery!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Hi Calleen...
    Good to see you back posting. If you are anxious to get your score...they tell you 10-14 days when they talk to you on the phone, but your Doc usually has it in about 7. I called my Doc's office everyday after 5 days and whala....there it came in the mail to them on day 7. They just laughed at me because I kept saying "my hubby is the one that carries a gun, so tell me the truth, is it there?" I bug the heck out of them when I want answers (in a very nice way!). They just laugh at me because my hubby tells them the only thing I would hurt is a spider! Even then, I make him do it! Pammy

    Wow .. $4K to $4,500.00 -
    I can see why my doctor and his staff looked at my funny when I requested my block get tested. Interesting .. the money involved with cancer and treaments .. blows me away. I would of never guess it cost this much.

  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Wow .. $4K to $4,500.00 -
    I can see why my doctor and his staff looked at my funny when I requested my block get tested. Interesting .. the money involved with cancer and treaments .. blows me away. I would of never guess it cost this much.


    But look at it this way, Ins
    But look at it this way, Ins companies should pay for it! Because if you get low numbers, and normally, your Medical Oncologist won't even suggest unless He/she feels you will probably come back with lower numbers. If you do, and Chemo isn't really necessary, then the Ins company saves a ton of money by not having to pay for your Chemo, which can run like 10,000 a month from what I have read.
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    lanie940 said:

    But look at it this way, Ins
    But look at it this way, Ins companies should pay for it! Because if you get low numbers, and normally, your Medical Oncologist won't even suggest unless He/she feels you will probably come back with lower numbers. If you do, and Chemo isn't really necessary, then the Ins company saves a ton of money by not having to pay for your Chemo, which can run like 10,000 a month from what I have read.

    Calleen... I just want to
    Calleen... I just want to say, that I am glad that you are seeking out a second opinion... I was not comfortable with my original oncologist either... and though changing doctors mid stream seemed to prolong the agony of waiting for a treatment decision, it was also a few curve balls thrown into the mix... the best decision I ever made for myself and my own peice of mind was that second opinion... I kept the second and threw the first to the side... I am so glad that the insurance is paying for your onco test.. mine denied it the first it was submitted, but after review they ended up paying for it... rest assured it was a relief off my mind as well....

    Wishing you the very best my friend.

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    lanie940 said:

    But look at it this way, Ins
    But look at it this way, Ins companies should pay for it! Because if you get low numbers, and normally, your Medical Oncologist won't even suggest unless He/she feels you will probably come back with lower numbers. If you do, and Chemo isn't really necessary, then the Ins company saves a ton of money by not having to pay for your Chemo, which can run like 10,000 a month from what I have read.

    Calleen... I just want to
    Calleen... I just want to say, that I am glad that you are seeking out a second opinion... I was not comfortable with my original oncologist either... and though changing doctors mid stream seemed to prolong the agony of waiting for a treatment decision, it was also a few curve balls thrown into the mix... the best decision I ever made for myself and my own peice of mind was that second opinion... I kept the second and threw the first to the side... I am so glad that the insurance is paying for your onco test.. mine denied it the first it was submitted, but after review they ended up paying for it... rest assured it was a relief off my mind as well....

    Wishing you the very best my friend.
