still tired

ElizabethK Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
It has been four months since my last herceptin treatment. Why does this fatique still linger?


  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    You've been through a lot!
    I hate to tell you this,but it's very normal. I've heard many say that it takes at least a year past treatments-for some of us even longer than that! So just try to listen to your body,and when it says it's tired and you can,sleep or just take it easy And when you feel up to it try a little exercise-a little walking perhaps! It's just going to take time...
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member

    You've been through a lot!
    I hate to tell you this,but it's very normal. I've heard many say that it takes at least a year past treatments-for some of us even longer than that! So just try to listen to your body,and when it says it's tired and you can,sleep or just take it easy And when you feel up to it try a little exercise-a little walking perhaps! It's just going to take time...

    HMM, I've been tired since
    HMM, I've been tired since before I even knew I had breast cancer. I don't sleep through the nite, my husbnd snores at times and it wakes me up,then I can't get back to sleep. I have to get up most days during the week at 5:45 to go down to my son's to get my grandson off to school. There was a man on Good morning America on Friday last week. He wrote a book called "I'm going to make you sleep" One thing he said was NO CAFFEINE after 2:00pm. He also said don't take a nap, well, when you are in our stage of the game hooey to that, I need a nap if I can get one and I'm not even getting RADS yet.
  • ElizabethK
    ElizabethK Member Posts: 10
    lingering effects of exhaustion
    It is funny that now after all I have been through, I am learning that there is continued tiredness, still a loss of appetite, and deep grief. No one warns you about the aftermath. The doctors and nurses are working so hard on getting you well, that there is no one to tell you that you are going to hurt like hell after treatment ends. My counselor is clueless I think and so is my pastor. Everyone is expecting me to bounce back to my former self. There are some days where I just don't want to do anything. I want this to pass so badly because I was so happy when my treatment ended. Thanks ya'll!
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    If you still have aches and
    If you still have aches and pains, even minor in your body you will remain fatigued. I know, I had neurosurgery in 2000, and it was a traumatic surgery, I STILL have ans WILL have lasting effects from it. Numbness all the time in my left hand, and upper back, I have to self massage my upper back several times a day because of scar tissue. So, I am sure hoping i have a low Oncotype dx score, because I don't know how I will be able to handle anymore discomforts.
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537
    Hi Elizabeth
    You know major depression can make you feel tired, not to mention what you have been thru the past year. Have they changed your antidepressant cuz if you have been on it for a year and you are this down in the dumps you should be asking for something else.

    Also, it really truly is my experience that exercise is the best form of antidepressant that there is. I know how hard it is to get up off the couch when you feel tired but truly you should try it...make yourself go for a 2 mile walk, or try some biking. You could also try yoga to strech...exercise is empowering and it helps the fatigue. I dont think I would be doing as well as I have thru chemo if I hadnt exercised prior to and during the chemo.

    Please post often...I will be worrying about you and will want to know how you are

    Linda t
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    It has been 2 months since
    It has been 2 months since my last herceptin treatment and I also am tired, I just am not the same as I used to be. I also was told that it would take a year after treatment to get my energy back. i have tried excercise, walking, shopping, dancing, and i am still tired!
  • ElizabethK
    ElizabethK Member Posts: 10
    mlmjt1 said:

    Hi Elizabeth
    You know major depression can make you feel tired, not to mention what you have been thru the past year. Have they changed your antidepressant cuz if you have been on it for a year and you are this down in the dumps you should be asking for something else.

    Also, it really truly is my experience that exercise is the best form of antidepressant that there is. I know how hard it is to get up off the couch when you feel tired but truly you should try it...make yourself go for a 2 mile walk, or try some biking. You could also try yoga to strech...exercise is empowering and it helps the fatigue. I dont think I would be doing as well as I have thru chemo if I hadnt exercised prior to and during the chemo.

    Please post often...I will be worrying about you and will want to know how you are

    Linda t

    thank you
    Hi Linda,

    Your reply hit a cord in me. I am terribly depressed so I called my pychiatrist. I was doing some walking before the weather got hot and then was swimming during the summer. I haven't started back walking yet. I feel like I am showing the signs of grief and going through the stages of it. Thank you for replying.