did first day of Rads go?

Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Lately there has been soooo much activity on here, that I am having a hard time keeping up with the boards and with what everyone has going on. So, sorry if I missed something important, never intentional.

Aurora....wasn't this your first day of rads? How did it go? are you doing with your treatments?

DMC_Emmy wanted me to tell everyone that she says hello, is very busy, and has not forgotten about anyone, and will be by soon to say hi!



  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    I'm bumping this up for the others!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    hey...check it out!
    dmc came by to say hi! ok, that just leaves updates on Aurora and Taleena!!
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    hey...check it out!
    dmc came by to say hi! ok, that just leaves updates on Aurora and Taleena!!

    Taleena's update...
    Thank you my dear friend Pammy... I too have had a very hard time keeping up on the boards lately and also apologize if I've missed out on welcoming new members... you found a great place for support and welcome now... celebrations of dancing with NED... treatments starting, or ending... you are all never far from my thoughts....

    For me this has been a long road and just isn't moving fast enough for my liking... just finished round 9 today with 26 more to go... pink started after round 6 and now I am already flat out red... from the center of my chest across my left breast, under my arm and around towards the back... looks almost like a lobster... the tech looked yesterday and commented that she was glad that I would be seeing the doctor on Monday... my nipple hurts like it's been hit with a hot poker.. okay... enough... for the most part I'm doing good...tiered... but not able to sleep well... thinking about finding something to fix that... maybe a couple of margarita's... after all, I'm not taking any meds yet... soooo... hummmm... think I'll go talk to hubby now!

    Cheers to all of you!

    ♥ & hugs,

  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    hey...check it out!
    dmc came by to say hi! ok, that just leaves updates on Aurora and Taleena!!

    Pammy you're so sweet! Thank you for asking :)

    Actually my first day was yesterday, but I was there on Wednesday too. So far they've been great, the techs have been so nice, but I won't be meeting anyone there or have any nice sisters to visit with while I wait. They are so organized that I really have to appreciate their methods.

    First appt was to go over the x-rays they did last week in the Ct scan, and introduce me to the machine that does all the work. I found out on that day that I was to walk straight in through the lobby and go straight into the dressing room, where I would find my gown in my cubby hole, and could leave my personals. After that I am to go to a small waiting room next to the rad room and wait for them to get me. That took all of about 2 minutes. I went in they took another x-ray and ran me through the drill for Thursday, and off I went.

    I did get some good news on that day though, I found out that my treatments were droped down to 26 instead of 28. I guess since they're giving me a boost at the end of each treatment I don't need to get as many.

    Thursday was pretty much the same, same tech with a new one added. I put my cream on there, as I was told to, and was on my way.

    Today was pretty much the same too, only they let me take those little clear bandaides off and gave one one more tatoo. So far I'm really impressed, I always have a new question when I get there and they are always ready to answer them. The only thing that worries me is whether or not my skin will hurt sooner or more with a booster everyday? I forgot to ask that one today, but I will :)

    I'm sorry I haven't been posting much lately, it's really is hard to keep up these
    days especially with so many new people on here, but I have been checking the boards, and saying a prayer for every new name I see, I feel bad that I haven't been able to welcome all of you but please know that my prayers are with you all.

    I finally finished setting up all my halloween isles, and believe it or not, I am already planning my Christmas tree lot! It really is so much fun, and I love my job. I've got it set up so that I take the kids to school. One at 7:30 and the other at 7:45, and then head to work by 8, I stay till 3pm and then head to rads by 3:40. By the time I'm home and the kids are too, it's all about dinner, homework, and baths. It's a long day I just hope I can do it by the end of treatments!

    Well I guess that's it for now, and I thought I'd have to watch out for Taleena!, looks like I'm the cheater now! lol :0

    God Bless,

    I'm going to go find that post from DMC, I'm so glad to hear she's doing well and checking in!
  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member
    taleena said:

    Taleena's update...
    Thank you my dear friend Pammy... I too have had a very hard time keeping up on the boards lately and also apologize if I've missed out on welcoming new members... you found a great place for support and welcome now... celebrations of dancing with NED... treatments starting, or ending... you are all never far from my thoughts....

    For me this has been a long road and just isn't moving fast enough for my liking... just finished round 9 today with 26 more to go... pink started after round 6 and now I am already flat out red... from the center of my chest across my left breast, under my arm and around towards the back... looks almost like a lobster... the tech looked yesterday and commented that she was glad that I would be seeing the doctor on Monday... my nipple hurts like it's been hit with a hot poker.. okay... enough... for the most part I'm doing good...tiered... but not able to sleep well... thinking about finding something to fix that... maybe a couple of margarita's... after all, I'm not taking any meds yet... soooo... hummmm... think I'll go talk to hubby now!

    Cheers to all of you!

    ♥ & hugs,


    I was wondering how long it would take to see any redness, because even though I've only had 2, I already feel like I have a very light sunburn. There's no redness yet that I've noticed and I thought maybe it was all in my head, I've been working so hard lately (kind like a construction worker lol)that I was just wasn't sure, plus my boosters are at the end of each treatment, haven't asked how that's gonna effect redness yet either.

    Let me know if your redness is normal or something that's just happening to you. I'd really like to know.

    Good Luck Taleena,

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Thanks for this Pammy!
    T and Aurora,

    Hang in there! I know it's not exactly the most fun in the world, but you'll get through it. The radiologist should have some good suggestions of creams and medications so you don't burn too badly. Unfortunately, it's hard to know what your reaction will be, regardless of skin type. Happy to have updates on both of you!

  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member
    mimivac said:

    Thanks for this Pammy!
    T and Aurora,

    Hang in there! I know it's not exactly the most fun in the world, but you'll get through it. The radiologist should have some good suggestions of creams and medications so you don't burn too badly. Unfortunately, it's hard to know what your reaction will be, regardless of skin type. Happy to have updates on both of you!


    Thanks Mimi
    And BTW I'm so happy to hear your bone scan went well, Sorry I didn't have time you post, but I had you in my prayers, and now I know what to drink if I every have to have one too! lol

    As always your in my prayers

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member

    Thanks Mimi
    And BTW I'm so happy to hear your bone scan went well, Sorry I didn't have time you post, but I had you in my prayers, and now I know what to drink if I every have to have one too! lol

    As always your in my prayers


    Now, I don't want to encourage drunkenness during serious medical exams! Only drink if you absolutely have no other choice. Hee hee.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    taleena said:

    Taleena's update...
    Thank you my dear friend Pammy... I too have had a very hard time keeping up on the boards lately and also apologize if I've missed out on welcoming new members... you found a great place for support and welcome now... celebrations of dancing with NED... treatments starting, or ending... you are all never far from my thoughts....

    For me this has been a long road and just isn't moving fast enough for my liking... just finished round 9 today with 26 more to go... pink started after round 6 and now I am already flat out red... from the center of my chest across my left breast, under my arm and around towards the back... looks almost like a lobster... the tech looked yesterday and commented that she was glad that I would be seeing the doctor on Monday... my nipple hurts like it's been hit with a hot poker.. okay... enough... for the most part I'm doing good...tiered... but not able to sleep well... thinking about finding something to fix that... maybe a couple of margarita's... after all, I'm not taking any meds yet... soooo... hummmm... think I'll go talk to hubby now!

    Cheers to all of you!

    ♥ & hugs,



    My best wishes that they go well for you, since you just started.


    Sigh... Rads-induced fatigue, it's like nothing else. Ten hours of heavy labor in the garden doesn't even come close... And brace yourself, because it's cumulative. So, rest/nap and take good care, whenever and as much as you possibly can.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member


    My best wishes that they go well for you, since you just started.


    Sigh... Rads-induced fatigue, it's like nothing else. Ten hours of heavy labor in the garden doesn't even come close... And brace yourself, because it's cumulative. So, rest/nap and take good care, whenever and as much as you possibly can.

    Kind regards, Susan

    That's what I'm worried about
    But I'm prepared to take a small leave of absense if it comes down to it.

    Thanks Susan
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    taleena said:

    Taleena's update...
    Thank you my dear friend Pammy... I too have had a very hard time keeping up on the boards lately and also apologize if I've missed out on welcoming new members... you found a great place for support and welcome now... celebrations of dancing with NED... treatments starting, or ending... you are all never far from my thoughts....

    For me this has been a long road and just isn't moving fast enough for my liking... just finished round 9 today with 26 more to go... pink started after round 6 and now I am already flat out red... from the center of my chest across my left breast, under my arm and around towards the back... looks almost like a lobster... the tech looked yesterday and commented that she was glad that I would be seeing the doctor on Monday... my nipple hurts like it's been hit with a hot poker.. okay... enough... for the most part I'm doing good...tiered... but not able to sleep well... thinking about finding something to fix that... maybe a couple of margarita's... after all, I'm not taking any meds yet... soooo... hummmm... think I'll go talk to hubby now!

    Cheers to all of you!

    ♥ & hugs,


    A long road and not moving fast enough: that sure describes my experience, too. Things do speed up about halfway through rads. Then the days seem to fly by.

    I am sorry that your skin is so red and painful. My doc explained that different combinations of lotions and creams work for different individuals. She did say that Aquaphor helps especially with itching, and aloe works especially well for redness.

    Susan describes the tiredness very well. I am just now beginning to have more energy. I am even annoying Joe again! During and after rads, I napped off and on all day. I take Benadryl or Zanax for sleeping. Rads are called a breeze by some, it is not necessarily so. You get plenty of rest, Taleena, and hydrate--keep drinking lots of water. A margarita now and then doesn't hurt, either!

    Take care of yourself, T.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member

    Pammy you're so sweet! Thank you for asking :)

    Actually my first day was yesterday, but I was there on Wednesday too. So far they've been great, the techs have been so nice, but I won't be meeting anyone there or have any nice sisters to visit with while I wait. They are so organized that I really have to appreciate their methods.

    First appt was to go over the x-rays they did last week in the Ct scan, and introduce me to the machine that does all the work. I found out on that day that I was to walk straight in through the lobby and go straight into the dressing room, where I would find my gown in my cubby hole, and could leave my personals. After that I am to go to a small waiting room next to the rad room and wait for them to get me. That took all of about 2 minutes. I went in they took another x-ray and ran me through the drill for Thursday, and off I went.

    I did get some good news on that day though, I found out that my treatments were droped down to 26 instead of 28. I guess since they're giving me a boost at the end of each treatment I don't need to get as many.

    Thursday was pretty much the same, same tech with a new one added. I put my cream on there, as I was told to, and was on my way.

    Today was pretty much the same too, only they let me take those little clear bandaides off and gave one one more tatoo. So far I'm really impressed, I always have a new question when I get there and they are always ready to answer them. The only thing that worries me is whether or not my skin will hurt sooner or more with a booster everyday? I forgot to ask that one today, but I will :)

    I'm sorry I haven't been posting much lately, it's really is hard to keep up these
    days especially with so many new people on here, but I have been checking the boards, and saying a prayer for every new name I see, I feel bad that I haven't been able to welcome all of you but please know that my prayers are with you all.

    I finally finished setting up all my halloween isles, and believe it or not, I am already planning my Christmas tree lot! It really is so much fun, and I love my job. I've got it set up so that I take the kids to school. One at 7:30 and the other at 7:45, and then head to work by 8, I stay till 3pm and then head to rads by 3:40. By the time I'm home and the kids are too, it's all about dinner, homework, and baths. It's a long day I just hope I can do it by the end of treatments!

    Well I guess that's it for now, and I thought I'd have to watch out for Taleena!, looks like I'm the cheater now! lol :0

    God Bless,

    I'm going to go find that post from DMC, I'm so glad to hear she's doing well and checking in!

    Hi, Aurora, and by the way I like your Halloween avatar. You are in the middle of holidays, aren't you? Finishing Halloween displays and planning Christmas. That sounds like a wonderful place to be. You make me look forward to seeing what our local Walmarts do with Christmas.

    Glad your rads are starting so smoothly. That's reassuring, isn't it? Rads will begin to tire you, as T posted, but it sounds like you're getting most of your holiday work done now.

    Good luck with your rads, and thanks for letting us know how you are doing.
