I wonder if all this is worth it..fighting her2nu when my red/white blood cells are very low

tonyah36 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi I got dianosed in Feb 09 and I had the breast removed in June 09. I am suppose to get 3 more chemo treatments but my red/white blood cells are too low. And today I learn my platelettes are suppose to be around 70 K plus and I'm down around 30 K so I can't get a chemo treatment. And I take herceptin every week. I guess I wonder if all this is worth it. I stay so sick. I've had the flu 4 times, pnemonia, and I stay so weak all I want to do is sleep. And that's difficult with me being a single mom of 4 children. Does it ever get better? I've had 6 cm kidney stones removed, spent weeks in the hospital, I eat right, take a multivitamin, drink 4 to 6 bottles of water every day and nothing I do seems to help me. Any suggestions?


  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    ((((((((HUGS)))))))) My
    ((((((((HUGS)))))))) My cousin in Calif. is feeling just as bad as you. I will pray for you and I'm sure all the gals will here pray for you.
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    Yes... its worth it...

    I know your going through a lot, but try to stay strong. Do you have anyone you could call to help you.. family or friends, so you can get some rest during the day. You have 4 kids so it has to be worth it for them. It will get better your just in a rough spot, we have all been there during our treatments.
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    Oh Tanyah
    I'm so sorry

    Oh Tanyah
    I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time. I'm on my last of 6 chemos this week and I just
    kept the count down going....3 more! 2 MORE! ONE MORE!!!! but that's hard to do when they are postponing your treatments. Can't they give you a blood transfusion to build the red cells?My whites go waaaaaaaaaaaay down like 600 out of 50000 , but they always come back up before the next treatment.Ask the Onc. if you can do something to boost your red cell count after each treatment. That's probably why you feel so bad too. Good luck kiddo....
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    ohh my Im soo sorry
    Do u get a "booster" Shot of Nulesta? That helps my white blood cells stay up. I'm also on Herceptin. I know this sounds odd, but I found if I sip lots of Gatorade or something simular, it helps better than h2o. Dehydration is a danger w chemo, in my small experience.I became dehydrated and was very sick, even though I was drinking water. Might help. Wish u had some help w ur children. Hugs and prayers.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Take 1 step at a time. 1 hour at a time. Yes, it is all worth it .. just look into your 4 children eyes anytime you feel weak or vulernable.

    All I add is that I am praying for your recovery. Please contact acs see if there are any organizations that help with child care .. someone to help you, your body and mind recover.

    Please keep us posted.

    Strength and Courage to you ..

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Welcome, Tonyah.
    You've come to the right place. You will find many wonderful individuals full of love, support and experience here. I am in the early stages of treatment but had to have a tooth extracted a couple of weeks ago and I, too, had platelets that were somewhat low. I researched the foods that I could eat to raise my platelet count and it seemed to work. The foods were salmon, tomatoes and berries, especially blueberries. Good luck and stay positive you will beat this beast!!
  • KorynH
    KorynH Member Posts: 13
    MyTurnNow said:

    Welcome, Tonyah.
    You've come to the right place. You will find many wonderful individuals full of love, support and experience here. I am in the early stages of treatment but had to have a tooth extracted a couple of weeks ago and I, too, had platelets that were somewhat low. I researched the foods that I could eat to raise my platelet count and it seemed to work. The foods were salmon, tomatoes and berries, especially blueberries. Good luck and stay positive you will beat this beast!!

    Yes it is worth it and very soon this will be behind you - don't give up please. I am here to help and so are many others here. The Herceptin is not what is making you sick. I am still getting Herceptin.
    Feel free to message me!
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    IT"S WORTH IT..........
    Ask your oncologist about the Neulasta injection that is given the day after chemo.......I had it after each infusion.........it really makes a difference......My blood work was always fantastic because of the Neulasta.....it forces your body to produce white blood cells......It can have some unpleasant side effects that can be managed with pain medication..

    Wish I could help you.........sending prayers and best wishes
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Hi Tonyah -
    Welcome and ViciSam had it right - whenever you feel like giving up, look into the beautiful eyes of your beautiful children. Then take a deep breath and fight like hell! I will keep you in my prayers. Stay strong!!!!