Bi-lateral mastectomy

ruthielaine Member Posts: 59
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Is there anyone else out there who had a choice of a lumpectomy or mastectomy and chose bi-later mastectomy? I am having the bi-later end of the month and feel I made the right decision but of course still having some doubts and crying a lot? Already had 2 lumpectomy's without clear margins.


  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    Ruthie, welcome to the

    Ruthie, welcome to the boards, but sorry that you have the beast that makes you eligible for membership. I'm particularly sorry that you've had problems with your lumpectomies and not being able to get clean margins. It's so hard to go into an operation thinking you'll be able to move forward afterwards, to find that you need yet another surgery.

    I chose to have a bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction using a DIEP procedure, instead of only a single mastectomy. I had invasive lobular cancer in my right breast in 2000 which was treated with a lumpectomy and radiation. Earlier this year, DCIS was found in the same breast. I decided on the bilateral partly because I knew that I could only have the tummy tuck once, so if I need a mastectomy sometime in the future, I would need a different type of reconstruction. I had had biopsies of the other breast, in past years, so that was another reason to have it all done at once.

    Both times, I was at peace with the decision that I made, and I think that they were the right decisions for that time of my life. (If I weren't doing the reconstruction, I probably would have chosen to save the breast with no disease, since I like original parts, whenever possible). I think that any of these options is a fine alternative, if it keeps the cancer away. And, you need to make a decision that's right for you.

    Since you are still having doubts, I would pose the question to a trusted doctor, 'how would you advise a loved one'? When I talked to my surgeon about it, she did help me work through my concerns and questions, and I then felt confident that I was making the right decision, for me.

  • l.aura
    l.aura Member Posts: 4
    Hi Ruthie;
    I was diagnosed

    Hi Ruthie;

    I was diagnosed with extnsive DCIS (stage 0) and one small tumor of Invasive ductal cancer (stage 1). I could have opted for another lumpectomy and followed it up with radiation if they got clear margins.

    However, I opted for the more aggressive rout of bi-lateral mastectomy even though there was no cancer in my other breast. I am in the midst of reconstruction with expanders in right now. I have ABSOLUTELY no regrets. I feel that i took the best route to avoid a reoccurence and cosmetically it was the right choice- once I am done. It is a scary proposition; however, I believe it was right for me. Everyone is different- so think about all of the variables and make peace with your decision.

    Good luck!!

  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    Clear margins - my goal

    I had a biopsy and then lumpectomy without clear margins. I was scheduled for a mastectomy but opted for a bilateral after I thought about it for a while. Although it was a difficult decision (and one I wish I hadn't had to make at all) I am very pleased with my results and don't regret it one bit. In my situation I felt "safer" (if that is possible) by having both breasts removed at the same time even though I didn't have any signs of cancer in the left breast. I found out after the pathology report came back that my left breast had calcifications in it that didn't show up on any tests. Calcifications in my right breast are what prompted the biopsy with the resulting DCIS in the first place.

    You need to do what will make YOU feel safe. Don't worry about what anyone else tells you for their opinion (doctors, husband, friends, co-workers, us on this site), YOU are the one who will have to live with whatever you decide. If you are comfortable with having a bilateral then go forward with no regrets. You are not alone. There are MANY people that have gone through (or will go through) what you are right now.

    Best of luck on your surgery. Please post if you have any other questions or concerns. This is a wonderful site and has been a lifesaver for me during this difficult time.
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    Wolfi said:

    Clear margins - my goal

    I had a biopsy and then lumpectomy without clear margins. I was scheduled for a mastectomy but opted for a bilateral after I thought about it for a while. Although it was a difficult decision (and one I wish I hadn't had to make at all) I am very pleased with my results and don't regret it one bit. In my situation I felt "safer" (if that is possible) by having both breasts removed at the same time even though I didn't have any signs of cancer in the left breast. I found out after the pathology report came back that my left breast had calcifications in it that didn't show up on any tests. Calcifications in my right breast are what prompted the biopsy with the resulting DCIS in the first place.

    You need to do what will make YOU feel safe. Don't worry about what anyone else tells you for their opinion (doctors, husband, friends, co-workers, us on this site), YOU are the one who will have to live with whatever you decide. If you are comfortable with having a bilateral then go forward with no regrets. You are not alone. There are MANY people that have gone through (or will go through) what you are right now.

    Best of luck on your surgery. Please post if you have any other questions or concerns. This is a wonderful site and has been a lifesaver for me during this difficult time.

    I too
    was a candidate for a lumpectomy.. but I chose to do a bi-lateral with immediate reconstruction using the tummy tissue. I also am happy with my choice. When my journey first started I had the thought of both.. but was so back and forth about it... I talked to my plastic surgeon and another trusted oncology nurse. They both listened to my arguments on doing both sides vs just one. (I knew I didn't want a lumpectomy)..

    this is what they said to me...

    My argument was I didn't want to take advantage of my situation and felt like I was being vain by doing both and coming out a bigger size... I would have never had augumentation.. So the oncology nurse said.. Listen I feel your leaning more toward both becasue of this and this.. So what you do is Make your decision STICK TO IT and LET IT GO!!!
    The plastic surgeon said "hey why not do both.. may as well get something out of having cancer..."

    I should say some of my fears were the worry of it coming back in the other breast and going through it all over again. and I didn't want to do radiation... I also thought about that I now have the insurance and what If I didn't have it in the future if it came back. I would have the same costs again and same surgery only would have to use implant.. plus using the tummy is a one shot deal... so tummy tuck + 2 bigger breasts = fabulous new body... well at least to me and that's all that counts!!! Me and my peace of mind!!!

    It is such a personal decision... and all of us on here have been where you are!!!
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    I was given the choice to do
    I was given the choice to do lumpectomy if I wanted to do chemo first. I decided to do the double mastectomy... I made my decision based on I never want to go through this again. I am 36 with stage 2b, 2 post. nodes, triple negative tumor with grade 3 cancer cells..

    I also didn't want to do months of chemo to try to shrink the tumor small enough to have the lumpectomy, my tumor size was 3.5cm at 12 o'clock on breast and I was only a big A cup. So unless the tumor was shrunk it would have left me disfigured..

    For me.... the mastectomy was the easy choice. Listen to your heart, You have to do everything possible to beat this and that's just what you have to tell yourself. Despite how hard it is.

    I joke with my friends.. I got bigger boobs and never have to wear a bra again because they are so perky.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    I chose a bilateral
    I chose a bilateral mastectomy and am totally glad that I did. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • I think you did the right thing
    I choose to do a bi-later. I didn't want to go through any of this again so, we do what we think will keep us from repeating this process. Remember, we are strong. We can do it.
  • vnaware
    vnaware Member Posts: 4

    I think you did the right thing
    I choose to do a bi-later. I didn't want to go through any of this again so, we do what we think will keep us from repeating this process. Remember, we are strong. We can do it.

    No sensation in the reconstructed breast
    I'm a BRCA1 positive. Stage IIB breast cancer in right breast. I'd a strong family history too. SO they gave me no other option but the bilateral mastectomy. I'm currently on Tissue Expanders as my chemo is going on. Once the Chemo is over, I'll have the permanent implants.

    Does any one experience the same? The breast skin is preserved and is alive but the nerves got damaged I guess.

    Good luck to you!
  • KorynH
    KorynH Member Posts: 13
    Chose Uni-lateral and glad I did
    I know this is a personal choice. My surgeon gave me the option. I was BRCA negative. I asked him what he would advise his own wife and got my answer. When you have a mastectomy you sever all the nerves between the skin and muscle. The tissue between the two is removed as is the nipple. You keep no feeling no sensation nothing whatsoever and this is permanent. I decided to not live in fear of a maybe cancer down the road. I kept the other breast and at least have that erogenous zone remaining. I am glad that I did. I can still always change my mind but once it is gone it is gone forever and you can't get it back. I had reconstruction using tissue expander and subsequent implant and while it looks natural in clothing, it is not a breast. It doesn't behave like a breast. You do not get a new breast like some celebreties would have you believe. It just isn't true. Just my 2 cents opinion but with the knowledge that it was the right one for me and many others have made a different one and are happy. Just go into it knowing everything there is to know. You cannot reverse it.