Just a little update, and where is Donna?

daydreamer110761 Member Posts: 487 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Just wanted to let you know, Nick and I had our His and Hers colonoscopies this week. He was fine - 2 small polyps, no diverticulitis, nothing at all really. Which still doesn't explain the bleeding, the doc said it was probably a hemmoriod that burst. The anesthesia didn't work well on him, he got to watch the discovery channel, and he enjoys that stuff.

Me, on the other hand, they found 5 more polyps, got 4 completely out, and wasn't sure of the 5th, so I am a proud owner of a tatoo that no one will ever get to see - lol - told the doc I'd rather have a bar code on my but! By the way - also asked for a discount since I don't have the whole colon! I have to go for another one in 6 months - joy joy. I also no have diverticulosis....now come on...that, cancer and diabetes all in one year?

Nick's ex wife was just diagnosed with breast cancer, I guess surgery will be next week for her, I directed her to this site, I assume the girls there have to be as great as everyone here!

Hope everyone is doing well today - and I don't see any recent postings from Donna - has she been around?


  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Here I am!
    That's so cute, that you and Nick get his and hers colopscopies! Sorry to hear about the polyps, just another hiccup on this wonderful (coughs) journey, I hope they did get that 5th polyp though!

    That be great to get the ex here, how sad, I hope she comes for a chat on this board, even though it's the colon board :) everyone is welcome here!

    I just got out of the hospital a couple days ago, and am on my 10th chemo treatment, no idea what plans are after the 12!

    It's always good to hear from you Sheri, did you get the bar code on your butt? LOL

    Hope to hear from you soon :)

  • daydreamer110761
    daydreamer110761 Member Posts: 487 Member
    Shayenne said:

    Here I am!
    That's so cute, that you and Nick get his and hers colopscopies! Sorry to hear about the polyps, just another hiccup on this wonderful (coughs) journey, I hope they did get that 5th polyp though!

    That be great to get the ex here, how sad, I hope she comes for a chat on this board, even though it's the colon board :) everyone is welcome here!

    I just got out of the hospital a couple days ago, and am on my 10th chemo treatment, no idea what plans are after the 12!

    It's always good to hear from you Sheri, did you get the bar code on your butt? LOL

    Hope to hear from you soon :)


    they wouldn't accomodate me....now i have a tattoo only seen by sticking a tube up my but! lol! damn....I wanted a butterfly....or the bar code, I could be a number!