Father Just got Diagnosed

One2ResqU Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My father was diagnosed with colon cancer last Thursday.

I keep thinking the worst... Everytime I think about anything related I cry.

Does anyone have any answers as to how I can stay strong for my dad.

I also want to start an awareness group in my area and help other who are going through the same thing and help raise money to find the cure. Where can I do this?
Anyone with any answers please help me.

I love my dad with all my heart and this came as such a shock as it does with most. I dont even know where to begin


  • WinneyPooh
    WinneyPooh Member Posts: 318
    Staying Strong
    Hi, Welcome to this site,
    I am Stage IV and fairly new, This is very overwhelming but the best medicine is believing you can beat this and people around you beingthere and also believing, Help your dad by reflecting a positive attitude and being suportive by taking his lead on what kind of help he needs, We all want support but we also all need to know we can handle this cancer on our ownterms, so ask your dad what he would like from you and be there with a phone call, or an email, and visits often as you can and he will benifit greatly,

    local support canbe found at the cancer foundations in your town, as his doctors office social worker wear to find support groups, many hospital offer free work out classed to people with cancer maybe your dad would like to attend them and you can go with him.

    My Dx and Prescrip, Many hugs and he'll be just fine

  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    First of
    all, take a deep breath and try to relax, and welcome to the most supportive, caring and loving family you will encounter on the Internet.

    To begin, has your father had surgery, been given a diagnosed, had a pathalogoy report done and seen an Oncologist or Surgeon yet?

    Treatments will depend upon which stage of cancer your father has been DX with. The American Cancer Society Home Page has a lot of good information on stages, treatments, side effects, chemotherapy, radation, etc., as well as the National Cancer Institute, People Living with Cancer Webiste and there are plenty of caregivers and survivors here to provide answers, guidance and a shoulder to lean on.
  • grandmafay
    grandmafay Member Posts: 1,633 Member
    Father and Support
    This is my first post here. My husband was dx with stage IV colon cancer 6 years ago today. It is also our 42 anniversary. My two grown sons and I were in the surgery waiting room when we received the news. We knew he had cancer,but we didn't think it had spread. I'll never forget the shock and numbness we felt. Since that time he has been through several recurrences, four surgeries, more chemo than we wish to count, three targeted drugs, and radiation.

    I write this because you asked about giving support. You didn't mention a mother. If she is in the picture, I encourage you to give both parents as much time as you can. Our sons and their families have been wonderful. One or both sons have been there for every surgery. Just being there is the greatest gift you can give. Do the research. Try to understand treatments. Say. "I love you," often. Our family has a very strong faith. My husband says it's PPMM (Power of Prayer and Modern Medicine) that has kept him with us this long. I would add to that family and friends. We also have a very strong and supportive church family and attend a support group. Check with the American Cancer Society. There may already be a support group in your area. Don't pressure your father to attend, but let him know if one is available. Follow his lead. Listen to his thoughts. It's ok to cry, too. We do that often.

    I didn't mean to be so wordy, but I hope this helps. My prayers are with you and your family.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I don't have much to offer besides what's already been said, except to say that if you're a religious person, praying and consulting with your minister will certainly help you cope.

    And know that we're here for you.

  • coolvdub
    coolvdub Member Posts: 408 Member
    tootsie1 said:

    I don't have much to offer besides what's already been said, except to say that if you're a religious person, praying and consulting with your minister will certainly help you cope.

    And know that we're here for you.


    Be positive
    The best thing you can do is be positive and listen. I truly believe in the power of positive thinking, it is what has gotten me through this far. I start chemo on Friday and as tough as it might be, I know it will turn out well for me. This is a very scary time, the uncertainty can drive you nuts if you let it. Just try and learn to enjoy each day to the fullest and just be there for your dad, it will help more than you know. I'm sorry about what you and your family are going through, so I will be sending positve thought and good vibes your way.

  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    You can help your dad by seeing if he needs a ride,and or company when he starts treatments.That will help alot.When he meets with the dr.s ,before the treatments start, you can help him write down the questions to be asked.Don't be afraid to ask any questions,if your not satisfied with the answers,then get a second opinion.American cancer society has support programs,see if they have any in your area,you can also check the colon cancer alliance website.You will get alot of support,and answers on this website.Wait untill your father gets the full diagnosis[stageing,etc.]then go from there,also don't pay any attention to any of the survival rates,etc.,they are all out of date.Keep a positive attitude,that will help alot.Cancer is not an automatic death sentence anymore,most of us here are survivors,if you need any advice,or anything else ,just ask.I will pray for your family.
  • pasgirl
    pasgirl Member Posts: 29
    I'm very sorry to hear about your dad. My dad was diagnosed in May being at stage 4. We had taken him to the doctor for a year and they never caught it until it was far gone. I have read numerous post on here that have given me tons of hope. Anytime you need to vent I am here as is everyone else here. I can really relate to you. God bless.
  • Janet3
    Janet3 Member Posts: 59
    Oh, I'm so sorry.
    This is truly devastating news. I know how you must have felt when you heard that news. My mom was diagnosed Stage IV on June 30, 2009. Cancer was the farthest thing from our mind. Seriously, no family history of cancer, so we had never even thought about it. I cry every single day, several times. I do try really hard not to cry when I'm with my mom. Your dad will need all the support from you he can get. Like someone else said, just follow his lead. And it's usually true with men that you have to ask them directly how you can best help them. Keep in touch with this 'family' here on the board. I am still new here but I tell you, I have been very encouraged and inspired by all the people here. You and your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Janet3
    Janet3 Member Posts: 59
    Oh, I'm so sorry.
    This is truly devastating news. I know how you must have felt when you heard that news. My mom was diagnosed Stage IV on June 30, 2009. Cancer was the farthest thing from our mind. Seriously, no family history of cancer, so we had never even thought about it. I cry every single day, several times. I do try really hard not to cry when I'm with my mom. Your dad will need all the support from you he can get. Like someone else said, just follow his lead. And it's usually true with men that you have to ask them directly how you can best help them. Keep in touch with this 'family' here on the board. I am still new here but I tell you, I have been very encouraged and inspired by all the people here. You and your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers.