Need help ..sensitive subject .. private area is raw and inflamed from constipation (5 days with mo



  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Helpful Treatments
    I am very sorry, however it common side effect.
    I used Colace capsules as Stool Softener. When Colace did not help I used Fleet Glycerin Suppositories or
    Fleet Pedia-Lax Liquid Glycerin Suppositories Laxative . For raw areas my doctor recommended Desitin or any other baby medicated ointment for diaper rash. It did help , but took several days.

    New Flower
    Thank you for sharing .. I normally think I am out of my mind with side efforts. I guess, I am just 1 of those individuals who will have bizzare side efforts.

    I will continue on the laxatives, as I never ever want 2 go 5 days w/out relief. Thank you for including additional products. Yes, I found diaper rash products helped me tremendously. I probably could of thought of this, but due to my discomfort and pain - it was difficult for me to think straight. That plus the fact that I am a dizzy bottle blond .. dangerous combo.

  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    This worked for me....
    In order to handle the problem with constipation, I began using Miralax, now available over the counter. It softens the stool so that you won't need any effort to expel the movement. Once things are under control, stop taking it. When you need it again, take it again. I still use it occasionally and it's been 20 months.

    As for the burning upon urination, I strongly urge you to drink 2 - 3 litres of water the day before, the day of and for two days after chemo. If you are receiving Cytoxan, it can be rugged on your bladder. The water therapy helps to flush the toxic residue out of the system more quickly, which helps to prevent against irritation.

    Both of these things worked for me. Good luck kiddo. Hang in there. Hugs, Marilynn
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    VickiSam said:

    New Flower
    Thank you for sharing .. I normally think I am out of my mind with side efforts. I guess, I am just 1 of those individuals who will have bizzare side efforts.

    I will continue on the laxatives, as I never ever want 2 go 5 days w/out relief. Thank you for including additional products. Yes, I found diaper rash products helped me tremendously. I probably could of thought of this, but due to my discomfort and pain - it was difficult for me to think straight. That plus the fact that I am a dizzy bottle blond .. dangerous combo.


    I am so glad you are feeling
    I am so glad you are feeling better! It isn't easy at all to think clearly in the midst of pain~ things that seem obvious ( such as diaper rash cream) just aren't! As you certainly know, that is one of the best things about this site. So many of us have insight into so many things, and as Kindred Spirits, we are quick to offer a suggestion. Or, at the very least, a cyber hug so you know you aren't alone!

    I was constipated ONCE during chemo~ and oh yeah, I never wanted to go through that again! My Dr suggested Milk Of Magnesia, and it did work. I did not have the raw soreness you experienced, though. I certainly hope that you find exactly what you need to get the relief you definitely deserve!!!

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    mgm42 said:

    This worked for me....
    In order to handle the problem with constipation, I began using Miralax, now available over the counter. It softens the stool so that you won't need any effort to expel the movement. Once things are under control, stop taking it. When you need it again, take it again. I still use it occasionally and it's been 20 months.

    As for the burning upon urination, I strongly urge you to drink 2 - 3 litres of water the day before, the day of and for two days after chemo. If you are receiving Cytoxan, it can be rugged on your bladder. The water therapy helps to flush the toxic residue out of the system more quickly, which helps to prevent against irritation.

    Both of these things worked for me. Good luck kiddo. Hang in there. Hugs, Marilynn

    Everyone experienced side effects
    no problem.
    I had two drugs: and after 4th cycle experienced all of the side effects mentioned in the books. I think managing Chemo side effects is the most critical part of the Chemo treatment. I did not work and was able to manage side effects without getting to the Emergency Room. Good luck and feel free to ask your oncologist and your sisters any time.
    Good luck with the rest of your treatments