Health Ins expiring...need advice

lvmykds3 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am a new member, just joined today. I was first diagnosed one year ago with ovarian cancer. I finished treatment for that in February then was diagnosed with colorectal cancer one month later. I have been on disability for the entire year. My health insurance coverage will be ending at the end of this month. My employer has offered Cobra at over $400 per month vs the $60 per month I was paying for regular insurance. I am not married, have no other income other than $500 disability check which covers my meds and copays and food and rent to the friend I live with. Does anyone have any advice on where to turn for further medical coverage? I am really worried that I will be without anymore medical treatment!


  • luv3jay
    luv3jay Member Posts: 533 Member
    Not sure if you're
    Not sure if you're unemployed on SS disability or your job disability. but if you're unemployed the gov't has a relatively new program where they pay 65% of your COBRA coverage for 9 months. Unfortunately, it's only if you're unemployed. That happened to me, my coverage went from $140/month to $957/month COBRA while I was on disability. I really had no choice but to return to work because I was not eligible for that program because I wasn't "unemployed".

  • Janet3
    Janet3 Member Posts: 59
    Well, I'm so sorry you have to worry about insurance at a time like this. The important thing to remember is, in most cases, you can not have a lapse in insurance coverage with a cancer diagnosis. If there is a lapse and then you get coverage it will fall under the pre-existing condition, if covered at all. The government program mentioned on the earlier reply sounds interesting. I've not heard about it but if I were you I would investigate that option. If you happen to live in Texas, I know that M D Anderson in Houston will see you and continue your treatment as long as you can agree to a payment plan. They are very flexible. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck.
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Janet3 said:

    Well, I'm so sorry you have to worry about insurance at a time like this. The important thing to remember is, in most cases, you can not have a lapse in insurance coverage with a cancer diagnosis. If there is a lapse and then you get coverage it will fall under the pre-existing condition, if covered at all. The government program mentioned on the earlier reply sounds interesting. I've not heard about it but if I were you I would investigate that option. If you happen to live in Texas, I know that M D Anderson in Houston will see you and continue your treatment as long as you can agree to a payment plan. They are very flexible. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck.

    Any of the followoing
    Prior Military Service? State Medical Insurance for low income famlies? SS?

    Good luck to you, I am in the same boat, and still working...
  • luv3jay
    luv3jay Member Posts: 533 Member
    You can research this, but this is an excerpt....

    On February 17, 2009, President
    Obama signed into law the American
    Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
    (ARRA). The Act contains legislation
    that amends the Consolidated Omnibus
    Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).
    Employees who lose group health plan
    coverage due to involuntary termination
    will now be eligible for a 65% federal
    subsidy payment toward the cost
    of their COBRA premiums. The termination
    must occur between September
    1, 2008 and December 31, 2009. The
    employee will pay 35% of the premium
    cost under the plan’s normal payment
    procedures. The entity that receives
    the 35% payment (ex.- employer, multiemployer,
    or insurer) is then entitled
    to receive the 65% subsidy as either a
    payroll credit or refund payment.
    Eligible employees may receive the
    subsidy up to nine months or until the
    individual becomes eligible for another
    group health plan or Medicare. The
    subsidy applies to both federal COBRA
    and similar state continuation coverage.
    The subsidy applies to all group
    health plans offered through continuation
    coveragcoverage except for health FSA
    Within 60 days of the Act’s enactment
    date, the group health plan must send
    a notification to those individuals who
    were involuntarily terminated since
    September 1, 2008 and who would be
    eligible for the subsidy payment. Those
    who are not currently continuing coverage
    through COBRA would be given
    a new election period that ends 60 days
    after the date of the notice. The coverage
    would be effective on the first period
    of coverage following the enactment
    date. The period of coverage for most
    plans is monthly. Thus, the first period
    of coverage following the enactment
    date will typically be March 1, 2009. If
    the COBRA election will result in a gap shall be disregarded for purposes of
    pre-existing condition exclusions. The
    maximum period of coverage under
    COBRA is not extended. The 18-month
    period of coverage would continue to
    be counted from the original qualifying
    The Department of Labor and Health
    and Human Services are expected to
    release a model notice within 30 days
    of the Act’s effective date. Going forward,
    a plan’s COBRA Election Notice
    should be revised to include an explanation
    of the eligibility, provisions, and
    conditions of the subsidy program.
    of 63 days or more, the gap in coverage
  • shrevebud
    shrevebud Member Posts: 105
    Sorry to hear this. Maybe you can get Medicaid through your state. I hope something works out for you soon. Roy
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Hello, and welcome! I don't know what type of disability you're receiving, but if it's SSI/SSA, you will automatically be accepted for Medi-Cal. You can always apply for SSI/SSA, but it's a bugger to get if you're not stage IV. If you are stage IV, you will qualify for SSI/SSA, and also get Medi-Cal.

    Hope this helps!
