Is this normal?

lolad Member Posts: 670
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a chemo two weeks ago and these past three days have been drained and just wanting to sleep. I went through this the normal period after treatment 3-6 days or so too. I was wondering if anyone else goes thru double down times between treatments. I have another chemo tuesday and am dreading having to start this cycle all over again.



  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537 Member
    Hi lolad
    What kind of chemo are you getting? I know I was pretty tired out while I was on A/C. I was doing an every 2 wks cycle as well but I did start feeling better during week 2. Maybe your hemoglobin is down which will make you tired. Also I know exercise really does help with the fatigue so if you can get out and walk, bike or do some yoga it will really help the fatigue.

    Hang in there

    LInda T
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    mlmjt1 said:

    Hi lolad
    What kind of chemo are you getting? I know I was pretty tired out while I was on A/C. I was doing an every 2 wks cycle as well but I did start feeling better during week 2. Maybe your hemoglobin is down which will make you tired. Also I know exercise really does help with the fatigue so if you can get out and walk, bike or do some yoga it will really help the fatigue.

    Hang in there

    LInda T

    I've had two rounds of chemo -- the last time, I had MAJOR fatigue on days 3 and 4, but I'm also finding that the fatigue seems to be cumulative for me, and I'm not bouncing back with as much energy as I did the last time.

    To second Linda, my oncologist has told me over and over (and OVER) that moderate exercise (he suggested walking) is the best way to fight the fatigue. He also emphasized that I need to make sure I'm consistent with exercising in the days leading up to chemo, the day of, the day after -- to not wait until I'm tired, then try to start exercising.

    So, if your chemo's Tuesday, now would be the time to try to just take short walks a couple of times a day between now and then, if you're not already doing something.

    Hope that helps,

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Hi Laura
    Haven't done the chemo cocktail yet, but I could only imagine that our poor bodies go through so much trauma doing this process it just needs time to rest! You'll have the ups and the downs. Try not to dread Tuesday and keep your sites on the countdown to recovery! Adorable girls!
    LindaT-what is A/C? I've been seeing that on here alot lately.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    I haven't had chemo so I
    I haven't had chemo so I don't know Laura. But, chemo is so hard on you, that it isn't surprising. Good luck!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Laura, hope your feeling better
    Sorry to hear you are having double down times. Remember, chemo is not the only thing contributing to your tiredness. It sorta goes with the territory no matter what treatment you are having. Your body is fighting cancer...that takes alot of mental and physical energy. But, If you need something to cheer you.....did you know you won the greatest losers? Don't know if you saw the thread I posted (sorry, it was late). If you missed it...go back and take a look as there were many congrats and instructions on claiming your prize!! Hope you start to feel better. Remember....lots of rest and extra ice-cream!!! Pammy
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Laura, hope your feeling better
    Sorry to hear you are having double down times. Remember, chemo is not the only thing contributing to your tiredness. It sorta goes with the territory no matter what treatment you are having. Your body is fighting cancer...that takes alot of mental and physical energy. But, If you need something to cheer you.....did you know you won the greatest losers? Don't know if you saw the thread I posted (sorry, it was late). If you missed it...go back and take a look as there were many congrats and instructions on claiming your prize!! Hope you start to feel better. Remember....lots of rest and extra ice-cream!!! Pammy

    Laura .. I'm with the girls on this subject
    3 chemo cocktail on Tuesday .. 5 hours .. watching TraciinLA .. spunky - Gal. I think Traci is 2 cycles ahead of me.

    Mental and physical energy all over the place.. I don't know how women work, have time for families and friends. Not to mention all the other things we do on a day to day basis. Again, where is that hand-out 'side effort' for women taking chemo cocktail. ? According to my onc .. we are all nuts, fatigue, depression, lack of memory, eating vs non eating .. part of some evil dicator's plan .. not chemo. My onc does agree that hair loss is a common side effort of chemo -- go figure.

    Exercise .. movement .. anything that will help our bodies gravited from our sofa's or beds will help. I'm not saying let's go join the navy or army tomorrow, but let's keep our mind, and bodies strong. This is my plan for the week .. if I last 1 day or 5 days, it's more than zero.

  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    VickiSam said:

    Laura .. I'm with the girls on this subject
    3 chemo cocktail on Tuesday .. 5 hours .. watching TraciinLA .. spunky - Gal. I think Traci is 2 cycles ahead of me.

    Mental and physical energy all over the place.. I don't know how women work, have time for families and friends. Not to mention all the other things we do on a day to day basis. Again, where is that hand-out 'side effort' for women taking chemo cocktail. ? According to my onc .. we are all nuts, fatigue, depression, lack of memory, eating vs non eating .. part of some evil dicator's plan .. not chemo. My onc does agree that hair loss is a common side effort of chemo -- go figure.

    Exercise .. movement .. anything that will help our bodies gravited from our sofa's or beds will help. I'm not saying let's go join the navy or army tomorrow, but let's keep our mind, and bodies strong. This is my plan for the week .. if I last 1 day or 5 days, it's more than zero.


    Thanks guys
    To comment on some things, pammy, ill go find the greatest loosers post and my treatment is A/C. I had to chuckle on whoever made the comment on adorable girls, one is me in there. haha. Its me and my baby girl megan. Made me feel good though that i was called a girl. hehe. Thanks again, i guess ill do that walking.

  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    My cousin in Calif went
    My cousin in Calif went through this like you, times when she felt energetic and others she felt like cr^p, so I'm going on how she felt. She is not doing well now, and any prayers would be appreciated. I talked briefly with her last evening and she wasn't feeling well, she said she meets with her Drs again next week coming up as to what they will do next. She has had numerous transfusions and given blood and platelets. So, yes, she definately went through down times.
  • Tyari
    Tyari Member Posts: 36
    lanie940 said:

    My cousin in Calif went
    My cousin in Calif went through this like you, times when she felt energetic and others she felt like cr^p, so I'm going on how she felt. She is not doing well now, and any prayers would be appreciated. I talked briefly with her last evening and she wasn't feeling well, she said she meets with her Drs again next week coming up as to what they will do next. She has had numerous transfusions and given blood and platelets. So, yes, she definately went through down times.

    On A/C aswell
    I'm on A/C every 2 weeks next treatment is thursday. I've only had one so far, but I've noticed I've had good and not so good days. I get tired easily. But as everyone else has said keep movin'!

    Take Care
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    lolad said:

    Thanks guys
    To comment on some things, pammy, ill go find the greatest loosers post and my treatment is A/C. I had to chuckle on whoever made the comment on adorable girls, one is me in there. haha. Its me and my baby girl megan. Made me feel good though that i was called a girl. hehe. Thanks again, i guess ill do that walking.


    It was me!
    Oh My! Glad I can made you feel good and gave you a chuckle! You look like a teenager in this picture! Wow!
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Laura, Fatigue is a common side effect of chemo.....I finished 4 weeks ago and just 3 days ago did I finally feel like I had energy and felt normal, the first time in 4 months! .....Just in time to start rads on Thursday,which causes fatigue, too! I was told that by the time I finished my last chemo I would feel like a "wrung out dishrag" and I did! The effects are all cumulative. And after the last one I did have "rebound" effects the third week, which is usually when I felt the best. I was fortunate in that when ever I felt tired or sleepy, I just went to sleep....My oncologist told me that rest was really important but also if I felt like it, take a walk and if not, don't worry about it. AND DRINK DRINK DRINK plenty of water or what ever......... Are you taking the Neulasta injection the day after chemo?
    Hope you're feeling some better today.....
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I was mildly sleepy the
    I was mildly sleepy the afternoon after the first Neulasta - I blamed it on the fact I had to get up a LOT earlier than I normally get up. I had A/C on Wed. and didn't get tired until Sunday afternoon and was tired til Tuesday afternoon - after that I was back to usual. This time I had the Neulasta given an hour later (still early for me) but I still got sleepy that afternoon. Waiting now to see if I get tired this afternoon (2nd A/C was last Wed.).

    Dr. T. told me to do as much as I felt like. When it came to what to do exercise wise, the only thing he told me not to do was to start training for the Boston Marathon - NO PROBLEM! As I'm older, I have no little ones around to keep me active but I do have horses that definately keep me going. I have put more time in on them since I started chemo but haven't 'worked' quite as much - in other words, have just enjoyed the time more and not worried about trying for 'perfection'. Hubby and Son have taken over some of the heavier work for me and are quite capable (and ready) to do anything they need to.

    Hang in there!

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Rague said:

    I was mildly sleepy the
    I was mildly sleepy the afternoon after the first Neulasta - I blamed it on the fact I had to get up a LOT earlier than I normally get up. I had A/C on Wed. and didn't get tired until Sunday afternoon and was tired til Tuesday afternoon - after that I was back to usual. This time I had the Neulasta given an hour later (still early for me) but I still got sleepy that afternoon. Waiting now to see if I get tired this afternoon (2nd A/C was last Wed.).

    Dr. T. told me to do as much as I felt like. When it came to what to do exercise wise, the only thing he told me not to do was to start training for the Boston Marathon - NO PROBLEM! As I'm older, I have no little ones around to keep me active but I do have horses that definately keep me going. I have put more time in on them since I started chemo but haven't 'worked' quite as much - in other words, have just enjoyed the time more and not worried about trying for 'perfection'. Hubby and Son have taken over some of the heavier work for me and are quite capable (and ready) to do anything they need to.

    Hang in there!


    I had my sick days about the
    I had my sick days about the 3rd day after AC treatment. I would feel tired and a bit sick for about 3 days and then I would kinda bounce back. I had this treatment every two weeks. I am now on Taxol and will have this every week now for 12 weeks. This is not as bad so far. I am just tired.
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    Hi... I did 4 treatments of
    Hi... I did 4 treatments of AC and 4 treatments of taxotere... and some time I would feel terrible the entire two weeks( while on ac) or 3 weeks ( while on T).. and other times It would only last a week...

    Chemo just likes to play wicked games on your body... I was never on a pattern on which days I knew would be bad... It would come and go like a storm.. I would have some days I could feel great and out of no where I would get hit like a ton of bricks..

    How many treatments have you had... It will build up on you too... your body is not going to respond the same on treatment 1 as on treatment 4...
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    Hi... I did 4 treatments of
    Hi... I did 4 treatments of AC and 4 treatments of taxotere... and some time I would feel terrible the entire two weeks( while on ac) or 3 weeks ( while on T).. and other times It would only last a week...

    Chemo just likes to play wicked games on your body... I was never on a pattern on which days I knew would be bad... It would come and go like a storm.. I would have some days I could feel great and out of no where I would get hit like a ton of bricks..

    How many treatments have you had... It will build up on you too... your body is not going to respond the same on treatment 1 as on treatment 4...
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    what you're feeling is totally normal!I would feel okay for a day or so,then go downhill for a few days,have 2 or 3 okay days,and then back to the drawing board!
    So my advice to you is sleep when your body says that you are tired,and when you feel up to it,do a little exercise like walking!
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    lanie940 said:

    My cousin in Calif went
    My cousin in Calif went through this like you, times when she felt energetic and others she felt like cr^p, so I'm going on how she felt. She is not doing well now, and any prayers would be appreciated. I talked briefly with her last evening and she wasn't feeling well, she said she meets with her Drs again next week coming up as to what they will do next. She has had numerous transfusions and given blood and platelets. So, yes, she definately went through down times.

    Hope your cousin feels better soon and that all of these transfusions and such will start helping her recover!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member

    what you're feeling is totally normal!I would feel okay for a day or so,then go downhill for a few days,have 2 or 3 okay days,and then back to the drawing board!
    So my advice to you is sleep when your body says that you are tired,and when you feel up to it,do a little exercise like walking!

    I agree....
    The day after infusion was my 'hampster on a wheel' day from the pre-chemo meds. Then, day 2 was good in the morning, but by afternoon I was flagging. These 2 days I worked (I'm self employed, so I needed to). Then, day 3 was nasty...I stayed on the couch all day, except when I was in the toilet. Morning of day 4 I fixed a pan of crescent rolls, ate 3, then, for lunch, I had a bowl of thai fried rice. Day 5 (which was Monday for me), I was back at work, and eating large amounts of protein...a BIG turkey sandwich was my lunch.

    I napped when I needed it, and treated my body like an old friend...never feeling badly about resting or saying 'no'...this is a limited time, and it's important to treat yourself well during it, so you have the best chance of living a long, healthy life after...

    Hugs, Kathi