ostomy bag

injuredbyDaVinci Member Posts: 35
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I'm new and would like to talk to some one via post about ostomy appliances. I have to wear a bag as the result of an accident. I have a few questions if you would like comply please answer me. Thanks


  • mommyof2kds
    mommyof2kds Member Posts: 519
    Ask whatever questions you
    Ask whatever questions you need, lots of people will offer good information. Petrina
  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member

    I don't have an ostomy but there are others on the board that do and I am sure they would help you. In the interim I have seen that others looking for information about ostomies find lots of assistance at the United Ostomy Associations of America forum. You can find it at:

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    I have an ileostomy and can answer most any question you have. I am now starting a whole new appliance because previous one wasn't working well so I'm in a new adjustment but you can still ask away.

    Also try this wonderful site, UOAA.org (United Ostomy Association of America). This site is dedicated to ostomoies and they have very knowledgeable people on there.

    Good Luck!

  • Questions
    I have an ileostomy and can answer most any question you have. I am now starting a whole new appliance because previous one wasn't working well so I'm in a new adjustment but you can still ask away.

    Also try this wonderful site, UOAA.org (United Ostomy Association of America). This site is dedicated to ostomoies and they have very knowledgeable people on there.

    Good Luck!


    Dear Kim,
    Thanks for the good info. I'll have check it out. Like I said , I have an ostomy bag as the result of an accident. I had prostrate cancer and had the DaVinci (robotic) surgery to remove my prostrat gland. While the doctor was doing this he poked a hole in my rectum. As a result, I became very, very ill. They said I almost died. I had developed sepsus, I thing that is how it is spelled. After almost 2 more weeks in the hosp. and finally coming to my senses, They had put an ostomy bag on me. What a surprise. I'm sure like others, I had no idea how to deel with it. They tought me how to use it before I went home as I'm sure they do everyone. It's a heck of an experience, Isn't it. I know most people who have these have it forever. At least mine is reversable. You can't talk to some one about this unless they have one to. Kim, I think these things are discusting, but I guess it you want to live you just have to put up with it. I use a one piece bag which has to be cleaned out several times a day. I had a home health care nurse for about a month after getting out of the hosp. She said you can learn to control your bag, but I haven't figured that one out yet. Meaning making it work when you want it to. Mine is more active in the morning, but not all the time. I never know what or when to expect activity. The reason I wear a one piece bag is because of where my stoma is located. I'm not fat by any means, but my skin folds right below the stoma and a two piece bag would not stay on. It's amazing all the different sizes and shapes of bags they make. I pretty much stay close to home. I feel more comfortable deeling with my situation here. I do go out, but not far or for very long. Kim, if this makes any sense at all to you, thanks. I just wanted to get a few things off my chest because I have been very depressed. Thanks again
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Dear Kim,
    Thanks for the good info. I'll have check it out. Like I said , I have an ostomy bag as the result of an accident. I had prostrate cancer and had the DaVinci (robotic) surgery to remove my prostrat gland. While the doctor was doing this he poked a hole in my rectum. As a result, I became very, very ill. They said I almost died. I had developed sepsus, I thing that is how it is spelled. After almost 2 more weeks in the hosp. and finally coming to my senses, They had put an ostomy bag on me. What a surprise. I'm sure like others, I had no idea how to deel with it. They tought me how to use it before I went home as I'm sure they do everyone. It's a heck of an experience, Isn't it. I know most people who have these have it forever. At least mine is reversable. You can't talk to some one about this unless they have one to. Kim, I think these things are discusting, but I guess it you want to live you just have to put up with it. I use a one piece bag which has to be cleaned out several times a day. I had a home health care nurse for about a month after getting out of the hosp. She said you can learn to control your bag, but I haven't figured that one out yet. Meaning making it work when you want it to. Mine is more active in the morning, but not all the time. I never know what or when to expect activity. The reason I wear a one piece bag is because of where my stoma is located. I'm not fat by any means, but my skin folds right below the stoma and a two piece bag would not stay on. It's amazing all the different sizes and shapes of bags they make. I pretty much stay close to home. I feel more comfortable deeling with my situation here. I do go out, but not far or for very long. Kim, if this makes any sense at all to you, thanks. I just wanted to get a few things off my chest because I have been very depressed. Thanks again

    Sounds like you have a colostomy vs. my ileostomy. Not much difference except they made yours out of the big intestine and mine out of the small. I will have much more output each day than the colostomy because my food tends to pass right through. It doesn't have time to digest in the big colon. I use a two piece so mine is drainable almost anywhere. I think you need to revisit an ostomy nurse. You shouldn't have to be restricted to your house because you are afraid of having to empty it. If you can be fitted for a one piece, you can be fitted for a two piece. I know that draining it in public is not my favorite thing to do either but if I have to I will.

    What you are talking about "controlling" it is called irrigation and it is something that an ostomy nurse would have to teach you. Some people can go days without having to "go to the bathroom" so to speak. Irrigation is only possible with a colostomy, not an ileostomy. Irrigation is not for everyone though so you need to speak with a qualified person.

    I am sorry that this has happened to you, but you have to look at it as it saving your life, not a death sentence. It takes some time to adjust to this new "normal" way of having bowel movements. I know your frustration and you thinking it is disgusting, but look at it as temporary like you said. Mine is a reversal also and I've had mine since the end of March (should have it reversed in November I think). I've named it and talk to her if she is acting up or if she just isn't having a good day. It's not something I ever dreamed of having as part of me, but now it is. My husband seemed to accept it faster than I did.

    Your feelings are so normal and don't feel bad about it. See I knew several months before I had my surgery that I was going to have one (only thought mine was going to be permanent and ended up being temporary), so I went to that site I suggested to you, plus I started going to Ostomy meetings and both of those places helped me so much. I'm going to an ostomy meeting on Sunday. You need the support. I hate to hear that you are depressed, but it is understandable. You were dealt something that you weren't expecting. Maybe get on an anti-depressant until you feel better about it or it is reversed.

    If you have any other questions, please just ask. I'm here to help you if I can.

  • Colostomy
    Sounds like you have a colostomy vs. my ileostomy. Not much difference except they made yours out of the big intestine and mine out of the small. I will have much more output each day than the colostomy because my food tends to pass right through. It doesn't have time to digest in the big colon. I use a two piece so mine is drainable almost anywhere. I think you need to revisit an ostomy nurse. You shouldn't have to be restricted to your house because you are afraid of having to empty it. If you can be fitted for a one piece, you can be fitted for a two piece. I know that draining it in public is not my favorite thing to do either but if I have to I will.

    What you are talking about "controlling" it is called irrigation and it is something that an ostomy nurse would have to teach you. Some people can go days without having to "go to the bathroom" so to speak. Irrigation is only possible with a colostomy, not an ileostomy. Irrigation is not for everyone though so you need to speak with a qualified person.

    I am sorry that this has happened to you, but you have to look at it as it saving your life, not a death sentence. It takes some time to adjust to this new "normal" way of having bowel movements. I know your frustration and you thinking it is disgusting, but look at it as temporary like you said. Mine is a reversal also and I've had mine since the end of March (should have it reversed in November I think). I've named it and talk to her if she is acting up or if she just isn't having a good day. It's not something I ever dreamed of having as part of me, but now it is. My husband seemed to accept it faster than I did.

    Your feelings are so normal and don't feel bad about it. See I knew several months before I had my surgery that I was going to have one (only thought mine was going to be permanent and ended up being temporary), so I went to that site I suggested to you, plus I started going to Ostomy meetings and both of those places helped me so much. I'm going to an ostomy meeting on Sunday. You need the support. I hate to hear that you are depressed, but it is understandable. You were dealt something that you weren't expecting. Maybe get on an anti-depressant until you feel better about it or it is reversed.

    If you have any other questions, please just ask. I'm here to help you if I can.


    Thanks for sending me to ostomy site. That is more like what I was looking for. Your help was great. I know we are not doctors, but you seem very knowledgeable about this subject. I have had my ostomy since mid June. I went to the colo-rectal dr. this morning. He in handling my case now. I have to see him again in about a month. He says if all goes well my reversal might take place in the next 6 weeks. He also said that I can expect to spend about 3 days in the hosp. and about 2 weeks to recover. Is this what you know about reversal recovery times. We live in the mid west and are snow birds. I hope I get put back together in time so we can go to Fla. We also have three little girl grand babies(triplets) and they miss their grand pa. Thanks again for all your help. You have been more than kind.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Thanks for sending me to ostomy site. That is more like what I was looking for. Your help was great. I know we are not doctors, but you seem very knowledgeable about this subject. I have had my ostomy since mid June. I went to the colo-rectal dr. this morning. He in handling my case now. I have to see him again in about a month. He says if all goes well my reversal might take place in the next 6 weeks. He also said that I can expect to spend about 3 days in the hosp. and about 2 weeks to recover. Is this what you know about reversal recovery times. We live in the mid west and are snow birds. I hope I get put back together in time so we can go to Fla. We also have three little girl grand babies(triplets) and they miss their grand pa. Thanks again for all your help. You have been more than kind.

    The reversal recovery time is nothing compared to colorectal surgery. I'm not sure what the DaVinci surgery you talked about is so I'm not sure about your previous recovery time. 6 more weeks doesn't seem long at all to wait for your reversal. I am waiting to finish chemo, then I go back to colorectal surgeon, and then he will schedule me for reversal. We live in MI so I know about wanting to head south for the winter. We were supposed go this past January but I found out I had cancer so, of course, we didn't go. Congratulations on the triplets and hope you have a wonderful time in FL this winter.
