New to the Websight

contrail Member Posts: 129
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just got on to this websight last night and began reading some of your discussions. I'm so glad I found you, because it's great to have women to talk to that have been there and done that and know what it's all about.

I was diagnosed on December 2nd of 2008, had a mastectomy on December 23rd. I've had 8 rounds of chemotherapy ending on May 6th, then had 30 radiation treatments ending on July 2nd. I guess you can say I've had the works. I'm now taking Tamoxefin for the next five years and am waiting to have reconstructive surgery sometime in October, if everything has healed from the radiation. I'm getting quite anxious about the surgery. My plastic surgeon has told me I will most likely have a flap surgery, because there was tissue damage from the radiation and an implant was not recommended. It's a very long surgery and I'm concerned about my reaction to the anesthesia. I've had problems in the past with it, and even though I came through the mastectomy without any bad effects, I am nervous. I also would like any feedback from any of you who have gone through this surgery. How long was your recovery time and what can I expect as far as pain, etc. Thanks for any feedback and again, I'm glad I found you.


  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    Just wanted to say WELCOME to the best site ever. For support and from a site full of people with so much knowledge. I'm sure someone will answer your questions. I am still doing chemo and have 7 more treatments to go before I have surgery. So I will be interested in any info out there also. Hugs, Diane
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    welcome! I didn't have a full mastectomy or have to have reconstruction myself-so can't help you there.
    Let the doctors know about your problems with anesthesia. Hopefully they can help with that!Several ladies on here have had or are going to have reconstruction and I know they will jump at helping you out!
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411

    welcome! I didn't have a full mastectomy or have to have reconstruction myself-so can't help you there.
    Let the doctors know about your problems with anesthesia. Hopefully they can help with that!Several ladies on here have had or are going to have reconstruction and I know they will jump at helping you out!

    I had
    A double masectomy with immediate reconstruction using the tram procedure 7 weeks ago. I am very happy with the results. I too was VERY terrified of the antisteisa.. I was terrified of not waking up. I not only woke up but never got sick... My first meal was liquids but the next time they said I could have anyhting I wanted. I went for potatoes and gravy just in case... I had a morphine pump the first night then had them disconnect it. I didn't have any pain that to me needed such a strong narcotic. I was uncomfortable and sore.. I think I must have a high tolerance for pain... I had a hard time getting around for about 1 1/2 weeks. after that I was good. the worst part is the annoying drains and sleeping elevated on my back for 2 weeks.
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    Calleen said:

    I had
    A double masectomy with immediate reconstruction using the tram procedure 7 weeks ago. I am very happy with the results. I too was VERY terrified of the antisteisa.. I was terrified of not waking up. I not only woke up but never got sick... My first meal was liquids but the next time they said I could have anyhting I wanted. I went for potatoes and gravy just in case... I had a morphine pump the first night then had them disconnect it. I didn't have any pain that to me needed such a strong narcotic. I was uncomfortable and sore.. I think I must have a high tolerance for pain... I had a hard time getting around for about 1 1/2 weeks. after that I was good. the worst part is the annoying drains and sleeping elevated on my back for 2 weeks.

    Thanks to all of you for the welcome and especially to Calleen for the help and understanding of my fears. Being put under for 6-8 hours is a scary thought. I'm sure I'll be all right, but the thought of not waking up is in the back of my mind. Every time I've had to have anesthesia, it's taken me forever to wake up. I had to have some stints put in my tearducts in July (effects of chemo). The surgery took 45 minutes, and getting me awake enough to send me home took four hours.

    Calleen, you are a real hero. You sound like you're doing great and you sound very positive. Keep it up and thanks again for your feedback. I'll let you know how things go with my surgery when I have it.
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    contrail said:

    Thanks to all of you for the welcome and especially to Calleen for the help and understanding of my fears. Being put under for 6-8 hours is a scary thought. I'm sure I'll be all right, but the thought of not waking up is in the back of my mind. Every time I've had to have anesthesia, it's taken me forever to wake up. I had to have some stints put in my tearducts in July (effects of chemo). The surgery took 45 minutes, and getting me awake enough to send me home took four hours.

    Calleen, you are a real hero. You sound like you're doing great and you sound very positive. Keep it up and thanks again for your feedback. I'll let you know how things go with my surgery when I have it.

    Thank YOU BUT.. There are so many on here alot braver than me (including YOU)!! I have not yet had to have chemo and to me going through that is much more deserving of bravery!!!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Contrail, welcome!
    I just wanted to welcome you to the best site with the most awesome people that really do care and have knowledge to help through this journey. I'm also just in the chemo stage right now and will be doing rads down the road. You've come to the right place!
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    MyTurnNow said:

    Contrail, welcome!
    I just wanted to welcome you to the best site with the most awesome people that really do care and have knowledge to help through this journey. I'm also just in the chemo stage right now and will be doing rads down the road. You've come to the right place!

    I hope all is going well with your chemo treatments. I was so scared when I went for my first treatment. I had heard so many horror stories. I didn't have as bad a time as I thought I would. I found if I stayed ahead of any nausea and took the meds on a regular basis I did okay. I had my bad days, but in general it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I likened it to the first trimester of being pregnant. I'm just glad it's behind me.
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    contrail said:

    I hope all is going well with your chemo treatments. I was so scared when I went for my first treatment. I had heard so many horror stories. I didn't have as bad a time as I thought I would. I found if I stayed ahead of any nausea and took the meds on a regular basis I did okay. I had my bad days, but in general it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I likened it to the first trimester of being pregnant. I'm just glad it's behind me.

    Welcome, Contrail! We are
    Welcome, Contrail! We are here to support you throughout, so let us know what is happening.
    I have had numerous surgeries (not all have been cancer-related) & have had severe vomiting afterwards-for days, actually. And when you are vomiting, you cannot hold down any medication and you are moving around in ways that are not helpful in healing.

    However, for my last 2 surgeries, I told the doctors of my problem with vomiting and they did everything they could to stop the problem. I had anti-nausea meds and everything was OK.
    I think that the anesthesia & the techniques used have improved greatly over the years.
    Good luck.

    Hugs & prayers headed your way....