Question on feet swelling.

Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had so far 4 rounds AC and Just started last week Taxol & Hercepiten. My ankles swelled up really bad. Had second round today, nurse called doctor and she said as long as the swelling went down she is not to concerned, however I am to call if this continues. Did anyone have this problem ???


  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    I did not have swelling.
    I did not have swelling. Just want to know that I am here with you, Kat. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • mberg
    mberg Member Posts: 62
    I have not had this problem, but I know it can happen with the herceptin. Did you have a muga scan before you started ? I know there are some heart related side effects that can cause feet swelling/water retention. I had a muga scan before starting, and am having a second tomorrow to make sure nothing has changed. I think I will have one every 2-3 months until I am finished. My onco is watching closely to make sure I don't get any major swelling at every office visit. It is something to make sure your dr knows about. monica
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    No, I did not have swelling...
    But I do know that it is a common chemo side effect. Ankles, feet, hands, etc. ... As long as your nurse informed the doctor, and he's not seriously concerned at this point - please, don't worry. However, do keep them (nurse/doctor) informed of any significant changes - or, if the swelling does not subside. Take care.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    mberg said:

    I have not had this problem, but I know it can happen with the herceptin. Did you have a muga scan before you started ? I know there are some heart related side effects that can cause feet swelling/water retention. I had a muga scan before starting, and am having a second tomorrow to make sure nothing has changed. I think I will have one every 2-3 months until I am finished. My onco is watching closely to make sure I don't get any major swelling at every office visit. It is something to make sure your dr knows about. monica

    Thanks to all. Yes I did
    Thanks to all. Yes I did have 2 scans so far. One before we started Chemo with AC and then one 2 weeks ago before we started Taxol and hercepiten.