Getting just Fluorouracil and Leucovorin for stage IIA

CessnaFlyer Member Posts: 110
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Sorry if I’m asking too many questions. I’m new to all this and after I ask one question I think of something else. Anyway here’s the first question I started treatment on Thursday, which consist of just Fluorouracil and Leucovorin for once a week for six weeks and then two weeks off and then we do it again for a total of four cycles, or for 32 weeks. I have stage IIA colon cancer. Don’t want to second guess the doctor but want to make sure this is the right treatment. I’ve heard that some get Oxaliplatin also, but I’m not getting that.


  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    good question :)
    and I don't

    good question :)

    and I don't know. :)

    the way my doctor has described it has been, it depends on the staging of the cancer. Mine was 3- and pretty much the standard, across the board for stage 3 is 5FU, oxil and leucovorin. Every 2 weeks for 6 months.

    stage 4 they are looking at longer term so usually the above and then others as needed.

    stage 1, is nothing.

    stage 2 where you are at- and stage 2A to boot- I have seen some variety in the treatment, I know of some who don't even get chemo. I know my doctor in explaining it before I was staged said that evidence was pointing to even stage 2 benefiting from chemo. A friend of a friend was dx'd 2A over a year ago- and her oncologist let her chose- she went on oral chemo, took it two times and didn't like the side affects, so she quit,with her oncologist support. I haven't heard of weekly, then a break, then weekly for a total of 32 weeks. But ya know, why not? 5FU has a long history in treating colon cancer- and maybe you are on weekly cause you aren't on oxil? Oxil is the one that kicks buttocks, one couldn't have chemo weekly if it involved that.

    I guess what I am trying to say, lol, I think your treatment is fine- just another variation on the wide variety of treatment options. When in doubt though, ask your oncologist- s/he may have some wonderful answer about why they are doing it this way! :)
  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    Stage II
    I was DX in 2006 with Stage II Colon Cancer; no lymph node involvement and no signs of spreading to other organs. According to my Oncologist, the industry standard at that time was FLOFOX which conists of 5FU, Lecovorin and Oxyiplatin (sp?). This regime was given to me every other week for a total of 12 treatments and/or 6 months. They called it adjuvnt therapy and/or an insurance policy to make sure there were no microscope cancer cells that remained.

    I received my treatment at City Hospital in Marintsburg, WV which is owned by West Virginia University.
  • TxKayaker
    TxKayaker Member Posts: 176
    nudgie said:

    Stage II
    I was DX in 2006 with Stage II Colon Cancer; no lymph node involvement and no signs of spreading to other organs. According to my Oncologist, the industry standard at that time was FLOFOX which conists of 5FU, Lecovorin and Oxyiplatin (sp?). This regime was given to me every other week for a total of 12 treatments and/or 6 months. They called it adjuvnt therapy and/or an insurance policy to make sure there were no microscope cancer cells that remained.

    I received my treatment at City Hospital in Marintsburg, WV which is owned by West Virginia University.

    Need Advice
    My onc told me last week that I could forgo the 12th treatment because at # 9 you are 90% done anyway. I start my 9th treatment today and was wondering if anyone else has been given this information.
  • johnnybegood
    johnnybegood Member Posts: 1,117 Member
    TxKayaker said:

    Need Advice
    My onc told me last week that I could forgo the 12th treatment because at # 9 you are 90% done anyway. I start my 9th treatment today and was wondering if anyone else has been given this information.

    been there
    done know i think there is a conspiracy going treatment was oxy and 5fu pump for 12 treatments.although my onc would not decrease the oxy she did stop my treatments at 10.she said 10 has been proven to be just as effective as 12.on another thread on this board someone had mentioned their onc told them 8 was just as effective as 12.who knows any more.all i know is after 10 treatments of the poison, i have been done since july 16 2009 and having really bad neuropathy in my hands,feet and now going up my legs.i think this is all a guessing game and we are the ones who have to pay the price.good luck to you and Godbless.....johnnybegood
  • hewittr
    hewittr Member Posts: 4
    Hi Cessna Flyer
    I was diagnosed with stage IIA colon cancer in January 2009. I had my 10" of my sigmond colon the 1st of February. The onolcogist that I initially saw left it up to me but said that because I had my 50 year colonoscopy a year earlier and came away with everything looking fine and then one year later I had a 7" tumor....I should consider adjunt chemo for six months. My lympth nodes were all clear and nothing had spread. All of my tests CEA were normal (even on the day of my surgery my CEA was 1.95)! My suregeon saud he didn;t think chemo was necessary.

    I had no idea what to do. I had no one in my family who had ever gone through cancer or chemo!!!

    I chose to do chemo....FOLFOX. Fluroroural, Leucoovorin and the Oxaliplatin. I was one week on and one week off. I carried a pump for two days on my treatment week. I did not handle it well. My symptoms were many. Nausea...given three different meds, nueropathy (sp?) fingers, toes & mouth. Mouth sores, FATIGUE, leg pain....I felt horrible. After three treatments, I was given a referral to see another oncologist. She took me off chemo, I had the port removed two weeks later. It is now September. I feel fine. I have trouble sleeping and my fingers and mouth numbness come and go. They tell me this could be one knows.

    I go every three months for blood tests (CEA), every three months for CT scans and once a year for a colonoscopy. I don't know if I made the right one can tell me for sure. I know I felt that I would fight the fight when I needed to but this was not the time. I was told I could undergo chemo and the cancer could show up again or I could not and it could show up again. I guess I will take one day at a time and hope for the best. I am 53, healthy, eat healthy (no red meats) lots of fruits & veggies, athletic and busy. I worry all the time and I am scared with every ache and pain. Not a life I thought I would be living. I do know that the people I have met on this road have been amazing. I am forever changed.

    I don't know if my story has answered your questions but talk to your doctor...get a second opinion if necessary. Do whatever it takes to be comfortable with your choices.

  • TxKayaker
    TxKayaker Member Posts: 176
    hewittr said:

    Hi Cessna Flyer
    I was diagnosed with stage IIA colon cancer in January 2009. I had my 10" of my sigmond colon the 1st of February. The onolcogist that I initially saw left it up to me but said that because I had my 50 year colonoscopy a year earlier and came away with everything looking fine and then one year later I had a 7" tumor....I should consider adjunt chemo for six months. My lympth nodes were all clear and nothing had spread. All of my tests CEA were normal (even on the day of my surgery my CEA was 1.95)! My suregeon saud he didn;t think chemo was necessary.

    I had no idea what to do. I had no one in my family who had ever gone through cancer or chemo!!!

    I chose to do chemo....FOLFOX. Fluroroural, Leucoovorin and the Oxaliplatin. I was one week on and one week off. I carried a pump for two days on my treatment week. I did not handle it well. My symptoms were many. Nausea...given three different meds, nueropathy (sp?) fingers, toes & mouth. Mouth sores, FATIGUE, leg pain....I felt horrible. After three treatments, I was given a referral to see another oncologist. She took me off chemo, I had the port removed two weeks later. It is now September. I feel fine. I have trouble sleeping and my fingers and mouth numbness come and go. They tell me this could be one knows.

    I go every three months for blood tests (CEA), every three months for CT scans and once a year for a colonoscopy. I don't know if I made the right one can tell me for sure. I know I felt that I would fight the fight when I needed to but this was not the time. I was told I could undergo chemo and the cancer could show up again or I could not and it could show up again. I guess I will take one day at a time and hope for the best. I am 53, healthy, eat healthy (no red meats) lots of fruits & veggies, athletic and busy. I worry all the time and I am scared with every ache and pain. Not a life I thought I would be living. I do know that the people I have met on this road have been amazing. I am forever changed.

    I don't know if my story has answered your questions but talk to your doctor...get a second opinion if necessary. Do whatever it takes to be comfortable with your choices.


    Treatment w/ 5FU
    On my 9th treatment. I have been lucky so far my only side effect is the lack of sleep and the cold sensation. I think I will make the 12th treatment to be sure in my on mind. I hope to have my colon re attached in November.
  • Mchapp
    Mchapp Member Posts: 95
    I'm a stage 11 B
    I was diagnosed on June 4, 2009 as a stage ii B (93 lymph nodes negitive and no organ involvement - but it did preforate thru the colon wall)....started treatment on July 20th with Folfox ( the 3 drugs for colon cancer - leu, oxi and 5-fu)....I am 43 and they are treating me as a 20 year old...
    I go every 2 weeks (like most of the other postings) and come home with the 5-fu pump for 2 days...I do not have as many of the side effets - I do get the cold "zing" inthe fingers for 5-7 days post treatment, and the fatigue from day 3-5 - so naps in the afternoon are a must..but no nausa, constipation or mouth sores...I have completed treatment #4....I did get neutrapenia (low white and neutraphil counts after treatment #3) so neulasta will be added 4 days after treament - to keep them up....
    I drink 2 liters of water every day - and even more onthe day before treatment - I eat small meals every 2-3 hours vs. 3 large meals a day - and I do not eat red meat any longer - really lots of veggies and fruits and well as exercise 5 hours a week...just walking.
    I also did the genetic tests - which I got the results yesterday and they were negitive!! Another good outcome for my children!
    I have learned many things from this discussion board - so check here regularly to see what others are doing for treatment as well as pro-active food choices and just the added friendship thru your journey!!! Remember - it's not a race!
  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    TxKayaker said:

    Need Advice
    My onc told me last week that I could forgo the 12th treatment because at # 9 you are 90% done anyway. I start my 9th treatment today and was wondering if anyone else has been given this information.

    I had heard this via the
    I had heard this via the oncology nurses and was excited to think I could get done sooner. I mentioned it to my onc after treatment #8 (which by then I was totally done with oxil) and he frowned, looked confused and said, "The recommended treatment is 12, I never just give 8". Maybe I worded it wrong with him, but even after telling the onc nurses this, they were like, well, that isn't right! Strange- at any rate I was done with oxil after #8 and really chemo without oxil is like a breath of fresh air, it is like a sunny day after the storm, it is like heaven after hell, it truly is a wonderful thing....