Iife changing,please read.

ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Thanks everyone for putting up with me wanting to change my mind about Chemo.I really appriatte it.I know I have to fight this beast with everything I got.And I will do this for me and my family and friends.I relizese I could have worse things happen to me then chemo.Even though I know it won,t be easy.Sat. I had a life changing exCperiace,I will never forget.I was watching my 5yr. old grandson who is my buddy, but is very mischivius.I had just checked on him a few minutes before this and he was playing in his room.about 10 minutes later I was 2 rooms away from him.I smelled smoke,I jumped up and he came running to me and said their is a fire MaMAW.I said where he pointed toward my bedroom.I told him to stay back .I opened the door and the blaze was over my head.I run and got water like 3 times and got it out.He is the only child my daughter will probly be able to have.him and me both got out of this unharmed.The room has smoke damage and it burnt one wall some.The reason i am telling this is I am so gratful that god was in the picture and we are ok.if he would have gotten hurt I trully don,t know what I would do.And I thought how much I had been dreading Chemo and dreading lossing my hair and brows.Believe me I don,t look forward to it of course.but my life would have been so horribly worse then BC. if something would have happened to my grandson.I will try to stop wienning as much and just be thankful.Its hard to believe how quick something can happen.I should add that he found matches and struck one and had droped it on my house shoe.the shoe had burnt to the floor and started burning up the wall.Thank you for listning.if you have children give them a extra hug today.how precious they are to us.God Bless you.(Pat)


  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425

    Looks like God was trying to give you a little nudge about having chemo, huh? Your hair and your eyebrows will grow back. Your daughter and your grandson need you around - no matter what you look like. To them you will simply be Mom and Mamaw (hair or not).

    I'm glad neither of you were hurt. Take care.
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    Thank you for sharing your
    Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I, too, am feeling a little down right now--feeling sorry for myself, etc., but your close call does put everything into perspective.
    BC is a tough thing to have, but losing a loved one in a fire is far worse. Thank you again for "jogging" my brain.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Pat .. Wow ...
    I am so glad that you & your grandson are ok.. Chemo now seems a little less scary. As very welll stated .. hair and eyebrows will grow back .. Family can not be replaced.

    Good luck .. God's watching over you ..

  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    VickiSam said:

    Pat .. Wow ...
    I am so glad that you & your grandson are ok.. Chemo now seems a little less scary. As very welll stated .. hair and eyebrows will grow back .. Family can not be replaced.

    Good luck .. God's watching over you ..


    Close call
    Pat, the was a close one! God surely was watching over both you and the child. It's wonderful that you both were not injured...or worse! And when you have finally calmed down, you can start planning how to redecorate the bedroom good as new...another distraction, to keep your mind off the chemo. I know it was a tough decision, but now that you've made up your mind...go full speed ahead. Your family needs you! Gracie.
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537 Member
    Wow Pat
    What an experience that must have been for you!! It puts losing hair and eyebrows into perspective doesnt it? And you know what else? It truly makes you realize just how fragile life is and how we have to fight for every moment.

    You can do chemo...YOU CAN and we will help you!

    Linda T
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member

    Close call
    Pat, the was a close one! God surely was watching over both you and the child. It's wonderful that you both were not injured...or worse! And when you have finally calmed down, you can start planning how to redecorate the bedroom good as new...another distraction, to keep your mind off the chemo. I know it was a tough decision, but now that you've made up your mind...go full speed ahead. Your family needs you! Gracie.

    Thanks Gracie
    Hi,your right.God was watching over me and my grandson,as he always does.And I am figuiring out what color to do my room in.It may be a little while though.My cruise is comming up and then chemo.That will give me a little time to figuer it out.And yes their is no looking back now.Chemo it is.I pray your feeling ok,I know you have allot to deal with.And you take time to make people like me feel better.God bless you.If you ever need to talk I am here for you.God Bless you.(Pat)
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Wolfi said:


    Looks like God was trying to give you a little nudge about having chemo, huh? Your hair and your eyebrows will grow back. Your daughter and your grandson need you around - no matter what you look like. To them you will simply be Mom and Mamaw (hair or not).

    I'm glad neither of you were hurt. Take care.

    a little nudge.
    Your so right about that.And that is how I feel about it.Thanks and God Bless you.(Pat)
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    mlmjt1 said:

    Wow Pat
    What an experience that must have been for you!! It puts losing hair and eyebrows into perspective doesnt it? And you know what else? It truly makes you realize just how fragile life is and how we have to fight for every moment.

    You can do chemo...YOU CAN and we will help you!

    Linda T

    Thanks Linda.and your so right.Life is so fragile and we have to fight this battle.And yes I will do this.I so appriatte your replys.Ihave thanked God many times that me and my little Grandson is ok.Take Care.Love and Prayers.(Pat)
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Oh Pat, thank goodness you
    Oh Pat, thank goodness you and your grandson are alright. And yes, it sure puts things in perspective doesn't it?? But you know what???? You can still come here and whine with the rest of us. We'll know how you really feel :)

    Bless you too Pat
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Pat I am so very happy that even though there was a fire scare everyone is okay. I agree it is things like this that help us to see the things a bit clearer. Chemo is no fun but doable, and your daughter and little grand one need you.


  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    RE said:

    Pat I am so very happy that even though there was a fire scare everyone is okay. I agree it is things like this that help us to see the things a bit clearer. Chemo is no fun but doable, and your daughter and little grand one need you.



    Pat, I am so glad that
    Pat, I am so glad that everything is ok now. Wow, that was scary I bet. You have too much to live for, you fight the beast with everything!

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member
    susie09 said:

    Pat, I am so glad that
    Pat, I am so glad that everything is ok now. Wow, that was scary I bet. You have too much to live for, you fight the beast with everything!

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣

    Oh Pat
    I just saw this post, I'm go glad that you and your grandson are okay. I think that would of really freaked me out, but it really does put things in a different light doesn't it? With the cancer we have the opportunaty to fight back, and control our outcome, but with a sheer accident everything can be taken out of our hands in a spilt second. How very scary.

    I'm so glad that this was a life changing experience for you and that you turned it into something positive, and that you will be fighting your BC with all the fight you have in you!
    I know you've also had second thoughts about doing the chemo, but you and I know that's just the fear that comes and goes. You're going to do just fine with chemo and it will be over in no time.

    Since the first day we met on here, I have watched as you have become stronger and stronger in this battle. I'm so proud of you! I hope you have the best trip ever!

    Take Care Pat, it obvious God is watching out for you,
    Lots of love, your friend,

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