
ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi,i thought i had made my mind up to get the chemo.starting Sept.22.The closer it gets i do n,t know if i made the right decision.I woder,d if i could have some input from you on this websight.Right now I have a 18% chance of recuring Cancer without the Chemo.It drops another 7% with the Chemo.I would still have radiation and the pill for 5yrs.I like you dread the chemo side effects.Your coments would be appriatted.would you do the chemo for this percent less?Thank you.(Pat)


  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    none of us can make you do this,it's your choice,but I personally would do the chemo(and I have done it)! It is doable-it isn't fun,that's for sure,but you can and will get through it if you should decide to.And the side effects like losing your hair and anemia are temporary.If I have to(and I hope I don't),I would do it all over again! At least for me,because I made it through the first time,I realize that I can do it again if need be!
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member

    none of us can make you do this,it's your choice,but I personally would do the chemo(and I have done it)! It is doable-it isn't fun,that's for sure,but you can and will get through it if you should decide to.And the side effects like losing your hair and anemia are temporary.If I have to(and I hope I don't),I would do it all over again! At least for me,because I made it through the first time,I realize that I can do it again if need be!

    There are several combinations of chemo drugs people get and some have more side effects than others. I had 12 weeks of taxol/herceptin and it was VERY doable. I'm a chicken ... but once I had the port installed my fears of needles was pretty much gone. Then the only thing I was afraid of was nausea ... and I had absolutely NONE of that with my chemo. They give you drugs to prevent all kinds of side effects.

    When the doctor told me I'd need chemo I almost ran out of the room ... but then I realized that I had to do what I had to do ... and I DID it. I'm still having herceptin every three weeks until March. As with the surgery ... I just had to trust that the doctor knew what he was doing and I had to trust his judgement. So if the oncologist said I needed chemo ... I got it.

    It really is amazing how strong we can be when we have to be. I still can't believe what I've experienced the past few months ... but I did it.

  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    What regimen do they want
    What regimen do they want you to do? Some are rougher than others, and I would think with your low stats yours wouldn't be too bad. I'm on TAC for 6 treatments and it's one of the harder ones.BUT , I only have to do 6 treatments, every 3 weeks and I'm on the last one!!!!Yay! SO, no it wasn't pleasant, and some people have to do 8 treatments or go every 2 weeks, or do herceptin for a year. I would do everything in my power the first time to kill it
    and hope that's it. If it cme back anyway.....I'd think twice about the chemo again....
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537
    Hi Pat
    To me anything I could do to lessen my chances of recurrence I would do. Chemo is a short period of time and if I could gain another 7 percent I would take it. I just finished 4 rounds of adriamycin/cytoxan which is tough chemo and have 3 more cycles of taxol/herceptin then herceptin for a year. I am doing all I can to prevent a recurrence. I dont want to have it come back again in 5 years and hate myself for not doing all I could to prevent it.

    You will have to decide for yourself...chemo hasnt killed me yet, but the cancer still might.

    Hang in there

    Linda T
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    My own opinion, i would do it. If there is a higher chance even 1% than do it. Its not something any of us want to do. The nausea meds they give you help you from being sick. The hair will grow back. The side effects i have had are not nearly as bad as i thought they would be. But its medicine that fights the beast and to me worth it. Im not trying to talk you into doing it, just telling you how i feel. You have to be the one to make that final decission. Good luck take care

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    chemo i will be having.
    Hi everyone.Thanks for your reply.I appriatte it.Between your replys and having my gut feeling to have it,I will be having Chemo.when i was watching my 5yrs. old grandson yesterday i had a nightmare of an exsperiance.He is my boy but he is very mischivest.he was playing in his bedroom ,I had checked on him maybe 10 minutes ago,I was like two rooms away and i smelled smoke.I jumped up and he came running to me and said their is a fire.He had went in my bedroom and stricked a match and droped it on my house shoe.Thank God he came to me and got away from the fire.i got the fire out thank God.We are ok ,their is damage to the walls.The fire was clear over my head when I got in their.He could have been hurt really bad.the reason I am telling this is i relize how lucky i am he is ok.Their are allot worse things then me having Chemo.I don,t know how i would have got through it if something would have happen to him.he is the only child my daughter will most likly have and my first grandchild.God really spared us i am straightning up no questions i will have the chemo.I will be going to the makeup party weds. and leaving for my cruise sun.when I come back I will have 3 days and start Chemo.Your right any percent even one is worth having it.Thanks everyone of you.your always in my prayers.(Pat)
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    ppurdin said:

    chemo i will be having.
    Hi everyone.Thanks for your reply.I appriatte it.Between your replys and having my gut feeling to have it,I will be having Chemo.when i was watching my 5yrs. old grandson yesterday i had a nightmare of an exsperiance.He is my boy but he is very mischivest.he was playing in his bedroom ,I had checked on him maybe 10 minutes ago,I was like two rooms away and i smelled smoke.I jumped up and he came running to me and said their is a fire.He had went in my bedroom and stricked a match and droped it on my house shoe.Thank God he came to me and got away from the fire.i got the fire out thank God.We are ok ,their is damage to the walls.The fire was clear over my head when I got in their.He could have been hurt really bad.the reason I am telling this is i relize how lucky i am he is ok.Their are allot worse things then me having Chemo.I don,t know how i would have got through it if something would have happen to him.he is the only child my daughter will most likly have and my first grandchild.God really spared us i am straightning up no questions i will have the chemo.I will be going to the makeup party weds. and leaving for my cruise sun.when I come back I will have 3 days and start Chemo.Your right any percent even one is worth having it.Thanks everyone of you.your always in my prayers.(Pat)

    Wow! I'm glad that you are all alright! Hope you have a good time on your cruise!
  • cindy north
    cindy north Member Posts: 9
    Just as I started my chemo there was a long article in the paper about the use of ginger for nausea. It is recommended for sea sickness and has been used in Germany for many years for nausea. I called my doctor and he approved it so I got the purest organic form I could find. I would take two - two days before my treatment and three the day before. I only got sick once, but did continue to take the ginger for a few days after treatment. I really believe it helped me. Good luck.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Just as I started my chemo there was a long article in the paper about the use of ginger for nausea. It is recommended for sea sickness and has been used in Germany for many years for nausea. I called my doctor and he approved it so I got the purest organic form I could find. I would take two - two days before my treatment and three the day before. I only got sick once, but did continue to take the ginger for a few days after treatment. I really believe it helped me. Good luck.

    Cindy North .. what a wonder alternative to medication
    Thank you so much for this information. I am going to try this ..
