Flu seaon

tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
With the flu season upon us I was wondering who gets flu shots.
I have never had the flu in my 45 years on earth and never had the flu shot and have worked in medical offices or in the public for almost 3/4 of my life.

I don't really want to get a flu shot if I don't have to. Last year they were giving them out at work for all employees and I did not get one. All of the ladies in my office that got a flu shot got sick--but I never caught anything--not even a cold in three years.

I always have Jake get one and he hates me for it--but that is what a mother is for and then shortly there after forgets the shot and still loves you.



  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    I was told by the Regional
    I was told by the Regional Breast Care nurse where I had my mammo and biopsies to get both flu shots, the regular and the swine flu and the pneumonia shot. But I'm almost 60, so maybe that's why. I got the regular one the last several years, when I worked for free, and then through a Community program. so I've NEVER paid for one. I've never had anything more than fatigue for a day or so.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    I will be asking my onc .. on Tuesday .. 9/8
    Thanks for the heads up.. If I can, I will probably take both flu shots..

  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    I asked my onc. last week about the flu shot and he said no because of me being on chemo. They inject you with the live virus. So I guess I'll stay away from everyone, LOL, Hugs, Diane
  • mberg
    mberg Member Posts: 62
    flu shot
    I just wanted to mention that the flu shot is a dead vaccine, it's the flu mist nasal spray vaccine that is a live virus. I asked my onco on thurs and he said GET THE FLU SHOT!he would have done it in office,but he didn't have it yet. I work in a hospital and will be getting mine tues. As always though check with your dr. I get a flu shot every year because I am constantly exposed to sick people. monica
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537
    Hi Margo
    I work in home health and get the flu vaccine every year. They really push it at where I work. I asked the staff at chemo on friday and they said that since I am on chemo it has to be timed specifically in the cycle. I have a hunch that I will need the H1N1 vaccine as well. The regular flu vaccine is a dead virus so the liklihhood that you would get the flu from the vaccine is minimal. If you have allergies to eggs, feathers or thimerisol which is an additive in the vaccine you shouldnt get the vaccine. Anyone who has respiratory issues should probably get the shot. I dont know about the H1N1 vaccine.

    By the way, how did you do with your echo? Are you able to get back on the herceptin??

    Just wondering how you were doing
    LInda T
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Hi Margo
    I was told to get the flu shot ASAP and when the H1N1 vaccine is out, I'm to get that one as well. It is a DEAD virus, however, you can still catch the flu for 2 weeks after you take the shot. So still be carefull during that incubation period. I was told normally they would not push it, but this year they are expecting it to hit hard. I have been through enough and certainly do not want to battle the flu if it is avoidable or at least minimized by getting the vacine. I guess I am all about erring on the side of caution from now on. Pammy
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    I wonder if those of us
    who are a few years out of treatments should get both shots as well?
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    mlmjt1 said:

    Hi Margo
    I work in home health and get the flu vaccine every year. They really push it at where I work. I asked the staff at chemo on friday and they said that since I am on chemo it has to be timed specifically in the cycle. I have a hunch that I will need the H1N1 vaccine as well. The regular flu vaccine is a dead virus so the liklihhood that you would get the flu from the vaccine is minimal. If you have allergies to eggs, feathers or thimerisol which is an additive in the vaccine you shouldnt get the vaccine. Anyone who has respiratory issues should probably get the shot. I dont know about the H1N1 vaccine.

    By the way, how did you do with your echo? Are you able to get back on the herceptin??

    Just wondering how you were doing
    LInda T

    My echo
    My echo came out the same as last time for the ejection fraction so I was able to have my Herceptin treatment. I will have another echo one week(18th) prior to my next Herceptin treatment(24th) to make sure it is still the same.

    Thanks for asking.

  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537

    My echo
    My echo came out the same as last time for the ejection fraction so I was able to have my Herceptin treatment. I will have another echo one week(18th) prior to my next Herceptin treatment(24th) to make sure it is still the same.

    Thanks for asking.


    Hey Margo
    I have been thinking about you alot and am so relieved you can get your herceptin. Im glad they are watching you closely.

    Let us know how you do...and thanks for all the jokes

    Linda T
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I haven't had the flu since
    I haven't had the flu since I was in high school and have only taken the flu shot a very times and I would think/bother to get one this year - IF I hadn't started chemo. I'd just trust my immune system to protect me as it has all these years (I'm 63), but thanks to chemo it isn't up to 'full strength' so I'll give it the boost to help.

    The H1N1 ('new' swine Flu) shot is a different matter - in my mind. It is being rushed through (to my thoughts) and I can't forget the Swine Flu shots in 1976. As I was active duty - I had no choice about rather I got it or not. Several of us asked why did they have so many ambulances lined up outside the theatre as we entered if it was just another shot and were told that it was just protocol as the shots were being given away from the med. facility. Thankfully, I had no problem but a friend died from it, another had serious neurolgic issues that ultimately killed her several years later. There were others who were hospitalized for varing periods of time but did recover from it. This was among those who were in the group I was in only. Hubby was deployed at the time and there were also many problems for those who got the shot - no deaths though on his boat. I've read/heard in some places that those of us who are old enough to have had the '76 Swine Flu shot may have at least some immunity to the current one so I'm going to talk with Dr. T about it. I'm really worried about getting the new shot but probably will if he says to. I'd get it IF I didn't have the memories of '76 BUT - - - -.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    lanie940 said:

    I was told by the Regional
    I was told by the Regional Breast Care nurse where I had my mammo and biopsies to get both flu shots, the regular and the swine flu and the pneumonia shot. But I'm almost 60, so maybe that's why. I got the regular one the last several years, when I worked for free, and then through a Community program. so I've NEVER paid for one. I've never had anything more than fatigue for a day or so.

    My oncologist wants me to
    My oncologist wants me to get both shots as soon as I can. I will probably get the regular flu shot, but, not sure of the H1N1. I don't think it has been tested long enough. But, we will see. I hope we all go flu free this season!

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Rague said:

    I haven't had the flu since
    I haven't had the flu since I was in high school and have only taken the flu shot a very times and I would think/bother to get one this year - IF I hadn't started chemo. I'd just trust my immune system to protect me as it has all these years (I'm 63), but thanks to chemo it isn't up to 'full strength' so I'll give it the boost to help.

    The H1N1 ('new' swine Flu) shot is a different matter - in my mind. It is being rushed through (to my thoughts) and I can't forget the Swine Flu shots in 1976. As I was active duty - I had no choice about rather I got it or not. Several of us asked why did they have so many ambulances lined up outside the theatre as we entered if it was just another shot and were told that it was just protocol as the shots were being given away from the med. facility. Thankfully, I had no problem but a friend died from it, another had serious neurolgic issues that ultimately killed her several years later. There were others who were hospitalized for varing periods of time but did recover from it. This was among those who were in the group I was in only. Hubby was deployed at the time and there were also many problems for those who got the shot - no deaths though on his boat. I've read/heard in some places that those of us who are old enough to have had the '76 Swine Flu shot may have at least some immunity to the current one so I'm going to talk with Dr. T about it. I'm really worried about getting the new shot but probably will if he says to. I'd get it IF I didn't have the memories of '76 BUT - - - -.

    Took the shot in 1976
    I took the swine flu vaccine in 1976 also, had no reaction to it what so ever. I have been advised also to take both this year.....took the flu shot last year for the first time in years, no reaction.....I am a little concerned also, having worked in the medical field that this vaccine has been "rushed through." I am finished with my chemo and see the radiation oncologist tomorrow morning.......hopefully he can give me more information, and if so, I will pass it along.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    MAJW said:

    Took the shot in 1976
    I took the swine flu vaccine in 1976 also, had no reaction to it what so ever. I have been advised also to take both this year.....took the flu shot last year for the first time in years, no reaction.....I am a little concerned also, having worked in the medical field that this vaccine has been "rushed through." I am finished with my chemo and see the radiation oncologist tomorrow morning.......hopefully he can give me more information, and if so, I will pass it along.

    I had the flu shot last year
    I had the flu shot last year while on chemo, My oncologist gave it to me. It is not a live virus. I will be getting one again this year also. So by my personal experience, I would say that we should all look into getting a flu shot this year.