Probiotics mixture for cramps

kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello! Well, i said i would post about my experiments, and i gotta tell you...whether it's placebo, or not, those probiotics KICK BUTT!!! I have been having major cramping, gas, and the constant "have to go potty" feeling all the time since takedown. I started the probiotics two days ago (Blueberry Kefir) with half a scoop of powdered superfoods, and two tablespoons of milled flaxseeds added, and i have to say, the cramping has almost completely stopped! I had one bout with gas accompanying the cramps, and then it stopped. I've only had the "have to go potty" feeling three times today!! I'm attributing it to the probiotics because it's the only thing i've really changed. I had a slice of six cheese lasagna last night, and again for lunch today, and NOTHING remarkably painful has occured!In fact, i think i'm going to go for a walk tonight, and i haven't felt like doing that in MONTHS!!! Maybe it's too soon to be counting my chickens, but i gotta take advantage of this feeling.

My stools are still infrequent though, so i'm worried if there isn't going to be some major event later on, but i can honestly say, this is the longest period of calm i've had since the takedown.

Just thought i'd share!

Love ya all!


  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Sounds good
    That sounds very promising, Krista. Where do you purchase the products? Let me know how it goes in the next few days. I might have to follow your lead.

  • mommyof2kds
    mommyof2kds Member Posts: 519
    Sounds good Krista, hope it
    Sounds good Krista, hope it continues to work for you, I may be asking you about the ingredients again in a few weeks. Hope you enjoyed your walk.
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Petrina and Gail, i think you can get the Kefir, or some kind of probiotics from just about any grocer. You'll typically find it around the yogurts, but usually in a bigger bottle. I like the Kefir because it doesn't have any refined sugar in it, and it comes in many flavors. Depending on where you are, your health food grocer may have the best of the best. I get mine at Henry's market.

    The Superfoods can be purchased at health food grocers, vitamin stores, online...They're not cheap, but well worth it.

    I also got the flaxseed's at Henry's. Some places have them in bins which is much, much cheaper. They're not too expensive in the jars, but the oils are WAY expensive. Also, very worth it. They are incredibly high in omega-3's. Anyone on a veggie diet should supplement with flax. The oil form can be used on salads, and toast.

    My walk was very liberating. I planned on just walking down the street and back, and ended up going all the way around the block! I sure hope this is not a coincidence, OR placebo. I will definitely keep you posted.

    If you guys try the kefir, let me know if it helps you!

  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    bacterial strains
    The Wikipedia article on probiotics here includes a rather nice chart of various bacterial strains with names of products containing them, beneficial effects, and references to relevant scientific literature.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Pro Probiotics
    Hi Krista!

    I took your advice and popped over here.

    Yes, I take probiotics and they have been part of my protocol off and on for the past 8 years (the off part due to $$). I am currently taking Udo's Choice Super Bifido Plus Probiotic. When I'm done I will go back to my DDS Probiotics DDS-100 Acidophilus 5 Billion CFU/g.

    I don't drink kefir since I don't do any dairy so I only get it by supplements. I swear by the probiotics. Also, have you checked into digestive enzymes? This may help with your output issues. Since I'm not a doctor or professional this is only opinion, but anyone with an intestinal cancer (colon, anal etc) most likely has digestive issues wouldn't you think?

    I am so glad you are feeling a difference. Gut health is so key to our whole health.

    Keep at it girlfriend!

    peace, emily
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    I forgot that the kefir has dairy in it! One of my goals is to eliminate dairy. Emily, are the probiotics you're taking in a powder form you can put in a drink?

    I'm going to start another thread about some of the things i'm learning. Someone on here recommended a very compelling DVD, and i can't find the post anywhere!

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    I forgot that the kefir has dairy in it! One of my goals is to eliminate dairy. Emily, are the probiotics you're taking in a powder form you can put in a drink?

    I'm going to start another thread about some of the things i'm learning. Someone on here recommended a very compelling DVD, and i can't find the post anywhere!


    Hi Krista,

    I take capsules and get them in the refrigerated section of my coop.

    My protein powder-- Tru-Food Vegan by NOW has probiotics in it too (I'm pretty sure--I can't check as I've run out momentarily).

    peace, emily
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Hi Krista and Emily-

    Krista, I am so impressed with your enthusiastic changeover! I started taking probiotics myself about three months ago and I must say that I have had less gas and less indigestion, for sure. I never have bought any that needed refrigeration, so I'm wondering if I could be getting something better. I've been taking Sustenax, which come in a capsule, which I take one daily. I can't remember exactly right now what it has in it (too lazy to get up and go look at the moment- it's something that starts with a "g", though.
    Emily, what do you know about various probiotics in comparison to each other? Is it good to take something that has several different things in it?

    I also now have my son and one daughter taking the probiotics, as they also have issues with gas and indigestion.

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    lisa42 said:

    Hi Krista and Emily-

    Krista, I am so impressed with your enthusiastic changeover! I started taking probiotics myself about three months ago and I must say that I have had less gas and less indigestion, for sure. I never have bought any that needed refrigeration, so I'm wondering if I could be getting something better. I've been taking Sustenax, which come in a capsule, which I take one daily. I can't remember exactly right now what it has in it (too lazy to get up and go look at the moment- it's something that starts with a "g", though.
    Emily, what do you know about various probiotics in comparison to each other? Is it good to take something that has several different things in it?

    I also now have my son and one daughter taking the probiotics, as they also have issues with gas and indigestion.


    Hi Lisa!
    How are you girl? How is the ironetecan treating you? I hope it's working, but i guess they won't know until your next scan?

    Those probiotics kick serious butt!! I haven't felt this good in so long, i almost don't know what to do with myself? I'm not even taking the best that's out there. I think i might be sensitive to it because my flora is so completely out of whack. It's probably pretty typical of the CC survivor. I hope that Tiny reads these posts, and some of the others who've had such a hard time retraining the pipes. The probiotics would help.

    Emily posted somewhere which probiotics she prefers, but i can't remember which thread it was? Maybe it was this one. I wish probiotics helped with the damn chemo brain!!

    Hope you're doing well!

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    doing alright
    Hi Krista!

    Thanks for asking- I'm doing alright! In fact, I just had a great weekend. We took our little boat out yesterday out past your way on El Capitan resevoir. The kids were on the towable and my son and his friend skiied. It was great weather and a really nice day. Sat. night I bowled and came in 2nd of 6 people- not bad!
    I was surprised that I did so well this weekend, since I did have chemo last Wed. & the two times before that I did not feel well at all the following weekend. I didn't feel well Wed-Fri, actually, but did well this long weekend!
    I should have another scan in about 2-1/2 wks- the onc wants to scan about a week after my next chemo treatment to see if the stuff is working or not!

    I just reread the posts here and realized the probiotics info was posted above by Greg. It has a good chart that explains the different probiotics out there and what they do. Thanks Greg!

    Take care-
  • serrana
    serrana Member Posts: 163 Member
    Yes yes probiotics make a difference
    I have been using Culturelle and also Jarro and Garden of Life.
    Not sure which of all these is the best. Need to find someone who will compare them all and give an opinion since they are all so expensive

    I also take digestive enzymes (including betaine hydrochloride tabs for stuff that digests in the stomach)and use the Garden of Life brand
    Anyone have a way of comparing????

    The soluble fiber powder from Help for IBS is excellent also for the cramps and runs/rocks.
    We'll get this right if we keep working on it.
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    serrana said:

    Yes yes probiotics make a difference
    I have been using Culturelle and also Jarro and Garden of Life.
    Not sure which of all these is the best. Need to find someone who will compare them all and give an opinion since they are all so expensive

    I also take digestive enzymes (including betaine hydrochloride tabs for stuff that digests in the stomach)and use the Garden of Life brand
    Anyone have a way of comparing????

    The soluble fiber powder from Help for IBS is excellent also for the cramps and runs/rocks.
    We'll get this right if we keep working on it.

    Hi Serrana!
    How are you doing after surgery? I imagine this was a far worse surgery than the resection. Are you able to leave the house yet comfortably? Do you know if your margins were clear? Sorry for all of the questions! I haven't seen any posts about it!

    I'm going to switch to a probiotic/superfood powder that's sold at

    David Wolff who owns the company and is one of the most respected nutrition promoters right now believes that these two components are essential to optimum health. From what i hear, this product is the best on the market. I think it's fairly expensive, but like you said, they all are. Might as well get the best. I think it's called "sunshine", but there might be more words to it. Can't remember. It's the only superfood they sell, so it shouldn't be hard to find. They're located in Lakeside, and you can shop from their warehouse if you don't want to pay for shipping.

    I think i'll try mixing it with soy milk and fresh fruit. I'll let you know how that works out!

    Hope you're healing exponentially!
