your imput please about chemo treatments.

ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi everyone.I posted this question last night and I don,t see I will try again.I will be starting Chemo in 2weeks.My dr. has not told me much about it.She will hopefully when I go in for my first I am wondering if some of you would tell me about the Chemo.Should I have a prescripion for the nausia med. before my first treatment?Or do you usually don,t need it the first time.And any suggestions on what I can and can not do while treatment.I would greatly appriatte your reply.The only thing she has told me was I would loss my hair after the second treatment.Thanks again.Love and prayers.Pat.P.s.I might add I think the reason the Dr. hasn,t talked yet about this is I came close to not getting Chemo,so we talked about my risk and the test .She is a very good Cancer dr.And really does normally talk about what ever I want.


  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Pat, I would call the
    Pat, I would call the doctors office and ask for a prescription for nausea med so that you will be able to take it before your treatment. A lot of the posters on this board have taken Emmend, and I can tell you that it works. You take your first table one hour before your treatment starts, and then the next two days you take a tablet. It really helped me, although I wasn't prescribed this until my third tx. Nausea is something you don't want to fool around with, so ask your doctor now. As far as hair falling out, yes, it does start to fall out about 13 to 14 days after your first treatment. I chose to have my head shaved after about a week, as it was starting to turn loose, and my husband did it for me. It was an experience, but one that was necessary. I think there are several who have at least had their hair cut short prior to starting treatment so that the shock isn't so bad. Then the fun begins...scarfs, hats, wigs, etc are all head coverings. Some of the people I saw at the clinic just came bald, and that is okay too. Whatever you are comfortable with. Good luck on your upcoming treatment, and keep us up to date on how it is going with you. Any questions? Someone has been there, done that, so there are lots of souls here to help you through this. Good luck,

  • butterfly343
    butterfly343 Member Posts: 39
    Hi ppurdin,
    I just had my

    Hi ppurdin,
    I just had my second round of chemo. I didn't the the anti nausea meds until after my first treatment, because they'll give you a bunch of pre meds through the iv before the actucal chemo. I had streiods, benadryl(made me feel really drunk, then i passed out for a while) tagament and anti nausea all before my taxol started. These helped a ton and when they started to wear off, after about 3-4 days, thats when the sdie effects kicked in. I've just started to loose my hair(day 16) now and it's comming out by the handful! Thankfully, i had shaved it before my first treatment.
    Good Luck, you can do this!
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399

    Hi ppurdin,
    I just had my

    Hi ppurdin,
    I just had my second round of chemo. I didn't the the anti nausea meds until after my first treatment, because they'll give you a bunch of pre meds through the iv before the actucal chemo. I had streiods, benadryl(made me feel really drunk, then i passed out for a while) tagament and anti nausea all before my taxol started. These helped a ton and when they started to wear off, after about 3-4 days, thats when the sdie effects kicked in. I've just started to loose my hair(day 16) now and it's comming out by the handful! Thankfully, i had shaved it before my first treatment.
    Good Luck, you can do this!

    Pat, when I was expecting to
    Pat, when I was expecting to have chemo, I contacted the ACS. They sent me a full packet of useful information, covering a wide range of topics. There was a booklet on stepping up hygiene during chemo, because of your compromised immune system. This included lists of foods to avoid...many I would not have realized would be considered unsafe. And there was information about just general cleanliness...the stuff we all know, but aren't usually that careful about [guilty smile]. A lot of useful information on how to function in the real world and still keep yourself safe from the germs that are all around us.
    There was also information about what to expect going through chemo, and how to deal with the daily issues that might come up.
    If you have not already done so, call the ACS toll free number and as for whatever they have to send you.
    You're taking the Bahamas cruise...I am so glad you're able to go...I'm sure you'll have a great time and hopefully, the memories of that trip will help to get you through some of the rough times. Tell us all about it when you get back. Gracie
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Adding to other comments
    I don't remember if you have a port or not. A port is a lovely thing. You want to have an RX for EMLA cream to apply to the site one hour before the port is going to be accessed. It numbs the area and makes accessing it totally painless. I was given a kind of patch to put over the port area so that the cream didn't smear on my clothing. Emend was part of my pre and post med regimen. There was a pharmacist on site who came and counseled me first thing at my first chemo treatment. He explained all the pre and post meds. The pre-med steroids kept me hopping all night after the first treatment. If they give you steroids, you may want to ask for something to help you sleep. Zofran and compazine are good anti-nausea meds. All the advice others have written should also help. OH! If you are having A/ may need a Neulasta shot 1-2 days after treatment. It helps build back up your white blood cell count. Best wishes, Lynn
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    I was given an oral nausea
    I was given an oral nausea med and another in my i.v. the day of my treatments. On the first day, I was given 4 prescriptons to take for 5 days after each of my treatments. My husband had them filled after taking me home that first day. I alternated the pills every 3 hours. They worked well if I ate lite foods like applesause, bananas, and toast. A few times I forgot and had a tuna s/w or something similar the first day or two, and promptly threw up. I usually had delayed nausea about 5 or 6 days after each treatment.

    My hair started falling out about 2 or 3 weeks after 1st treatment. I shaved my head after a while because I was tired of finding hair EVERYWHERE! One can only vacuum so many hours in a day!

    If you have a port, it will make life a lot easier. Especially if you have small veins like me. It has to be surgically implanted, but is very worth it because it will make your like easier. They will give you some numbing cream to put on an hour before your apt. so you won't feel the needle hardly at all.

    Rememeber to drink lots of fluids after each treatments for a few days to help flush the chemicals from your body. Esp. Cytoxan if you have it because it can be very rough on your bladder, even cause scarring I was told. I drank lots of flavored water and gatorade.

    Well, good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing. Its nice to have someone w/you for treatments to pass the time. Also bring a drink, and a bag of mags, books etc.. The gave us snacks, drinks, and lunch every day at my cancer center, yours may too, but for the first day I would come prepared just in case.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    PP.........At the cancer center I go to, we had to attend a class on chemo before was really helpful in knowing what to expect...someone posted a website in I checked it out the other is helpful. Ask your oncologist about PRE anti nausea medications....I finished my chemo 3 weeks ago.....I never had the first wave of nausea....started steroids the day before chemo and continued for 2 days afterwards along with anti nausea meds...they also pumped me full of them before EACH chemo infusion. My chemo was Taxotere and Cytoxan.

    Drink plenty of water and I do mean plenty, during and after chemo for at least 3 days.....helps to flush it out. I lost my hair exactly 14 days after the first infusion....I had had it "buzzed" before hand, it was one thing I could control. Other side effects that I encountered were "chemo revenge" kept Immodium Extra strength on hand, only had the first time....Your taste buds will be altered, more than likely, nothing tastes right for about a week, due to the chemo attacking constantly dividing cells, which include your taste buds, and the inside of your mouth, also had a sore throat that was the worse after the last infusion. Also had the Nuelasta injection the day after each chemo......the first one really kicked my butt, bone and muscle pain and muscle spasms, but that didn't happen after the next three, my oncologist gave me pain meds for it, and it worked.

    I wish you the best.......chemo can be so frightening, but you can do it! Honestly, for me, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.....just expect to be really tired and try to rest as much as possible. And be selfish, pamper yourself and allow others to do the same for you!
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    Hey there
    I actually get a

    Hey there
    I actually get a script for 3 differnt oral antinausea meds for home + the ones thye give me interveniously before the chemo starts. Your ONC. should give you the scripts before the first treatment so you can have them on hand.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    dyaneb123 said:

    Hey there
    I actually get a

    Hey there
    I actually get a script for 3 differnt oral antinausea meds for home + the ones thye give me interveniously before the chemo starts. Your ONC. should give you the scripts before the first treatment so you can have them on hand.

    Which chemo drugs will you be given?
    Pat, do you know yet which specific drugs you will be given? That's very important and helpful to know, because the different drugs and drug combinations can cause some differences in how you will react and feel.

    I also strongly second Gracie's encouragement for you to contact the ACS and ask for their newly-diagnosed packet -- all the information they send you is completely free of charge, and was extremely helpful for me.

    While I don't know what I'd do without the support and advice I get from this board, I found it comforting to have the ACS' brochures and pamphlets to (literally, tangibly) hold onto -- I kept them by my bed for when I couldn't sleep, read them on the bus to and from work, or in waiting rooms, etc.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Which chemo drugs will you be given?
    Pat, do you know yet which specific drugs you will be given? That's very important and helpful to know, because the different drugs and drug combinations can cause some differences in how you will react and feel.

    I also strongly second Gracie's encouragement for you to contact the ACS and ask for their newly-diagnosed packet -- all the information they send you is completely free of charge, and was extremely helpful for me.

    While I don't know what I'd do without the support and advice I get from this board, I found it comforting to have the ACS' brochures and pamphlets to (literally, tangibly) hold onto -- I kept them by my bed for when I couldn't sleep, read them on the bus to and from work, or in waiting rooms, etc.


    Once you get the names of your chemo cocktail, you can
    get additional information .. ie side efforts on website - this site will provide you with information pertaining to each chemo therapy drug recommended by your onc doctor.

    When do you get your port ?

    I start my 6 cycles of chemo 9/8 .. Tuesday. I have already packed my favorite throw blanket, books and will pack snacks and a lunch, as I have been told that my first chemo of 3 cocktails will take 3 to 5 hours. I also plan on take a thermos of herbal tea. My husband will accompany to my first chemo, so he will be hauling all my stuff.

    Traci make an excellent suggestion about the ACS brochures and pamphlets .. I have just about finished Dr. Susan Love's breast book.

    Best of luck ...

    Vicki Sam
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Go to the dentist and get your teeth cleaned. Chemo is going to probably do a number on your teeth and gums,and they won't let you get your teeth cleaned while you're going through chemo because chemo will make you anemic and probably lower your blood counts.
    Since the flu season is coming around again and your immune system is going to be affected by the chemo,be sure to get a flu shot.
    For me and just like everyone else,they will give you anti-nausea meds the day of through your iv before you actually get your chemo drugs. And my onc sent me home with a prescription for anti-nausea pills the day of.You will definately need them with your first treatment and keep up with them even if you don't feel sick after!
    Yes,drink plenty of water! You want to flush that stuff out of your body!
    Buy some plastic spoons,forks,etc. and use this instead of silverware. Because depending on the chemo drugs you may be getting,one of the side effects is a metallic taste in your mouth and silverware will only magnify that!
    Don't want to scare you with all of this-just some things to be aware of...
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Good luck
    My treatments so far have been very tolerable. I take Taxotere and Cytoxin every 3 weeks with the Nuelasta shot the day after treatment. I was given anti-nausea meds to take home on my first treatment along with steriods and 1 antibiotic just in case I ran a fever over the weekend. I was instructed to take it (antibiotic) before I went to the ER if my temp was over 100.4. I asked if I should take the anti-nausea just as a precaution once I got home and was told "no". I also get steriods and anti-nausea meds before the chemo drugs are infused. I hope I don't jinx myself but I have not had any nausea and no real side effects to report. I do have the bone pain about 3-4 days after the Nuelasta shot but last time I worked through that with no medication. If I get it again this time I'll try Motrin or Tylenol. I think everyone is different and I also believe some of the chemo drugs are harder on the body than others. My onc told me that mine are not the easiest but there are much harder ones to tolerate. I hope you're experience is similar to mine and tolerable. FYI, I also started losing my hair in handfuls by day 14 and had my head shaved a few days later.