Day 34 of Pammy's Rads

Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hey....OK, I am celebrating!! Are you with me????? My tech said, "ok. go have a good time! You have ONE left!! You soooooo deserve it!! And it's a holiday weekend!! (I just Love her!!) Well, let me tell you.....I AM CELEBRATING!!!! I know, you expected this kind of excitment on the last day....but....go fiqure...two glasses of wine & I AM celebrating! Hubby taking me out in a little bit......uh oh....he will have his hands full!! Already called for "back up"!! (he is so prepared!!) He said "enjoy this as much as you want deserve it!!" Awwwww......hope I don't hoot and holler too much to get arrested!!!! Just a practice for TUESDAY!! (Poor guy, he gets to do this all over again!!) Hugs to everyone!!!! No really....I'm throwing them out there left and right (the hugs that is)!!! I always get "mushy" when I get drunk....just me (smile). I figure anyone can take or leave me....that is your choice. But I ALWAYS Have the best of intentions!! LOVE YOU ALL!!! YOU ALL ROCK!!! AND YOU ARE MY HEROS!!!! Pammy


  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Well, come on guys!!
    It's a weekend Holiday!! Is not one soul going to enjoy the break as much as me? OMG!! How dense am I? Didn't may all have started already!! Daaaaahh!! You are probably all out celebrating already!! Have fun! Pammy
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Akiss4me said:

    Well, come on guys!!
    It's a weekend Holiday!! Is not one soul going to enjoy the break as much as me? OMG!! How dense am I? Didn't may all have started already!! Daaaaahh!! You are probably all out celebrating already!! Have fun! Pammy

    I'm celebrating with you! Got my tinny of Pabst and I'm on here. Great that you have only one left.. I bet you can hardly wait to get that behind you?... Anyway, I'm going to buy a bottle of Vino Collapso on Tuesday and we can BOTH get mushy on here. Hugs to you both Jxxxxxxxx
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    tasha_111 said:

    I'm celebrating with you! Got my tinny of Pabst and I'm on here. Great that you have only one left.. I bet you can hardly wait to get that behind you?... Anyway, I'm going to buy a bottle of Vino Collapso on Tuesday and we can BOTH get mushy on here. Hugs to you both Jxxxxxxxx

    I am on for tonight! And I am doing it again for principle on TUESDAY!! Cheers Tasha!! How did I know you would be the first person by my side? DOWN THE HATCH!!!!!! Psmmy OK I am tooooo derunck to really be posting.....sorry!!!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    I am on for tonight! And I am doing it again for principle on TUESDAY!! Cheers Tasha!! How did I know you would be the first person by my side? DOWN THE HATCH!!!!!! Psmmy OK I am tooooo derunck to really be posting.....sorry!!!

    OK, OK...
    Cheers - to both you, Pammy, and dear J with her Pabst.

    Am raising my cup of coffee in honor of you both. :-)

    Kind regards, Susan
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    I am on for tonight! And I am doing it again for principle on TUESDAY!! Cheers Tasha!! How did I know you would be the first person by my side? DOWN THE HATCH!!!!!! Psmmy OK I am tooooo derunck to really be posting.....sorry!!!

    mardon me pister
    it's not that I'm under the alcofluence of incohol,
    it's just that the stander I drunk here the longer I get.


    cheers Pammy-I have a Bud Light in the fridge I will crack open for you.
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    OK, OK...
    Cheers - to both you, Pammy, and dear J with her Pabst.

    Am raising my cup of coffee in honor of you both. :-)

    Kind regards, Susan

    Coffee?....... (she is trying soooooooo hard to be good) What she REALLY means is Irish Coffee, with a triple shot of Laphroagh......

    Cummon.........this is a party to remember (before I pass out) Run up to Pammy's very last EVER Rads!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh well, I'm enjoying myself no end!... Pammy.. go for it girl!!!!!!!!!!!

    Huge Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxx ... I'm going to put some music on now.......and DANCE!
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    cats_toy said:

    mardon me pister
    it's not that I'm under the alcofluence of incohol,
    it's just that the stander I drunk here the longer I get.


    cheers Pammy-I have a Bud Light in the fridge I will crack open for you.

    Oh Noooooooooo
    Sounds like when you get caught out on the street, sloshed out of your brain.......... "Consternoon Afterbul......." Oh Bugger, now I'm in for it!
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Starting at 3:55 RM time
    Wow Pammy. You are way ahead of me! But I'm raising a glass of fine Sawtooth white to you now. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    Starting at 3:55 RM time
    Wow Pammy. You are way ahead of me! But I'm raising a glass of fine Sawtooth white to you now. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    Hope you're having a grety night, I'm so happy for you, I wondered what they'd do about the holiday weekend, now I know.

    Here's to you, cheer's, Stay safe

  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    You guys are
    all too funny! Pammy,Congrats on almost finishing rads!!
  • sgamtd
    sgamtd Member Posts: 124

    You guys are
    all too funny! Pammy,Congrats on almost finishing rads!!

    Pammy's rads
    Wow, leave it to you to find a way to celebrate the next to last one, sure hope you had a good time, I am reading this on Saturday, wondering how you head feels today, hope no hangover.
    Now get some rest so you are ready for the final one Tuesday, congrats on being almost done.
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    sgamtd said:

    Pammy's rads
    Wow, leave it to you to find a way to celebrate the next to last one, sure hope you had a good time, I am reading this on Saturday, wondering how you head feels today, hope no hangover.
    Now get some rest so you are ready for the final one Tuesday, congrats on being almost done.

    Pammy ... in truth, we
    Pammy ... in truth, we should really be celebrating this one togeter, unfortunately the day you receive your last treatment, I will be receiving my first... just some how doesn't quite seem right to me, but I am celebrating with you, or rather I was... had I read this last night, I would have lifted up my crown & 7.... a toast to you my friend, as it turns out since I am reading this now, I will toast you with coffee!!! Congratulations my dear friend!

    ♥ and big gentle hugs,

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    sgamtd said:

    Pammy's rads
    Wow, leave it to you to find a way to celebrate the next to last one, sure hope you had a good time, I am reading this on Saturday, wondering how you head feels today, hope no hangover.
    Now get some rest so you are ready for the final one Tuesday, congrats on being almost done.

    If truth be told.....Uggggg. I definitely drank tooooo much! My hubby ran out in the AM while I slept to rent some movies for me, knowing I would not want to do much but lay around all day. He was right! I may rethink doing this much celebrating Tuesday! LOL Pammy
  • peggypeggy
    peggypeggy Member Posts: 111
    Akiss4me said:

    If truth be told.....Uggggg. I definitely drank tooooo much! My hubby ran out in the AM while I slept to rent some movies for me, knowing I would not want to do much but lay around all day. He was right! I may rethink doing this much celebrating Tuesday! LOL Pammy

    you go girl
    way to go pammy and gl on tuesday god bless luv peggy