Good News

Karen1418 Member Posts: 48
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi, I just want to share my good news. I have had 4 treatments of carbo/taxotere, after having 8 treatments of the same back in 2007 and a 15-month remission. My CA125 is down to 22. My gyn-onc says he expects me to go back into remission! I will have two more treatments and then a CT scan at the end of October to confirm this, but I am feeling very positive after my meeting with the doctor. We all need to hear more positive news! Karen


  • kathryn1
    kathryn1 Member Posts: 88 Member
    Very Good News!
    That's great!!!!! Kathryn
  • Hootman56
    Hootman56 Member Posts: 1
    Wife diagnosed with aortic node enlarged
    I just signed up to the Cancer Survivor network. I am happy for your treatment and remission.

    Actually I am a caregiver for my wife,Barbara. Ovarian IIIC diagnosed 2006. surgery,chemo/remission since 03/07. What the doctors have just found is and enlarged aortic lympnode.

    Barbara also has Sarcoidosis, which can calcify/enlarge lymphnodes. In 2006 this is what initialy was diagnosed. A biopsy of the node verified the cancer.

    My question is I thought in your previous April writings was that treatment early could possibly avoid surgery. also how well have you tolerated the chemo. Barbara with the Carboplatin/taxel 8 months has mild neuropathy in her feet. I fear that any additional chemo will intensify the side effect. Any how , the course of action sugessted is, CA125, CT scan as a followup. If the CA125 is elevated a Pet Scan and / or a biopsy again.

    Thank you for the information, I wish you a speedy recovery. Any feedback from you or others would be appreciated.


  • Karen1418
    Karen1418 Member Posts: 48
    Hootman56 said:

    Wife diagnosed with aortic node enlarged
    I just signed up to the Cancer Survivor network. I am happy for your treatment and remission.

    Actually I am a caregiver for my wife,Barbara. Ovarian IIIC diagnosed 2006. surgery,chemo/remission since 03/07. What the doctors have just found is and enlarged aortic lympnode.

    Barbara also has Sarcoidosis, which can calcify/enlarge lymphnodes. In 2006 this is what initialy was diagnosed. A biopsy of the node verified the cancer.

    My question is I thought in your previous April writings was that treatment early could possibly avoid surgery. also how well have you tolerated the chemo. Barbara with the Carboplatin/taxel 8 months has mild neuropathy in her feet. I fear that any additional chemo will intensify the side effect. Any how , the course of action sugessted is, CA125, CT scan as a followup. If the CA125 is elevated a Pet Scan and / or a biopsy again.

    Thank you for the information, I wish you a speedy recovery. Any feedback from you or others would be appreciated.



    Hi Jim,

    I'm wondering if you have me confused with someone else, since I don't ever recall saying early treatment could avoid surgery.

    As for tolerating chemo, I've done quite well. During my first 8 treatments I developed some neuropathy, but it went away after the chemo was done. I had some fatigue and an occasional loss of appetite, but was able to pretty much follow my normal routine. This time around I've not had any neuropathy. After three treatments I had an allergic reaction to the carboplatin so was switched to cisplatin. I've been wiped out the last two days and have had some mild nausea, but it's only been two days since the treatment and I expect to feel better.

    I hope this helps, and pray your wife won't be facing chemo again.

  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    That is great news! Saundra
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    Hi Karen,
    What wonderful news, we need to hear about successful treatments and you definitely are right to feel positive.

    Good luck!
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    That is awesome news.. thanks for sharing :-)
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Happy Dancing!!
    Karen, doing some happy dancing with you. This is awesome news. So uplifting to hear good reports!
    Warm hugs,
    Kathleen :)