Dr. Lenz on diet and supplements for patients with CRC

califsue Member Posts: 80
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Dr. Lenz also presented information on diet and supplements for patients with CRC. He recommends 1500 mg of Calcium and 3000 iu of vitamin D daily.

I asked him about the sugar/cancer connection. He said that a "diet for diabetics" would be optimal. It is the insulin spikes that feed the tumors. So whatever you eat, when you eat, try to keep your blood sugar levels constant. Eat like a diabetic.,,,,,,Google.

Hope this helps,


  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Hi Susan! Why aren't doctors volunteering this information? It's like a, "don't ask, don't tell" situation. I can't help but be angry about this, though the information is out there if you look for it. These doctors are supposed to be helping us!

    Thank you for posting this!

  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731

    Hi Susan! Why aren't doctors volunteering this information? It's like a, "don't ask, don't tell" situation. I can't help but be angry about this, though the information is out there if you look for it. These doctors are supposed to be helping us!

    Thank you for posting this!


    Don't be mad yet.
    Shouldn't we wait to be mad until we know that Dr. Lenz' theory about insulin spikes is true?

  • jscho
    jscho Member Posts: 62
    PGLGreg said:

    Don't be mad yet.
    Shouldn't we wait to be mad until we know that Dr. Lenz' theory about insulin spikes is true?


    Science seems solid on this
    Hi, Dr. Lenz is not the originator of the idea of a connection between insulin spikes and cancer growth. High insulin levels lead to production/increase in the liver of a growth factor (IGF-I) in a free form that encourages cell survival, gene expression and growth of cells. This is particularly problematic for cancer patients with mutations in the signaling pathway downstream from the IGF receptor.

    See A. Samani et al, Endocrine Reviews 28, pages 20-47 (2007) for a scientific review.

    Best wishes,
  • califsue
    califsue Member Posts: 80
    jscho said:

    Science seems solid on this
    Hi, Dr. Lenz is not the originator of the idea of a connection between insulin spikes and cancer growth. High insulin levels lead to production/increase in the liver of a growth factor (IGF-I) in a free form that encourages cell survival, gene expression and growth of cells. This is particularly problematic for cancer patients with mutations in the signaling pathway downstream from the IGF receptor.

    See A. Samani et al, Endocrine Reviews 28, pages 20-47 (2007) for a scientific review.

    Best wishes,

    Thank you Jeremy
    Thank you Jeremy for the additional information. I didn't mean to imply that Dr. Lenz was the originator of this idea. He does a lot of research at USC and recommends this diet for his patients.

  • califsue
    califsue Member Posts: 80

    Hi Susan! Why aren't doctors volunteering this information? It's like a, "don't ask, don't tell" situation. I can't help but be angry about this, though the information is out there if you look for it. These doctors are supposed to be helping us!

    Thank you for posting this!


    I know what you mean
    Hi Krista,

    My own oncologist hasn't offered me any information about supplements or diet when I have asked him. I went to Dr. Lenz for a second opinion and credit him with saving my life. He has a blog on the C3 site. I was thrilled to hear his lecture. Extremely well informed and personable. He is passionate about finding a cure for CRC. In addition to having a heavy patient load he also does a ton of research.

    Take good care,
  • GetBusyLivin
    GetBusyLivin Member Posts: 25
    califsue said:

    I know what you mean
    Hi Krista,

    My own oncologist hasn't offered me any information about supplements or diet when I have asked him. I went to Dr. Lenz for a second opinion and credit him with saving my life. He has a blog on the C3 site. I was thrilled to hear his lecture. Extremely well informed and personable. He is passionate about finding a cure for CRC. In addition to having a heavy patient load he also does a ton of research.

    Take good care,

    Dr Lenz
    Susan, I posted in another thread that we saw Dr. Lenz for a 2nd opinion too. Thanks for the further info on him. Did he say, specifically, what the Vitamin D and Calcium supplements would do? I'll look for his blog, too, thanks!
  • betina61
    betina61 Member Posts: 642 Member
    I am not so sure about the theory that sugar feeds cancer, long time ago I went to M.D. Anderson web page, and ask that queation,and is not a matter that I have a sweet tooth or anything like that, but a lot of people were talking in this board about that, and they gave me an explanation about why they consider that to be a "mith" ,it was long and I don't remember very well to repeat it , but anyone can go to their web page and get that information.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    betina61 said:

    I am not so sure about the theory that sugar feeds cancer, long time ago I went to M.D. Anderson web page, and ask that queation,and is not a matter that I have a sweet tooth or anything like that, but a lot of people were talking in this board about that, and they gave me an explanation about why they consider that to be a "mith" ,it was long and I don't remember very well to repeat it , but anyone can go to their web page and get that information.

    I don't know....
    I know quite a few people who were very healthy eaters, and never ate sugar, and they still got cancer anyway, so it is questionable.
  • Hatshepsut
    Hatshepsut Member Posts: 336 Member
    Shayenne said:

    I don't know....
    I know quite a few people who were very healthy eaters, and never ate sugar, and they still got cancer anyway, so it is questionable.

    Another view....
    So many things could cause cancer--environmental pollutants, genetics, obesity, diet, and on and on.

    Considering the possibility that diet could even remotely be a factor in reducing the likelihood that one could get cancer (colon and otherwise) or have it recur and knowing that a low-fat healthy diet can protect the heart, I can't imagine why anyone would not change their diet. It would sure be a lot more pleasant than chemotherapy!

  • jscho
    jscho Member Posts: 62
    betina61 said:

    I am not so sure about the theory that sugar feeds cancer, long time ago I went to M.D. Anderson web page, and ask that queation,and is not a matter that I have a sweet tooth or anything like that, but a lot of people were talking in this board about that, and they gave me an explanation about why they consider that to be a "mith" ,it was long and I don't remember very well to repeat it , but anyone can go to their web page and get that information.

    As I mentioned above, I
    As I mentioned above, I think the evidence, both clinical and laboratory, supporting a connection between insulin spikes and tumor growth in the review cited in my earlier post is pretty compelling. For what it's worth, the review is a peer-reviewed scientific article. I put more stock in this research than clinicians opinions, even if they are at one of the best cancer centers.

    I have found that there is a lot of hogwash on the internet, particularly concerning dietary issues and disease.

    If you can find the link to the M.D. Anderson web page, I'd be interested.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    Another view....
    So many things could cause cancer--environmental pollutants, genetics, obesity, diet, and on and on.

    Considering the possibility that diet could even remotely be a factor in reducing the likelihood that one could get cancer (colon and otherwise) or have it recur and knowing that a low-fat healthy diet can protect the heart, I can't imagine why anyone would not change their diet. It would sure be a lot more pleasant than chemotherapy!


    Amen sister!
    Well said (as usual).
  • serrana
    serrana Member Posts: 163 Member
    jscho said:

    As I mentioned above, I
    As I mentioned above, I think the evidence, both clinical and laboratory, supporting a connection between insulin spikes and tumor growth in the review cited in my earlier post is pretty compelling. For what it's worth, the review is a peer-reviewed scientific article. I put more stock in this research than clinicians opinions, even if they are at one of the best cancer centers.

    I have found that there is a lot of hogwash on the internet, particularly concerning dietary issues and disease.

    If you can find the link to the M.D. Anderson web page, I'd be interested.


    sugar and cancer
    When I was diagnosed I cleaned out my pantry ( every single thing there had some kind of hi fructose, sucrose, sugar, fake sugar, etc. from spaghetti sauce, crackers, to applesauce) For two years I have eaten absolutely NO sugar nor sugar substitutes. It is not hard to do. I use stevia ( the plain kind by NOW) and even bake with it. Read every label. Makes shopping a long trip for sure.
    This is something we do have control over....what goes in our mouths. I've had two small recurrences since then, been in chemo twice, but it might have been much worse if I'd been eating all the sugar that Americans eat........who knows.
    The alt med folks have insisted on the sugar/cancer connection for decades; interesting that Dr. Lenz is now discussing it.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    My doctor said it wasn't anything I ate or drank that caused my cancer. I never have eaten sugary foods. No candy, cake, cookies. I'm not a sweet eater, but a vegetable eater and I still got cancer. I'm not saying it is not relevant, but I know a lot of people that eat deserts and sweets every day and they don't have cancer.

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    That's the BIG $64,000 Question...
    I find this to be the most fascinating topic in all of Cancer...the ONE question that absolutely cannot be answered yet due to the variables in our population and the world in which we live in.

    I believe we are all looking for the ABSOLUTE reason we get cancer, but there is not really one answer, is there?

    I had a nurse tell me that the world has changed very much in the past 30-years and we now live in a world of Cancer.

    Many more toxins available now than in previous generations. Think about all of the plastics being used in everyday life now as opposed to many years ago. Heredity and environment undoubtedly plays a part as well.

    I cannot discount a good diet and healthy eating habits for overall health, but as was mentioned, I know of some people that do all the right things and still got cancer.

    So, let's just say that diet is very important but again is not the ABSOLUTE answer to cancer.

    I don't have the answer or I'd be a rich man :)

    But here are personal examples that I've witnessed that formed this opinion:

    1. Myself. When they first scoped and scanned me, I should have had no stomach and my liver
    and kidneys and intestines should have had more holes in them than swiss cheese. None of my
    habits were any good - I should not have even been alive.

    2. Friends and co-workers. I know 2 guys who eat breakfast sausages and hash browns and drown
    them with a large soda every morning. Then for lunch, it is 2 double cheeseburgers and
    biggie size the fries and sodas again. Both are over 425 lbs with no evidence of cancer.
    Plenty of alcohol and other items as well.

    3. Grandparents. Think back to some of you over 40. My grandmothers cooked in bacon fat and
    grease. There was fried chicken, cakes and pies of all kinds...breakfast was bacon or
    sausage and eggs with toast and jelly. The tea was so sweet because they used so much sugar
    to sweeten it - the only time I ever turned down soda for tea, it was that good. All of my
    grandparents lived late into their 70's and early 80's....they did not have cancer.

    4. Woman with cancer. Lastly, I met this woman at the cancer center. She never drank, never
    smoked, never did drugs, grew her own organic vegetables, juiced, and drank alot of water.
    She had LUNG cancer - go figure. I have not seen her for awhile and am afraid she might
    have passed away.

    This is just such a fascinating topic and I would love to find out the real answer. I mean if there were ONLY one real answer, then it discounts what I and others have written about on this post.

    Can you enhance your odds by a good diet - sure you can. But I know of too many people who are unhealthy and don't even exercise, and they are going merrily along with no cancer. Something else might get them, but so far cancer has not.

    What disturbs me is that more people under 40 are now getting colon cancer, so there is a connection somewhere - genetics and heredity may be 2 of the key factors.

    The good news is that if you are getting a colonoscopy ever year, polyps can be detected and taken out earlier and the odds of getting cancer in the colon area are greatly diminished. If the mets are under control, then the odds obviously increase.

    Thank you, Sue, for a great post...I always enjoy reading topics like these and I appreciate everyone's input with all of the various opinions and experiences that we've gathered.

    I think the important thing to remember is...There is a Quality of life, over a quantity of life.

    For me, it's more than just keeping my heart beating...TASTE is one of the 5-Senses and from time to time, it's nice to enjoy that sense that some food can bring you.

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    That's the BIG $64,000 Question...
    I find this to be the most fascinating topic in all of Cancer...the ONE question that absolutely cannot be answered yet due to the variables in our population and the world in which we live in.

    I believe we are all looking for the ABSOLUTE reason we get cancer, but there is not really one answer, is there?

    I had a nurse tell me that the world has changed very much in the past 30-years and we now live in a world of Cancer.

    Many more toxins available now than in previous generations. Think about all of the plastics being used in everyday life now as opposed to many years ago. Heredity and environment undoubtedly plays a part as well.

    I cannot discount a good diet and healthy eating habits for overall health, but as was mentioned, I know of some people that do all the right things and still got cancer.

    So, let's just say that diet is very important but again is not the ABSOLUTE answer to cancer.

    I don't have the answer or I'd be a rich man :)

    But here are personal examples that I've witnessed that formed this opinion:

    1. Myself. When they first scoped and scanned me, I should have had no stomach and my liver
    and kidneys and intestines should have had more holes in them than swiss cheese. None of my
    habits were any good - I should not have even been alive.

    2. Friends and co-workers. I know 2 guys who eat breakfast sausages and hash browns and drown
    them with a large soda every morning. Then for lunch, it is 2 double cheeseburgers and
    biggie size the fries and sodas again. Both are over 425 lbs with no evidence of cancer.
    Plenty of alcohol and other items as well.

    3. Grandparents. Think back to some of you over 40. My grandmothers cooked in bacon fat and
    grease. There was fried chicken, cakes and pies of all kinds...breakfast was bacon or
    sausage and eggs with toast and jelly. The tea was so sweet because they used so much sugar
    to sweeten it - the only time I ever turned down soda for tea, it was that good. All of my
    grandparents lived late into their 70's and early 80's....they did not have cancer.

    4. Woman with cancer. Lastly, I met this woman at the cancer center. She never drank, never
    smoked, never did drugs, grew her own organic vegetables, juiced, and drank alot of water.
    She had LUNG cancer - go figure. I have not seen her for awhile and am afraid she might
    have passed away.

    This is just such a fascinating topic and I would love to find out the real answer. I mean if there were ONLY one real answer, then it discounts what I and others have written about on this post.

    Can you enhance your odds by a good diet - sure you can. But I know of too many people who are unhealthy and don't even exercise, and they are going merrily along with no cancer. Something else might get them, but so far cancer has not.

    What disturbs me is that more people under 40 are now getting colon cancer, so there is a connection somewhere - genetics and heredity may be 2 of the key factors.

    The good news is that if you are getting a colonoscopy ever year, polyps can be detected and taken out earlier and the odds of getting cancer in the colon area are greatly diminished. If the mets are under control, then the odds obviously increase.

    Thank you, Sue, for a great post...I always enjoy reading topics like these and I appreciate everyone's input with all of the various opinions and experiences that we've gathered.

    I think the important thing to remember is...There is a Quality of life, over a quantity of life.

    For me, it's more than just keeping my heart beating...TASTE is one of the 5-Senses and from time to time, it's nice to enjoy that sense that some food can bring you.


    You are right...
    Craig, you are so right about the observations of the older generations bad eating habits, yet no cancer. Like you said, there are many variables as to why one person gets cancer, and another doesn't. I've been reading dozens of books on this subject, and several of them keep mentioning the same interesting suggestions as to why this is.

    1. The over use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, antibiotics, growth hormones, MSG, hydrogenized fats, over-processing foods, refining foods, denaturizing foods, aspartame, saccharine, over industrializm, GMO's, etc..was minimal until post WWII. Since then, the use of these things, and cancer (and other illnesses) have been steadily on the uprise. DDT was banned in the U.S. many years ago, but the U.S. still sells it to other countries. Particularly South America and Mexico, where we here in the U.S., get a lot of our produce.

    2. Our water and air is highly polluted with dangerous levels of hydrocarbons like no other time in history.

    3. Certain people with type-C personalities have higher rates of cancer. These are people who are not usually self-assertive and have trouble saying "no", and tend to have feelings of despair and hopelessness if their life focus falls apart. ie: a divorce, the loss of a child, the loss of a career. The prolonged period of stress dramatically lowers the immune system allowing rogue cancer cells to find root and go out of control.

    4. Chemicals used on our bodies such as aluminum based beauty products, lead based cosmetics, amalgum (sp?) for fillings (many people don't know that amalgum is mercury based, and constantly emits highly poisonous gas into the body, and into the air), household cleaning products, microwave ovens (using plastic in them releases dioxide), toxic medications, and the list goes on and on.

    It's a complete miracle to me that every single person in the world doesn't have cancer! But you know, half of the people in the U.S. are expected to get cancer in their lifetime. Those odds are staggering, and it's safe to assume those odds will increase in time. Those people you see treating their bodies without any disregard are probably not as healthy as you think. Each one of them is a ticking time bomb. Everyone has cancer cells in their bodies (probably as a result of the above mentioned factors). It's just a matter of if, when, and where it finds a place in the body to nest and fester.

    I've been told many, many times how lucky i am i got my cancer young so i could fight it aggressively. I always thought it would be better to get it old because you're at the topping off stage already, so who cares? Now i think it's better not to get it at all, and there is a way to do that. From the evidence i've seen, there's a way to reverse it too, no matter how festered we are with it. There are ways we can make our cells resistant to the poisons and toxins we're bombarded with every day, every where. The main thing we have complete control over is what we choose to put inside our mouths.

    If anyone is interested in the referrences and studies that support the things i mentioned above, i will be glad to give them to you. PM me, and i'll compile a list for you.

  • dasspears
    dasspears Member Posts: 227

    You are right...
    Craig, you are so right about the observations of the older generations bad eating habits, yet no cancer. Like you said, there are many variables as to why one person gets cancer, and another doesn't. I've been reading dozens of books on this subject, and several of them keep mentioning the same interesting suggestions as to why this is.

    1. The over use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, antibiotics, growth hormones, MSG, hydrogenized fats, over-processing foods, refining foods, denaturizing foods, aspartame, saccharine, over industrializm, GMO's, etc..was minimal until post WWII. Since then, the use of these things, and cancer (and other illnesses) have been steadily on the uprise. DDT was banned in the U.S. many years ago, but the U.S. still sells it to other countries. Particularly South America and Mexico, where we here in the U.S., get a lot of our produce.

    2. Our water and air is highly polluted with dangerous levels of hydrocarbons like no other time in history.

    3. Certain people with type-C personalities have higher rates of cancer. These are people who are not usually self-assertive and have trouble saying "no", and tend to have feelings of despair and hopelessness if their life focus falls apart. ie: a divorce, the loss of a child, the loss of a career. The prolonged period of stress dramatically lowers the immune system allowing rogue cancer cells to find root and go out of control.

    4. Chemicals used on our bodies such as aluminum based beauty products, lead based cosmetics, amalgum (sp?) for fillings (many people don't know that amalgum is mercury based, and constantly emits highly poisonous gas into the body, and into the air), household cleaning products, microwave ovens (using plastic in them releases dioxide), toxic medications, and the list goes on and on.

    It's a complete miracle to me that every single person in the world doesn't have cancer! But you know, half of the people in the U.S. are expected to get cancer in their lifetime. Those odds are staggering, and it's safe to assume those odds will increase in time. Those people you see treating their bodies without any disregard are probably not as healthy as you think. Each one of them is a ticking time bomb. Everyone has cancer cells in their bodies (probably as a result of the above mentioned factors). It's just a matter of if, when, and where it finds a place in the body to nest and fester.

    I've been told many, many times how lucky i am i got my cancer young so i could fight it aggressively. I always thought it would be better to get it old because you're at the topping off stage already, so who cares? Now i think it's better not to get it at all, and there is a way to do that. From the evidence i've seen, there's a way to reverse it too, no matter how festered we are with it. There are ways we can make our cells resistant to the poisons and toxins we're bombarded with every day, every where. The main thing we have complete control over is what we choose to put inside our mouths.

    If anyone is interested in the referrences and studies that support the things i mentioned above, i will be glad to give them to you. PM me, and i'll compile a list for you.


    Tried to pm you...
    I would like the reference list. Hopefully you will find my pm on your page.
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    dasspears said:

    Tried to pm you...
    I would like the reference list. Hopefully you will find my pm on your page.

    I didn't get your PM, but i
    I didn't get your PM, but i will PM it to you!


    Hello dasspears! I just tried to PM you, and it says you don't accept PM's. I will post the references here for you!

    Here is a good comprehensive list of references. Most of these books list in detail the studies that were performed to test the theories. My favorite book of all time is "Diet for a New America" which is fairly radical, but backed up. "The Live Food Factor" is much like an encyclopedia of information.

    "Anticancer: A New Way of Life"
    David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD

    "The Live Food Factor"
    Susan Schenk, LAc, MTOM
    with Victoria Bidwell, PhD, EdD

    "Diet for a New America"
    John Robbins

    "A Cancer Therapy"
    Dr. Max Gerson

    "Healing the Gerson Way"
    Charlotte Gerson & Beata Bishop

    "The Sunfood Diet Success System"
    David Wolfe

    "Crazy, Sexy, Cancer"
    Kris Carr

    "Living Foods For Optimum Health: Staying Healthy in an Unhealthy World"
    Dr. Brian R. Clement
    with Theresa Foy Digeronimo

    DVD's: "The Beautiful Truth"
    Sites: www.pcrm.org

    I hope you enjoy them! I have even more references that include recipes if you want them.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    I didn't get your PM, but i
    I didn't get your PM, but i will PM it to you!


    Hello dasspears! I just tried to PM you, and it says you don't accept PM's. I will post the references here for you!

    Here is a good comprehensive list of references. Most of these books list in detail the studies that were performed to test the theories. My favorite book of all time is "Diet for a New America" which is fairly radical, but backed up. "The Live Food Factor" is much like an encyclopedia of information.

    "Anticancer: A New Way of Life"
    David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD

    "The Live Food Factor"
    Susan Schenk, LAc, MTOM
    with Victoria Bidwell, PhD, EdD

    "Diet for a New America"
    John Robbins

    "A Cancer Therapy"
    Dr. Max Gerson

    "Healing the Gerson Way"
    Charlotte Gerson & Beata Bishop

    "The Sunfood Diet Success System"
    David Wolfe

    "Crazy, Sexy, Cancer"
    Kris Carr

    "Living Foods For Optimum Health: Staying Healthy in an Unhealthy World"
    Dr. Brian R. Clement
    with Theresa Foy Digeronimo

    DVD's: "The Beautiful Truth"
    Sites: www.pcrm.org

    I hope you enjoy them! I have even more references that include recipes if you want them.


    The China Study
    Just wanted to piggy back onto your list. I just checked it out of our library so I haven't read it all, but a friend who had breast cancer and is going au natural suggested I get it. I'll let ya know....Are you familiar with it?

    I LOVE Crazy Sexy Cancer. Kris's blog is great too. Check it out.

    Another good book for healing in general is Spontaneous Healing by Dr. Andrew Weil. Excellent point of view for healing disease.

    peace, emily
  • dasspears
    dasspears Member Posts: 227

    I didn't get your PM, but i
    I didn't get your PM, but i will PM it to you!


    Hello dasspears! I just tried to PM you, and it says you don't accept PM's. I will post the references here for you!

    Here is a good comprehensive list of references. Most of these books list in detail the studies that were performed to test the theories. My favorite book of all time is "Diet for a New America" which is fairly radical, but backed up. "The Live Food Factor" is much like an encyclopedia of information.

    "Anticancer: A New Way of Life"
    David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD

    "The Live Food Factor"
    Susan Schenk, LAc, MTOM
    with Victoria Bidwell, PhD, EdD

    "Diet for a New America"
    John Robbins

    "A Cancer Therapy"
    Dr. Max Gerson

    "Healing the Gerson Way"
    Charlotte Gerson & Beata Bishop

    "The Sunfood Diet Success System"
    David Wolfe

    "Crazy, Sexy, Cancer"
    Kris Carr

    "Living Foods For Optimum Health: Staying Healthy in an Unhealthy World"
    Dr. Brian R. Clement
    with Theresa Foy Digeronimo

    DVD's: "The Beautiful Truth"
    Sites: www.pcrm.org

    I hope you enjoy them! I have even more references that include recipes if you want them.


    Just fixed that issue....
    I can now be PM'd! Thank you so much for posting the references!
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    2bhealed said:

    The China Study
    Just wanted to piggy back onto your list. I just checked it out of our library so I haven't read it all, but a friend who had breast cancer and is going au natural suggested I get it. I'll let ya know....Are you familiar with it?

    I LOVE Crazy Sexy Cancer. Kris's blog is great too. Check it out.

    Another good book for healing in general is Spontaneous Healing by Dr. Andrew Weil. Excellent point of view for healing disease.

    peace, emily

    So far I am impressed with this book. The author, Colin Campbell, has so many credentials in the scientific community....Penn, Cornell, Virginia Tech... as a researcher winning awards for his studies. He has done many studies and began his career trying to increase the amount of protein in animals. So he comes from a conventional background when it comes to figuring out the cancer connection.

    Can't wait to read more tonight.

    peace, emily