MRI results

WinneyPooh Member Posts: 318
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Had MRI Monday, Results are good/bad, I have not talked to the DOCs yet but this is what i think they mean.

Liver tumor has shrunk from 3.4 cm to 2.4cm, but what does this sentence mean," This demonstrates mixed increased as well as isointense signal on T2 weighted imaging"

Recal findings read
Lesion in proximal rectum posteriorly with enhancing spiculated extension into perirectal fat with transmural extension of tumor, there is some mild adenopathy in the pelvis wall.

I think this means the tumor is toward the back of the rectum and it is going thru to the fat cell on the outside and some lymph nodes are involved,

The Surg, said they would order radiation if it protruded outside the rectum, so I guess this is what they will do.

What do you all think?

Ok Here is my most embarrasing moment to date, Saturday My son went to the flea market and his phone was going dead so at 7:30 he called so we could bring him another phone, we rolled out of bed and my husband got dressed to go, i just put on shorts, ( so i had on shorts and the wife beater tank top i slept in on when i went outside to kiss him good-bye

Just as we were outside, a truck load of ladies pulled up to our studio wanting to talk about the art work and some custom projects.

I was left talking to them in my underwear, so to speak.


Bet you all can't top that.


  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    I love
    your humor and attitude. You would fit right in with my family :)
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Well, what are you gonna'
    Well, what are you gonna' do? You had customers, right? And they didn't call in advance :)

    Your report sounds right - I hate that you have to do the radiation though, but I know that is part of shrinking the tumor down, so sometimes it is necessary, but it's a high price to pay I think...but you're trying to save your life too, so it's never easy to know what's best.

    Keep up your fighting spirit and tell us what happens :)

    Continued best