Finished Gemzar 20 Jun/ Recurrence already

Susan523 Member Posts: 231 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hello everybody,

I was in the hospital last week with severe dehydration, and they also pumped 4 litres of fluid from my abdomen.

Before that, they thought I had a bowel obstruction, so I have been on a liquid diet for WEEKS; which has made me very weak. I had even called my Dr. and had labs done, and he ignored my need of fluids until I needed hospitalized (not happy about that!)

Now they say the fluid "means recurrence", so I'll be starting chemo #4 in 3 years very soon.

Has anyone had any luck with Gemzar alone? all it did was make me very sick and I got to keep my hair. Big deal; looking back, it wasn't a good decision.

My 1st round was Taxol/Carbo, 2nd was IP Cisplatin w/Taxol, and then the Gemzar. I don't know
what is next; I'll find out this afternoon.

Please keep all of your prayers going for all of us. Lord knows we need them.

~Susan xoxo


  • kathryn1
    kathryn1 Member Posts: 88 Member
    I'll be praying for you! Kathryn
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    Hi Susan,
    I'm sorry you had such a rough time, it sounds like it was tough going and I hope you're feeling better now.

    It's scary how sometimes we know our bodies better than the doctors do.

    If an option for you is Topotecan, I found it an easy chemo. and it worked for 10 months.

    I'll tell you my experience if that's what you and your DR. decide is the next one.

    Feel good and you're right, we all need prayers.
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    I am sorry to hear you had to go into the hospital for a week. Glad to hear that they were able to pump all the liquid off. I hope you can start eating again soon and regain some strength.

    I had gemzar/cisplatin for my second line. It did bring down the Ca125 to 18. But, as soon as I stopped (last one was beginning of June) the number went up again. I will be starting doxil next week. I go in today to confirm all that.

    Warm hugs and prayers,
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Dear Susan,

    I am so sorry to hear the gemzar didnt' work for you. It is one that only works for very few with ovarian cancer. The good news is there is a long list of drugs yet to use.

    Keeping the prayers coming. Hugs ♥ Bonnie
  • Susan523
    Susan523 Member Posts: 231 Member
    Thank you Everyone
    Doctor's Plan:

    My Dr. is looking in to using "Avastin" if my insurance will cover it ($20,000.00) per treatment x 6 treatments; along with Taxol/Carbol.

    He had me cancel my vacation; which was a cruise to Alaska leaving Tuesday :-( But I guess I'm not really up for it now anyway.

    I'm sorry that I wasted my time and illness on Gemzar. That one was hard on me!

    Love & Prayers to all,
    ~Susan xoxo
  • Lea19
    Lea19 Member Posts: 29
    I am sorry to hear


    I am sorry to hear that Gemzar didn't work for you. As an earlier poster said - I had
    Gemzar/Cisplatin together for my third round - and My CA didn't start going up for about a year. My CA is very high now and we are trying to decide on #4 and he suggested I do the

    Susan I would be very upset if I didn't feel like my dr. was listening to me. Would you consider changing?

    I'm sorry to hear you've had such a tough time. How awful that you had to cancel a cruise.
    Just make plans to go as soon as this next round is over!

    Prayers sent up for you!
  • jean b
    jean b Member Posts: 77
    Dear Susan: I am sorry you
    Dear Susan: I am sorry you are still having problems. I am going in for my 3rd treatment of Gemzar Cisplatin next week. This is my 4th reccurrence ov OV CA in 10 years. The first recurrrence did not happen until 7 1//2 yrs. Anyway had the taxol/carbo and I feel like I sailed through that compared to this. I agree,I think I would have rather lost the hair. My stomach has not been the same. I haven't really had a good day in 2 mos. I keep complaining too, they have tried all kinds of meds and sometimes they work, but it just seems temporary. I want to wake up just one day anf feel GOOD! Because of the nausea I have had the worst time trying to drink "plenty of liquids". Everything just makes me sick. What were your symptoms last week when they hospitalized you? Love to hear from you.
  • Susan523
    Susan523 Member Posts: 231 Member
    Lea19 said:

    I am sorry to hear


    I am sorry to hear that Gemzar didn't work for you. As an earlier poster said - I had
    Gemzar/Cisplatin together for my third round - and My CA didn't start going up for about a year. My CA is very high now and we are trying to decide on #4 and he suggested I do the

    Susan I would be very upset if I didn't feel like my dr. was listening to me. Would you consider changing?

    I'm sorry to hear you've had such a tough time. How awful that you had to cancel a cruise.
    Just make plans to go as soon as this next round is over!

    Prayers sent up for you!

    Yes, Lea, but there are no other doctors like him :-(
    I truly wish there were another Gynecological/Oncolologist, but the closest is over 4 hours away in San Francisco. (I'm in Nevada). We're lucky we have our Dr., who trained at Mayo Clinic, taught at UCLA and UCSFO, but still, he is so over worked with too many patients. An
    average appointment will keep you waiting 2 - 2 1/2 hours, and it will be 3 or 4 by the time you are seen and leave. As we all know, this is a very long time to wait when we are not feeling well.

    yes; we will hopefully avoid the scary side-effects of Avastin, and plan a cruise for the spring or summer.

    And prayers sent up for you as well, Lea xoxo
  • Susan523
    Susan523 Member Posts: 231 Member
    jean b said:

    Dear Susan: I am sorry you
    Dear Susan: I am sorry you are still having problems. I am going in for my 3rd treatment of Gemzar Cisplatin next week. This is my 4th reccurrence ov OV CA in 10 years. The first recurrrence did not happen until 7 1//2 yrs. Anyway had the taxol/carbo and I feel like I sailed through that compared to this. I agree,I think I would have rather lost the hair. My stomach has not been the same. I haven't really had a good day in 2 mos. I keep complaining too, they have tried all kinds of meds and sometimes they work, but it just seems temporary. I want to wake up just one day anf feel GOOD! Because of the nausea I have had the worst time trying to drink "plenty of liquids". Everything just makes me sick. What were your symptoms last week when they hospitalized you? Love to hear from you.

    I was the same way; too nauseaous to drink water, so it led to dehydration. I was also constipated; and they thought even a possible blockage, so they put me on a liquid diet and Milk of Magnesia. Thank God that cleared it up, but I'm still trying to get back on 'regular' foods.

    While hospitalized they drained my abdomen which was full of fluid. 4litres were removed. It
    hurt, but felt much better afterward.

    Also, I was so dehydrated that my urine was the color of COFFEE. I kid you not. It scared me, and nobody told me to expect it.

    Now I'm told to eat, gain weight, and don't throw-up. I'll do the best I can. Chemo starts on the 8th.

    Love & Prayers xoxox ~Susan
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Susan523 said:

    Yes, Lea, but there are no other doctors like him :-(
    I truly wish there were another Gynecological/Oncolologist, but the closest is over 4 hours away in San Francisco. (I'm in Nevada). We're lucky we have our Dr., who trained at Mayo Clinic, taught at UCLA and UCSFO, but still, he is so over worked with too many patients. An
    average appointment will keep you waiting 2 - 2 1/2 hours, and it will be 3 or 4 by the time you are seen and leave. As we all know, this is a very long time to wait when we are not feeling well.

    yes; we will hopefully avoid the scary side-effects of Avastin, and plan a cruise for the spring or summer.

    And prayers sent up for you as well, Lea xoxo

    Women's Cancer Center?
    Hi Susan, just checking in to make sure you know about the Women's Cancer Center in Nevada. Dr. Spirtos is the head doc there and very good. This may be where you are already going?
    Hugs, Kathleen:)