Can any of you share what your symptoms were prior to diagnosis?
I was pregnant so I can't really help you.
I lost weight and strength mainly. I was 12 pounds lighter at 5 months pregnancy than when I became pregnant. My tumor was in my chest and had collapsed my lung. So I was coughing for air at night but I didn't know why I was coughing.
I was tired. My heart was freaking out too because it was pressing on my heart.
Months prior it had paralyzed my diaphragm on one side and I had severe pain for a few hours.
Dull ache under shoulder blade for a few weeks a year earlier that doctor's didn't do anything about.
And ONE night sweat. That was it. Lymphoma didn't cause me much direct pain. It was under my rib cage so I felt no lumps...
Basically, no symptoms until my tumor was 10cm or bigger and almost killed me.0 -
symptomscathlinberreth01 said:symptoms
I was pregnant so I can't really help you.
I lost weight and strength mainly. I was 12 pounds lighter at 5 months pregnancy than when I became pregnant. My tumor was in my chest and had collapsed my lung. So I was coughing for air at night but I didn't know why I was coughing.
I was tired. My heart was freaking out too because it was pressing on my heart.
Months prior it had paralyzed my diaphragm on one side and I had severe pain for a few hours.
Dull ache under shoulder blade for a few weeks a year earlier that doctor's didn't do anything about.
And ONE night sweat. That was it. Lymphoma didn't cause me much direct pain. It was under my rib cage so I felt no lumps...
Basically, no symptoms until my tumor was 10cm or bigger and almost killed me.
Hi. First we have to remember that each individual case is different. Lymphoma does not seem to have any bounderies and I am a perfect example. I had lymphoma in my face and not in my lymph system where it should of been. Having said that my doctor is always checking for swollen lymph glands. The night sweats are also a common signal. A lump that seemed to be spreading and lots of pain was my final signal. But it still took the removal of a mass and 7 biopsies to find my cancer. There are proubly lots of medical problems that can cause the same symptoms as lymphoma so its always a matter of getting tests and scans done. And I will say I had a gut feeling that I would be dealing with cancer. 6 years out Slickwilly0 -
With me I put it off and put
With me I put it off and put it off until I couldn't ignore the pile of symptoms that had built up.
I itched like crazy, it would wake me up and I would scratch until I scabbed - pretty intense.
I lost about 30 lbs in a 6-8 month span without any effort
I was always tired, kept up from the itching I thought
Night sweats not soaking just overly warm always
Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
Not everyones symptoms are the same, and some have no symptoms at all.
Hope I was of some help. Sending well wishes your way.
Joleen0 -
for me it was just constant
for me it was just constant coughing for months. My lymph nodes had swollen so much that it was squeezing my airway.0 -
Mine ranged from nightsweats, weight loss, and then I found my lumps in my groin. I generally was tired, my skin color was pretty gray looking and I just didn't look good. The bags under my eyes were very dark and just didn't feel great. I was getting ready to go see the doc just about the time I found the lumps.
Everyone is right, lymphoma symptoms are very individually different.
Hope everything is ok, keep your head up if you are waiting for diagnosis. The wait is by FAR the worst. NHL is treatable although a pain in the butt.
Beth0 -
My main symptom was a constant cough. I had it for over a year! It wasn't until I coughed so hard I hurt my rib cage that the doctor gave me an x-ray and there was a large mass taking up most of my right lung. I had also lost a lot of weight 25+ lbs and had the night sweats but thought I was just overheating while I slept. I also coach basketball and could only exercise for a short time before tiring and having to stop. All the symptoms I just attributed to other things i.e tiredness, I just had a baby. Shortness of breath-asthma. Night sweats-my apartment was getting to hot at night.0 -
Thought it was a bad virusyoungen2505 said:Symptoms
My main symptom was a constant cough. I had it for over a year! It wasn't until I coughed so hard I hurt my rib cage that the doctor gave me an x-ray and there was a large mass taking up most of my right lung. I had also lost a lot of weight 25+ lbs and had the night sweats but thought I was just overheating while I slept. I also coach basketball and could only exercise for a short time before tiring and having to stop. All the symptoms I just attributed to other things i.e tiredness, I just had a baby. Shortness of breath-asthma. Night sweats-my apartment was getting to hot at night.
Hi there,
I felt under the weather all the time and once in a while got really sick - fever, night sweats enough to have to change the sheets. Initially was told it was a flu virus. Oh yes and also very fatigued with some weight loss- not much though. Finally went to a doctor who decided to do a chest xray and there it was a large tumor in the chest. They called me back to the doctor by the time I got home from the Xray. Went in the following week and had a biopsy done - they did not get a good sample and so had to have another one. Hodgkins was found - had chemo and radiation which did the trick - 20 years ago.
Cheers, Lance0 -
symptomsjbat409 said:symptoms
My symptoms of lymphoma which I would never have associated were:
Extremely itchy skin
Rash outbreaks
Night sweats... drenching just before the mass appeared on my neck
first time around i had swelling in the neck second time a huge lump in the middle of my throat twelve years later0 -
SymptomsTom33Mi said:symptoms
first time around i had swelling in the neck second time a huge lump in the middle of my throat twelve years later
Almost none. A small bump on my upper thigh which I figured was nothing. Thankful that I had a good PCP who pushed me to get it examined.0 -
I can't believe how similaryoungen2505 said:Symptoms
My main symptom was a constant cough. I had it for over a year! It wasn't until I coughed so hard I hurt my rib cage that the doctor gave me an x-ray and there was a large mass taking up most of my right lung. I had also lost a lot of weight 25+ lbs and had the night sweats but thought I was just overheating while I slept. I also coach basketball and could only exercise for a short time before tiring and having to stop. All the symptoms I just attributed to other things i.e tiredness, I just had a baby. Shortness of breath-asthma. Night sweats-my apartment was getting to hot at night.
I can't believe how similar our stories are. Looking through these posts I am just amazed that my doctor didn't know earlier! As mean as it is, I'm glad I'm not alone. Sorry!
How are things going now? Where are you in treatment?0 -
I itched, lost a lot of weight (20 pounds in 3 months), night sweats so bad I would have to change the sheets, a cough that lasted at least a year, a weird nightly fever, and fatigue!!! I was very gray looking. My family just thought I was really depressed and wanted me to get help for it. I was told to just get over it several times and to tough it out. Then the day I was admitted, man did they feel bad. I never said I told you so or even held a grudge though. How could they have known?0 -
Hi, I'm new to this board.
I've been diagnosed with non-Hodkins L three times since 2001. The first time, I was suffering from what the doctor thought was tennis elbow in both arms. A week or two later, the pain extended the entire length of both arms. There was a mass in my clavicular area that was pressing on the brachio-ulnar nerve, which turned out to be lymphoma.
The second diagnosis came after a routine follow-up CT. There were no symptoms of any kind.
The third time (a year ago), one of my knees was swollen/painful. After CT, MRI, x-ray & PET scan & biopsy, they found that I had lymphoma in one of my vertebra.0 -
symptoms of NHL
Ifound a lump on my cheek one day at work, right over my jaw bone. Didn't think too much of it but had to stop at my granddaughters dr. office on the way home, so casually asked him if it was anything to be concerned about. He immediately sent me to another dr. and the ball began rolling. That was in 1999 and it turned out to be NHL. Looking back the symptoms were clear, but I'd thought nothing about them being connected to cancer. First - itching. Every night as I laid in bed the back of my neck itched terribly. Complained to my husband about it all the time. Secondly, fatigue. Being tired like I'd never known. Was all I could do to stay awake at work after lunch. Could barely keep awake to drive home. Sometimes when i reached the driveway I was too tired to get out of the car and go inside. Just put my head back and napped right there.0 -
Hi Deanna,
For me the main symptoms were Drenching Night sweats accompanied by a low grade fever (approx 100 degrees), worsening pain in my groin, sudden weight loss, and loss of strength and stamina.
I was originally diagnosed as having a hernia, which could be easily remedied in an out patient operation. I soon learned that most people with hernias were merely inconvenienced by the bulge in their abdomen, but didn't rea;lly feel any pain associated with it at all or only slightly. That wasn't true in my case, I was in terrible pain and was taking prescribed Vioxx by the 10 or so a day just to keep moving.
I went to the local VA to see about getting the hoped for Hernia operation and was informed by the Surgeon that I didn't have a Hernia, but instead had a very large tumor which was surely malignant and was sert up for an emergency operation the following day. You can imagine the shock I was in and my life was turned upside down in about 5 minutes. The Tumor was successfully removed during a 6 hour operation which was then followed by a 30 day recovery in intensive care during which I could only have intervenous fluids, my weight dropped to 105 pounds from 165 pounds normal weight. There were many complications from the surgery, including a serious infection that required an additional 45 day hospitalization and another major surgery. After that I had 8 sessions of R-CHOP Chemo and eventually the cancer went into total remission and after 5 years I was considered "cured", by the Onco Dr.
My advice is, IF you have any of the above symptoms, you Run, do not walk, to the best surgeon you can find who specializes in Cancer and get a complete Check up, including and MRI or PET scan. Do not look for an easy way out, get the facts as they are, and deal with it. I very nearly lost my life while I put off a hoped for Hernia operation waiting for a more convenient time to have it done. My tumor had grown to grapefruit size, perforated my colon, involved my entire right lower quandrant and had completely disolved my appendix, All that in less than 3 months from the the day I noticed the very first symptom, which was an unusual pain in my side.
DennisR0 -
Hi Deanna,
As posted before by a lot of people my symptoms included extreme fatigue and drenching night sweats. I was also being treated for acid reflux at the time and prescribed Nexium. When I started taking the nexium I noticed I had black stool, which I assumed was a side effect of the nexium (Which it is). Unfortunately it wasn't a side effect it was a tumor that had grown to overtake almost 60%-70% of my stomach. I was told at the Mayo that the tumor had grown off of the 2 Lymphnodes around my stomach. When the doctors told me it was malignant I was in shock and my world turned upside down.
I'm currently on my first (2 of 4) round cycle of chemo and feel pretty good. I have completely changed my diet (No red meat) and my body is retaining blood with no bleeding in sight. I do wonder at times why my family doctor never thought it was cancer and was more proactive but it is what it is now.
Deanna have you been diagnosed?0 -
symptomsJMAITRUMBLE said:Symptoms
Hi Deanna,
As posted before by a lot of people my symptoms included extreme fatigue and drenching night sweats. I was also being treated for acid reflux at the time and prescribed Nexium. When I started taking the nexium I noticed I had black stool, which I assumed was a side effect of the nexium (Which it is). Unfortunately it wasn't a side effect it was a tumor that had grown to overtake almost 60%-70% of my stomach. I was told at the Mayo that the tumor had grown off of the 2 Lymphnodes around my stomach. When the doctors told me it was malignant I was in shock and my world turned upside down.
I'm currently on my first (2 of 4) round cycle of chemo and feel pretty good. I have completely changed my diet (No red meat) and my body is retaining blood with no bleeding in sight. I do wonder at times why my family doctor never thought it was cancer and was more proactive but it is what it is now.
Deanna have you been diagnosed?
Hi Jamaitrumble,
Wow...can I ever relate to your experience. Glad to hear things are going well and the Cancer is responding favorably to the chemo, keep up the fight. Your obvious good mental attitude will prove to be very important, don't allow the occasional difficulties with the Chemo wear you down. Thanks for sharing your experience.
DennisR0 -
I am newly diagnosed, never heard the word Lymphoma until two months ago. Had a painless mushy lump over my left collar bone. Thought it was from wearing my heavy purse over that shoulder or the seat belt too tight in the car. Denial is a bad thing! Let it go for over 6 months, finally I was putting up my hair in front of a mirror and noticed my left armpit was very swollen. That's when I made the call. Looking back the only thing I had was itching on my back when I got undressed. Felt like I was allergic to the air. It would subside and I thought nothing of it. I haven't lost any weight, I've gained aout 20lbs (stress or middle age?)over the last year AND all my blood work came back normal. I had a lymph node removed from my left armpit and that's how I was diagnosed. A tiny spot on my hip has been found by my PET Scan and I am now waiting for bone marrow biopsy results, but I still do not have what I thought were "classic" symptoms.0 -
symptomscatwink22 said:Symptoms
I am newly diagnosed, never heard the word Lymphoma until two months ago. Had a painless mushy lump over my left collar bone. Thought it was from wearing my heavy purse over that shoulder or the seat belt too tight in the car. Denial is a bad thing! Let it go for over 6 months, finally I was putting up my hair in front of a mirror and noticed my left armpit was very swollen. That's when I made the call. Looking back the only thing I had was itching on my back when I got undressed. Felt like I was allergic to the air. It would subside and I thought nothing of it. I haven't lost any weight, I've gained aout 20lbs (stress or middle age?)over the last year AND all my blood work came back normal. I had a lymph node removed from my left armpit and that's how I was diagnosed. A tiny spot on my hip has been found by my PET Scan and I am now waiting for bone marrow biopsy results, but I still do not have what I thought were "classic" symptoms.
this is why I love these support groups! we just need reinforcement sometimes
I didn't really have symptoms when I was diagnosed; had gone to DR for diverticulis; it wouldn't go away even after antibiotics so they sent me for scan. I had extremely swollen abdomen but ONC at first was convinced it was a result of the diverticulits.
now diagnosed as Stage IV follicular due to bone marrow involvement, I've been on WW since surgery in April. But the symptoms have kicked in!! I am bone tired, like when I was when I first got pregnant and something is sucking the life out of you...except that was 32 years ago!
I am so tired that often at the end of the day I cry all the way home from work..15 miles.
And I am burning up! not hot flashes just HOT! I am freezing my husband and co-workers, they bought me a fan at work like they use in the server rooms. Abdomen is still swollen
but I couldn't lose a lb if I tried; in fact I really eat less than before, but because the surgery couldn't be done laproscopy had 22 staples and took a long while to be able to walk much...but now the fatigue discourages me fro doing that.
DR says he will leave it up to me if I want to start Rituxin but he isn't sure it will help my symptoms? any of you? did it help your symptoms?? something needs to change; next visit Oct 5...any input? sheila0
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