A small victory for my head

TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had my first chemo (Taxotere/Cytoxan) almost 3 weeks ago. Around 12 days afterwards, I started to notice a little hair falling; by day 16, it was coming out in clumps in my hand.

My hair was already very short -- but, when I started finding (my own) hair in my food when I ate, I decided enough was enough. So, this past Thursday, my girlfriend buzzed it down to a "0" setting with the clippers.

My intention has been to wear hats or headwraps when I'm outside for sun protection, but I was hoping to be courageous enough to just be out and proud otherwise. And I'm proud to say that -- at least so far -- I've done just that.

I've been to work, the farmers' market, the grocery store, and the gym, all just me and my prickly little head. My co-workers didn't seem to care, and I got a nice compliment from a lady at the farmers' market that my "haircut" looked good. My girlfriend said she noticed some older people kind of staring at me at the grocery store, but said that younger people didn't even give me a second look (this is Los Angeles, after all :-).

So I'm rather proud of myself!



  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I have to disagree with you
    I have to disagree with you Traci! This is by no means a "small" victory~ it is momentous! You have done what is so hard for many of us~ not just shaving your head, but throwing caution to the wind going out in public! I am sooo proud of you~ you have put a face ( or a head!) to Breast Cancer and you are doing all of your Sisters in Pink a great service! You rock, Traci! whooo hooooo!!

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    I am too am quite proud of you. I am in no way a vain gal, I do not primp much, love to camp, ride my quad and get dirty with the best of them, I am a tomboy so my reaction to my losing my hair (all three times) rather surprised me. No one and I mean no one saw my bald head, not even my husband. The only time I went natural was when I was home alone and the house was in lock down and all family members knew not to use the key they had better wait for me to cover my head and answer the door. Your way of handling this has given you a freedom that is truly a gift, good for you!!!! If I ever have to do it again I hope to model myself a bit more after my LA sister in pink!!!


  • Reikigemgirl
    Reikigemgirl Member Posts: 278
    You go girl.....
    I hope to be as brave!! I'm proud of ya for sure. I too have an array of scarves and hats, a wig and sleep caps but hope to be able to go Au Natural, as you have done. As the saying goes: hats off to ya!!

    Love and Light,
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I'm sure that I won't be
    I'm sure that I won't be doing much going outside without WARM headgear LOL - I live in the Black Hills area of western SD so it'll be getting cold quite soon and I freeze all the time anyway. Probably won't be without head cover inside either just to stay somewhat warm. Honestly - I don't have a clue what I'll do (other than what I have to to stay warm) once it falls out - I start Chemo on Wed. - time will tell.
  • terpsi
    terpsi Member Posts: 33
    Hi Traci,

    I have been to the Bald by Chemo club twice now and send my welcome to you now. I have a huge collection of scarves, which I wear mostly everywhere else but my head. I have been unable to wear a wig because it feels both uncomfortable and just weird. My whole life I have had a huge head of bushy, curly hair, and somehow the wigs I have tried seem so NOT me.

    Consequently, I am boldly bald and don't care about looks or comments. Most of the time, people, especially, here in LA County, don't look twice. When they do, it's mostly little children who say, How come that lady doesn't have any hair, or look at the bald lady.

    I've never had a problem being more of an individualist, so this is not much different. I hope you do whatever feels right for you and you continue to make comfort for you more important than the opinions of strangers or others who might themselves wonder how you do it because they lack the confidence to be who they want to be.

    Anyway, I have just found this site and this is my first post. Hope to be back more and to see you again :).

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    terpsi said:

    Hi Traci,

    I have been to the Bald by Chemo club twice now and send my welcome to you now. I have a huge collection of scarves, which I wear mostly everywhere else but my head. I have been unable to wear a wig because it feels both uncomfortable and just weird. My whole life I have had a huge head of bushy, curly hair, and somehow the wigs I have tried seem so NOT me.

    Consequently, I am boldly bald and don't care about looks or comments. Most of the time, people, especially, here in LA County, don't look twice. When they do, it's mostly little children who say, How come that lady doesn't have any hair, or look at the bald lady.

    I've never had a problem being more of an individualist, so this is not much different. I hope you do whatever feels right for you and you continue to make comfort for you more important than the opinions of strangers or others who might themselves wonder how you do it because they lack the confidence to be who they want to be.

    Anyway, I have just found this site and this is my first post. Hope to be back more and to see you again :).


    Welcome to the board, Donna!
    LOL at your comment that you wear your scarves anywhere else but your head....I'm all thumbs, and would probably end up injuring myself if I tried to tie a scarf anywhere (including my head), so I threw out that option immediately! :-)

    I agree with you wholeheartedly that each of us should do whatever makes us most comfortable. I mean, for heaven's sake, when you're going through chemo, the LAST thing you should be is MORE uncomfortable, whether that be because of an itchy wig, or feeling too exposed by going bald, or anything else.

    So now there are 2 bald ladies in LA County! Come and get us, anyone who might dare to try to make a rude comment! :-)

  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    TraciInLA said:

    Welcome to the board, Donna!
    LOL at your comment that you wear your scarves anywhere else but your head....I'm all thumbs, and would probably end up injuring myself if I tried to tie a scarf anywhere (including my head), so I threw out that option immediately! :-)

    I agree with you wholeheartedly that each of us should do whatever makes us most comfortable. I mean, for heaven's sake, when you're going through chemo, the LAST thing you should be is MORE uncomfortable, whether that be because of an itchy wig, or feeling too exposed by going bald, or anything else.

    So now there are 2 bald ladies in LA County! Come and get us, anyone who might dare to try to make a rude comment! :-)


    Way to go Traci
    Must be somthing with the name, I was a I'm going bald club. I carried a hat with me but rarely did it actualy find it to my head.

    welcome to the board Donna, and welcome Home

  • karaokelorie
    karaokelorie Member Posts: 33
    Way to go Traci !!!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I couldn't go without a head
    I couldn't go without a head covering. Partly it was because it was winter in New England and partly I'm part chicken. I'm proud of you too!

    Gee, Look at the subject line-I couldn't go without a head! hee hee. Sometimes I do go without a brain though.
  • Brenda Jean
    Brenda Jean Member Posts: 4
    Way to go!!
    Hi Traci,

    I hope I can be as strong as you! I am going for my 2nd chemo this Friday and the drs say I should lose my hair about the same day. I have gone out and bought 2 wigs and many hats and scarfs. I am really nervous about how I will deal with it but It is wonderful to hear such strength from my pink sisters. It really does give me that little bit of extra courage that I need to deal with all this "icky stuff" we are all facing!

    thanks again to all

    Brenda Jean
  • Ms_Nellie
    Ms_Nellie Member Posts: 40
    Wonder what I will do

    I got my head shaved last Tuesday. My Chemotheraphy treatments started August 4, 2009. When it started to come out in clumps I just got it shaved off.

    I haven't decided exactly what I will do. I worked from home last week, so I wore a bandana and a baseball cap when I went out. I sit on my front step and watch the traffic go by with my bald head exposed. I drive and ride my motorcycle in the bald too. I have bought some scarves to wear, but the wig seems too overwhelming at this time.

    I am proud of your choice to go out bald. I hope to get there real soon. I just want to be me, and if I am bald, so what. The bigger picture is that I am stripped of my crop for a shot time compared to my lifetime, and I am not defined by the hair on my head (although I think my bald head looks funny).

    I like your attitude and courage. May you continue to have strength, courage, hope and share it with others.

  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    My Cap is Off to You
    You and Donna are so brave. I am not so brave as to venture outside of my yard without my caps. Although, with this heat and the head sores, there are days when I want to just throw off the hat and say to hell with it.

    I am glad you are here with us on this board.

  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Good for you Traci! I was
    Good for you Traci! I was never able to get up the nerve to go out without my wig or bandana.
    But I always wanted too!
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    Eil4186 said:

    Good for you Traci! I was
    Good for you Traci! I was never able to get up the nerve to go out without my wig or bandana.
    But I always wanted too!

    You go girl
    I shaved my head yesterday after getting tired of it falling out everywhere. I have yet to brave the outside with my shaving. I did go out today, but i had to put a wrap on. I admire your courage!

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    lolad said:

    You go girl
    I shaved my head yesterday after getting tired of it falling out everywhere. I have yet to brave the outside with my shaving. I did go out today, but i had to put a wrap on. I admire your courage!


    That is a huge victory
    That is a huge victory Traci! So proud of you, as you should be of yourself!

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Good for you traci.
    I am glad for you,I thought I could never get the courage to do such a thing as have my head shaved.Like you after my chemo started mine was also the 16th day i started shedding everywhere.The second day of shedding i put a scarf on to try to keep the hair from falling in stuff.then that afternoon I was by myself and cryed my last time i hope over my hair.Then got the scissors and started cutting real short.Then i got the clippers and shaved it.What a great feeling to be liberated.Hey and no more bad hair day to worry about.Getting ready is so much easier and faster.I am glad for both of us.You go girl.(Pat).Ps. I just seen this was a older post.I think I better turn in for the night.