Caring Strangers

chickad52 Member Posts: 497
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I sit here trying to type with tears in my eyes. My daughter stopped by this evening with a card from her co-workers. I opened it and there was money to help pay for some of our medical expenses. I broke down in tears to think that complete strangers would have a raffle just for me. Words can't even say how I feel. Just knowing that there is such caring people in this world makes my heart so full! Thanks for letting me share. and Bless all of you! Diane :)


  • djteach
    djteach Member Posts: 273
    Hi Diane,
    How wonderful.

    Hi Diane,

    How wonderful. Those are the best kind of tears, aren't they? You know what? You deserve it, and that wonderful daughter that you have. Enjoy the feeling of being enveloped with love.

    love and gentle hugs,
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Didn't Blance DuBoise depend upon the "kindness of strangers" :)
    Someone once said to me that the Bible says,( and I know it doesn't) "Cast your bread upon the waters, and in three days, it will come back buttered!" I liked that interpretation of that verse, and I think it just must apply to you! How loving a person YOU must be to have people want to reciprocate in kind...sight unseen.

    Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!

  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    Diane, this reminded me of
    Diane, this reminded me of something I have not thought of in years. In May 1970, my husband was attending college on the GI bill, and had just been hired for the evening shift at a commercial bakery. I was pregnant. I went into premature labor which turned out to be a surprise of twins rather than a single birth. Sadly, one of the babies lived only 36 hours. When news of our sadness reached his co-workers, they took up a collection and presented him with several hundred dollars. His boss gave him a week off with pay, even though he had been employed there less than a month. While I never met any of those lovely people, their kindness made a lasting impression on me. Our baby that lived grew into a healthy beautiful young woman, who now has twin boys of her own! I love happy endings.
  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497

    Diane, this reminded me of
    Diane, this reminded me of something I have not thought of in years. In May 1970, my husband was attending college on the GI bill, and had just been hired for the evening shift at a commercial bakery. I was pregnant. I went into premature labor which turned out to be a surprise of twins rather than a single birth. Sadly, one of the babies lived only 36 hours. When news of our sadness reached his co-workers, they took up a collection and presented him with several hundred dollars. His boss gave him a week off with pay, even though he had been employed there less than a month. While I never met any of those lovely people, their kindness made a lasting impression on me. Our baby that lived grew into a healthy beautiful young woman, who now has twin boys of her own! I love happy endings.

    You touched my heart wth your story. When I am down, I will think of your story and also what happened to me last night!! Thank You for sharing!! Good Luck today with your scan. Hugs, Diane
  • dmc_emmy
    dmc_emmy Member Posts: 549
    chickad52 said:

    You touched my heart wth your story. When I am down, I will think of your story and also what happened to me last night!! Thank You for sharing!! Good Luck today with your scan. Hugs, Diane

    Happy tears!
    Thank you both, for sharing your stories. They are stories of hope for all of us and help to renew our faith in the human race. I read them with tears in my eyes.

    Sometimes, when we are going through the most challenging time our lives, we tend to forget that people really do care and that there are still happy endings.
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    wonderful caring human beings
    I am very happy for you! I understand a little about how that feels as my co-workers took up a collection for me recently. It warms my heart to know that there are so many wonderful caring people in this world!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Warms our hearts!
    Especially in todays times and with the economy, it touches my heart to see the kindness of strangers. Such an example of being unselfish!! Your daughter is awesome and no wonder, your her mother! Pammy
  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    Akiss4me said:

    Warms our hearts!
    Especially in todays times and with the economy, it touches my heart to see the kindness of strangers. Such an example of being unselfish!! Your daughter is awesome and no wonder, your her mother! Pammy

    Thank You, Yes, she is awesome, she has been with her father and me at my appointments when she can. She is a nurse and is a big help with all the medical issues that I don't understand. She will never know how much it means to me!! Hugs, Diane
  • Reikigemgirl
    Reikigemgirl Member Posts: 278
    What a nice, caring....
    thing to do. What a wonderful daughter and co-workers.

    Love and Light,
  • Booberta
    Booberta Member Posts: 61

    What a nice, caring....
    thing to do. What a wonderful daughter and co-workers.

    Love and Light,

    Oh those baby girls
    Are they not the best? You obviously raised her to be a loving and compasionate person (after all she is a nurse).

    Isn't it great that for a change you can shed tears of joy?

    Getting a financial and spiritual boost from strangers is a wonderful gift, Enjoy.

    Love and Peace