Day 25 of Pammy's Rads

Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well, quite an informative visit today! My regular tech was off, so to make conversation with the other one, I mentioned that I will be starting my boosters Friday. Now, what ever made me think that all they did was shrink the light beam down to a smaller area, is beyond me. That of course would be way to simple! That is not what happens...
It seems these beams are "electron" beams which are different than what I have been getting all along. Thursday will be my 28th and last day of whole breast radiation. Then either after we're done Thursday (in which case 1st booster will be Friday) or on Friday (in which case no rads, just prep) I will have an ultrasound done to see how deep and where the perimeters are of my tumor extraction. The Radiation Oncologist will do this.
Then they will use a paint pen to draw a square on me that will stay on for the 8-11 boosters I will have. I can still shower with the water to my back and they will touch it up everyday to make sure it remains in place. (I'm taking bets that I can convince them to add arms & legs and give it a name!!!)
They will make a metal template using the measurements the Doc gives and that will attach to Optimus Prime. This will bring the beam almost directly on top of me (Yikes, definitely no giggling now!!). I should find out tomorrow if we will do this Thursday or Friday.
Todays treatment has REALLY reddened the area under my breast! It doesn't really hurt, but my husband says it looks so terrible and he feels so bad for me......hmmmmm, maybe I should throw in a moan or two? Just a little "owww" here & there? Maybe, lift up my boobie and do a little fanning motion? Ok, I'll stop (hangs her head).


  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    I guess every center does
    I guess every center does this a little differently. My prep for boosters, I think, was done at the beginning. They made the template then and yes the machine is closer but it's not really bad. They didn't need to draw on me but not sure why not.
    Be sure and keep the breast especially that reddened area slathered in aloe. This can continue to redden after all the radiation so stay on top of it.
    And yes, Pammy, moan and ow and lift and fan. Then tell hubby that the best known remedy for this is "you fill in the blank". Say to yourself, I need comfort for my pain, I need comfort for my ordeal, I need comfort because I am brave, I need comfort for all that I have been through, I need comfort because I just do. Comfort is "again, fill in the blank". Now so that you don't think I am a selfish, coniving schemer, Comfort can be as simple as a hug or a big as you wish. I loved hugs and ice cream. Okay, I am a cheap date. LOL
    I am glad that you are nearing the end of all of this. I hope that you only need 8, but 11 is doable.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Boosters with a different machine
    I had my boosters in a whole different room with a different machine. Just when I was getting REALLY tired of staring at those same old pictures, too. I think the measurements were completed during first simulation at the very beginning of rads. Wow, you are nearing the end zone. I have to say "milk it" (I know, bad, bad, bad), for all its worth. You have earned it. ♥Lynn
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    Boosters with a different machine
    I had my boosters in a whole different room with a different machine. Just when I was getting REALLY tired of staring at those same old pictures, too. I think the measurements were completed during first simulation at the very beginning of rads. Wow, you are nearing the end zone. I have to say "milk it" (I know, bad, bad, bad), for all its worth. You have earned it. ♥Lynn

    Taking more notes... I agree
    Taking more notes... I agree with Lynn... Milk it baby milk it!! (just remember that I am going to follow the leader)... ;0)

    ♥ & hugs,

  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Boosters, yeah, but You're Almost Done
    Hi, Pammy, you describe the experience I had also, with "Optimus Prime" directly above me, and a smaller template fitted for the beam. Frankly, by that time, I could not be bothered by where the machine was or how close it was to my body. Just happy to get each one of those remaining few done. The boosters are faster, by the way. You'll be out of there even more quickly.

    The bad news is that the boosters do cause more burning. All the creams and lotions others have told you about worked for me in different ways and for different reasons. Right now, two weeks after the last treatment, I am using Silvadene, aloe, and Aqaphor, alternately, depending on what my skin seems to need. (Silvadene is not to be used with other products, so make sure the area has been cleaned before switching.)

    Aloe is more drying and helps the redness, Aquaphor helps me with itching and keeping the skin moist. Silvadene helps with itching. To keep skin from touching skin, and my skin from touching my clothes, I use large gauze pads. Your rad. onc. nurse can give you some along with a kind of netting to keep the pad in place. The netting is like a tube top.

    Any time you can, try going barebreasted around the house. Exposing the skin to air helps. I would imagine your hubby will not mind!

    One more thing: I did find fatigue really setting in with the boosters. If you're like me, you'll want to build in more naps during your day.

    Well, that's the only tips I can think of right now. Do take a moment to realize your accomplishment: you've completed the major portion of your treatment. Just a few boosters, and you're outa there!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Moopy23 said:

    Boosters, yeah, but You're Almost Done
    Hi, Pammy, you describe the experience I had also, with "Optimus Prime" directly above me, and a smaller template fitted for the beam. Frankly, by that time, I could not be bothered by where the machine was or how close it was to my body. Just happy to get each one of those remaining few done. The boosters are faster, by the way. You'll be out of there even more quickly.

    The bad news is that the boosters do cause more burning. All the creams and lotions others have told you about worked for me in different ways and for different reasons. Right now, two weeks after the last treatment, I am using Silvadene, aloe, and Aqaphor, alternately, depending on what my skin seems to need. (Silvadene is not to be used with other products, so make sure the area has been cleaned before switching.)

    Aloe is more drying and helps the redness, Aquaphor helps me with itching and keeping the skin moist. Silvadene helps with itching. To keep skin from touching skin, and my skin from touching my clothes, I use large gauze pads. Your rad. onc. nurse can give you some along with a kind of netting to keep the pad in place. The netting is like a tube top.

    Any time you can, try going barebreasted around the house. Exposing the skin to air helps. I would imagine your hubby will not mind!

    One more thing: I did find fatigue really setting in with the boosters. If you're like me, you'll want to build in more naps during your day.

    Well, that's the only tips I can think of right now. Do take a moment to realize your accomplishment: you've completed the major portion of your treatment. Just a few boosters, and you're outa there!

    Thanks Moopy
    I am taking all your advice in!! I asked about the tiredness and they said it's because the Radiation destroys red blood cells too, which means less oxygen being carried around. Also, my bones are a little achy and apparently that is my bones working overtime trying to produce more red blood cells. So when you nap, your body can concentrate more on producing red blood cells instead of functioning. Hence, napping gives you more oxygen! All makes sense.
    I like the gauze idea!! And I like the idea of even faster treatments (never thought of that). Thanks for the heads up! Pammy
    PS) Love the pic of the pups!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    fauxma said:

    I guess every center does
    I guess every center does this a little differently. My prep for boosters, I think, was done at the beginning. They made the template then and yes the machine is closer but it's not really bad. They didn't need to draw on me but not sure why not.
    Be sure and keep the breast especially that reddened area slathered in aloe. This can continue to redden after all the radiation so stay on top of it.
    And yes, Pammy, moan and ow and lift and fan. Then tell hubby that the best known remedy for this is "you fill in the blank". Say to yourself, I need comfort for my pain, I need comfort for my ordeal, I need comfort because I am brave, I need comfort for all that I have been through, I need comfort because I just do. Comfort is "again, fill in the blank". Now so that you don't think I am a selfish, coniving schemer, Comfort can be as simple as a hug or a big as you wish. I loved hugs and ice cream. Okay, I am a cheap date. LOL
    I am glad that you are nearing the end of all of this. I hope that you only need 8, but 11 is doable.

    Slathering Aloe!!
    Thanks, Stef, will keep it drenched!! Bought the super duper pump size!! And lots of ice-cream!! Pammy
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    lynn1950 said:

    Boosters with a different machine
    I had my boosters in a whole different room with a different machine. Just when I was getting REALLY tired of staring at those same old pictures, too. I think the measurements were completed during first simulation at the very beginning of rads. Wow, you are nearing the end zone. I have to say "milk it" (I know, bad, bad, bad), for all its worth. You have earned it. ♥Lynn

    Hmmm.....Different Machine?
    Lynn, I didn't ask if different room or machine, but I don't think so. Now I think I know why these different metal plate things were lined up in the room. When we talked at the end, my tech would be setting up for the next person. Apparently, she was always setting up a booster after me (time slot must have been reserved for that). It all makes sense now. Pammy
    PS) I'm milking it!!!
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Thanks Moopy
    I am taking all your advice in!! I asked about the tiredness and they said it's because the Radiation destroys red blood cells too, which means less oxygen being carried around. Also, my bones are a little achy and apparently that is my bones working overtime trying to produce more red blood cells. So when you nap, your body can concentrate more on producing red blood cells instead of functioning. Hence, napping gives you more oxygen! All makes sense.
    I like the gauze idea!! And I like the idea of even faster treatments (never thought of that). Thanks for the heads up! Pammy
    PS) Love the pic of the pups!

    Glad you like the pics of
    Glad you like the pics of our two eldest, snoozing. (We do that a lot lately!) I like your little kitty and her sorrowful "You Eated My Cookie." So endearing.

    Thanks for the explanation for why radiation is so tiring. I swear: I am more tired now than during and after chemo.

    Well, I'm sensing the need for more oxygen. You hang in there, and soon we'll be celebrating the end of Pammy's rads!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    lynn1950 said:

    Boosters with a different machine
    I had my boosters in a whole different room with a different machine. Just when I was getting REALLY tired of staring at those same old pictures, too. I think the measurements were completed during first simulation at the very beginning of rads. Wow, you are nearing the end zone. I have to say "milk it" (I know, bad, bad, bad), for all its worth. You have earned it. ♥Lynn

    Yep....your taking notes from the best here!!! Oh, did I forget to mention I may have had acting lessons at one time? Ever been in a school play? Same thing, except you also get to write the script!! (LOL) Just make sure the moans have a little drag to them! And if you get caught.....clear your throat, shrug, and proudly state you are just practicing for the Rad B's debut!!!! Pammy
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Slathering Aloe!!
    Thanks, Stef, will keep it drenched!! Bought the super duper pump size!! And lots of ice-cream!! Pammy

    They never told me about
    They never told me about using ice cream on my breast. Is it working? LOL
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    fauxma said:

    They never told me about
    They never told me about using ice cream on my breast. Is it working? LOL

    Working well!!!
    Not on the breast, but on the backside!!! (ROFLOL) Pammy