Just an update

BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
God's morning to all! We are up early and ready to head to the cities for my clinic appointment and then chemo. :-)

My ca125 did drop another 7pts so that is good and means we will continue on the abraxane treatment.

I am going to ask about a ctscan or pet/ct before my next appt with him, havent' had one since March. I am still having some problems and pain(although tolerable). I am now to the point I would like to know what is going on. The ca125 doesn't tell us much anymore.

Sending you all Buckets of Teal Hugs ♥ Prayers ♥ Love ~ Bonnie

PS Does anyone know if medicare covers pet/cts or just cts?


  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Prayers coming your way
    On the scans, I have never had a PET nor one mentioned so I'm thinking Medicare is picky about them. I have never had problems with getting a CT scan and between the diverticulitis and OVCA have had numerous (five since May 1). I would think it would be time for you to have one to check what was going on. My gyn/onc likes to do one every 3 months it seems.
    I pray this treatment will go smoothly for you with little in the tiresome side effects. If you get a PET/Medicare answer, let us know. I've been wondering about it.
    (((Hugs & Prayers))) ☺ Saundra☺
  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    PET Scans
    Bonnie and Saundra..Good day to you both! It is my understanding that PET scans for lung breast and I believe colorectal cancers are covered. I never saw where it was approved for ovarian. Two years ago, Mom could not get this test because it was not approved for ovarian. There is a list that Medicare goes by, but it is constantly changing. A lot of the secondary insurances will cover it but it has to be pre-approved and medically beneficial. I think someone at the Medicare office should have some more up to date info. Hugs, Cindy
  • Kgirl
    Kgirl Member Posts: 45
    PET/CT scans

    Fantastic news on your response to the latest chemo!

    I believe that there was a major policy change last November for PET/CT scans being reimbursed by medicare. I think that ovarian cancer is now covered if the doctor requests it. I was going to use this as a rationale to get my private insurance to cover my PET scan but they covered it without disputing it.

  • arbor3
    arbor3 Member Posts: 103
    Hi Bonnie

    So glad your CA125 is dropping. I was on Abraxane for 2 rounds, did well on it, not alot of side effects. It also worked very well. Do not know about Medicare and pet scans, have never had one done.

    Have a good day
  • Lisa13Q
    Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
    arbor3 said:

    Hi Bonnie

    So glad your CA125 is dropping. I was on Abraxane for 2 rounds, did well on it, not alot of side effects. It also worked very well. Do not know about Medicare and pet scans, have never had one done.

    Have a good day

    Great News
    Please let us know how your CT scan turns out. I suspect we'll see shrinkage!! tee hee. :)
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  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    chemo day
    Hi Bonnie, thanks for the update. Good news that the abraxane continues to work! Hope the next few days are not too tiring for you as the toxin hits the cells.
    The scan sounds like a good move to get the scoop.

  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    Hi Bonnie,
    I'm sharing your happiness that the CA is dropping and the treatment is working.
    I've asked my oncologist, and his associate a few times about getting a PET scan, but they both have said that for OVCA the CT scan is best for finding the cancer if it's there. With my doctor, it a matter of what he feels is right for me, and I'm also Medicare.
  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    Hugs and Prayers to you Bonnie
    I hope all went well at your appointment and you got the requisitions for your tests you wanted. Let us know how it all goes please? Later kiddo, Hugs, Bluerose
  • MichaelaMarie
    MichaelaMarie Member Posts: 163
    bluerose said:

    Hugs and Prayers to you Bonnie
    I hope all went well at your appointment and you got the requisitions for your tests you wanted. Let us know how it all goes please? Later kiddo, Hugs, Bluerose

    CA-125 marker
    Hi Bonnie,

    I, too, am hoping that your marker is sending the right message!!! My doctor says that my marker isn't a good tool anymore, so I'll have another cat scan at the end of September. I'm tolerating the Cisplatin/Gemzar well, but the hard lump in my neck area causes me to worry that the chemo isn't working, and sometimes it does look bigger. I hope you get some good news!!!! Hugs, MM
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member

    CA-125 marker
    Hi Bonnie,

    I, too, am hoping that your marker is sending the right message!!! My doctor says that my marker isn't a good tool anymore, so I'll have another cat scan at the end of September. I'm tolerating the Cisplatin/Gemzar well, but the hard lump in my neck area causes me to worry that the chemo isn't working, and sometimes it does look bigger. I hope you get some good news!!!! Hugs, MM

    Hi Everyone, I got my chemo and am scheduled for a ctscan and my breast mri the first week in September. I see the Dr on the 9th ... hopefully the pictures haven't changed much or at least worst~better I would ecstatic.

    They did a pelvic exam yesterday and then a blaader test as he thought my bladder leakage was a hole from bladder to vagina(fistula I think he called it) They could feel the tumor on vaginal but luckily it hasn't caused a hole. It is just the incontinence is getting worse, I think the tumors are pressing on my bladder more.

    Michaela, I wanted to let you know I have a friend who has had cancer in node in her neck for several years now(size of golf ball) and now has another starting. I am amazed at what our bodies can survive, anyway she is doing well and actually more active than me and has been on chemo 8+ years now.

    Well today is rest time for me but first want to get through the new messages on the board here.

    Hugs ♥ Prayers to all!
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    BonnieR said:

    Hi Everyone, I got my chemo and am scheduled for a ctscan and my breast mri the first week in September. I see the Dr on the 9th ... hopefully the pictures haven't changed much or at least worst~better I would ecstatic.

    They did a pelvic exam yesterday and then a blaader test as he thought my bladder leakage was a hole from bladder to vagina(fistula I think he called it) They could feel the tumor on vaginal but luckily it hasn't caused a hole. It is just the incontinence is getting worse, I think the tumors are pressing on my bladder more.

    Michaela, I wanted to let you know I have a friend who has had cancer in node in her neck for several years now(size of golf ball) and now has another starting. I am amazed at what our bodies can survive, anyway she is doing well and actually more active than me and has been on chemo 8+ years now.

    Well today is rest time for me but first want to get through the new messages on the board here.

    Hugs ♥ Prayers to all!

    Hi Bonnie,
    You're a tough cookie and I know you'll deal with whatever comes along.
    I'm sending a prayer that the Sept. tests are not a cause for concern.

    Feel good, and take care.
  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    BonnieR said:

    Hi Everyone, I got my chemo and am scheduled for a ctscan and my breast mri the first week in September. I see the Dr on the 9th ... hopefully the pictures haven't changed much or at least worst~better I would ecstatic.

    They did a pelvic exam yesterday and then a blaader test as he thought my bladder leakage was a hole from bladder to vagina(fistula I think he called it) They could feel the tumor on vaginal but luckily it hasn't caused a hole. It is just the incontinence is getting worse, I think the tumors are pressing on my bladder more.

    Michaela, I wanted to let you know I have a friend who has had cancer in node in her neck for several years now(size of golf ball) and now has another starting. I am amazed at what our bodies can survive, anyway she is doing well and actually more active than me and has been on chemo 8+ years now.

    Well today is rest time for me but first want to get through the new messages on the board here.

    Hugs ♥ Prayers to all!

    Hi Bonnie,

    Sorry to hear about the incontinence increasing. I'll pray that the scans show just what you'd like to see!

    Hugs & prayers for you, Chickie!
