Holy Crap! What did I miss?

snommintj Member Posts: 601
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Man I missed out! Everybody is talking smack and deleting posts and responses to posts, apologizing and regretting they apologized. WTF!? Somebody pleases fill me in!

I love this board! We're all stuck in the same big pile of SH1T and we're all pissed off, we're all tough as nails, and we'll not allow anyone to tell us otherwise. You guys can respond to my post or not. You can give me advice or not. I might listen to you or not. We all have this desire to share the knowledge we've gained and we sure as hell don't won't others making the same **** mistakes we have. If you post on this board you might get a sympathetic ear, you might not hear back, or you might get a foot in the ****. Believe that someone is listening and you have a format to be heard.


  • tammy41
    tammy41 Member Posts: 48
    so glad your here . could
    so glad your here . could not have said it better myself
  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    tammy41 said:

    so glad your here . could
    so glad your here . could not have said it better myself

    I agree with what you said,it was to the point.
  • lizzydavis
    lizzydavis Member Posts: 893
    Welcome Back John!
    Welcome back John! It is a pleasure to hear from you!
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    No big deal
    Hopefully got it under control and convinced a new member to stay but it is his decision. Hope he stays. We can always use another member to give us their input, especially someone that has made a rough decision of doing chemo or not. We all want to help our fellow mates here - don't we!!! Yup. Glad I have this group.

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    deja vu

    This all sure rings with some deja vu from a few months ago, doesn't it? As I definitely had a strong opinion during those discussions (and I won't go there again- :), I realized after all the aftermath then that it really was harmful to other new people coming onto the board looking for support. If I happened to have been someone who was checking this board out for the first time back then or during the past couple of days, I don't know if I would have stuck around much longer, and I don't want that to be the case for anyone else coming here looking for advice and support. So- I hope lesson learned here now- as I learned mine before.

    I was glad to see apologies all around to mebored (even if they weren't neccessarily warranted, in my opnion)- BUT it is often better to take the highroad- even if someone thinks they have no reason to apologize for- realizing that as long as it upset someone, apologizing anyhow and moving forward is probably the best thing.

    John, how are you feeling today?
    I'm sitting here in bed typing on my laptop- had chemo (Folfiri) this a.m. and am feeling kind of lousy. I threw up after coming home and that's actually something I haven't done much of most times, thankfully. I know I'll feel bette w/in a couple of days.

    Take care-
  • Mike49
    Mike49 Member Posts: 261

    Welcome Back John!
    Welcome back John! It is a pleasure to hear from you!

    I feel the same way
    You said it John, I sometimes take advice and sometimes give advice but it appears someone was trying to keep on until they got the answer they wanted.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    lisa42 said:

    deja vu

    This all sure rings with some deja vu from a few months ago, doesn't it? As I definitely had a strong opinion during those discussions (and I won't go there again- :), I realized after all the aftermath then that it really was harmful to other new people coming onto the board looking for support. If I happened to have been someone who was checking this board out for the first time back then or during the past couple of days, I don't know if I would have stuck around much longer, and I don't want that to be the case for anyone else coming here looking for advice and support. So- I hope lesson learned here now- as I learned mine before.

    I was glad to see apologies all around to mebored (even if they weren't neccessarily warranted, in my opnion)- BUT it is often better to take the highroad- even if someone thinks they have no reason to apologize for- realizing that as long as it upset someone, apologizing anyhow and moving forward is probably the best thing.

    John, how are you feeling today?
    I'm sitting here in bed typing on my laptop- had chemo (Folfiri) this a.m. and am feeling kind of lousy. I threw up after coming home and that's actually something I haven't done much of most times, thankfully. I know I'll feel bette w/in a couple of days.

    Take care-

    ....must have missed something today?
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    lisa42 said:

    deja vu

    This all sure rings with some deja vu from a few months ago, doesn't it? As I definitely had a strong opinion during those discussions (and I won't go there again- :), I realized after all the aftermath then that it really was harmful to other new people coming onto the board looking for support. If I happened to have been someone who was checking this board out for the first time back then or during the past couple of days, I don't know if I would have stuck around much longer, and I don't want that to be the case for anyone else coming here looking for advice and support. So- I hope lesson learned here now- as I learned mine before.

    I was glad to see apologies all around to mebored (even if they weren't neccessarily warranted, in my opnion)- BUT it is often better to take the highroad- even if someone thinks they have no reason to apologize for- realizing that as long as it upset someone, apologizing anyhow and moving forward is probably the best thing.

    John, how are you feeling today?
    I'm sitting here in bed typing on my laptop- had chemo (Folfiri) this a.m. and am feeling kind of lousy. I threw up after coming home and that's actually something I haven't done much of most times, thankfully. I know I'll feel bette w/in a couple of days.

    Take care-

    sorry you're having an off day/night. Hope tomorrow will be better.


    peace, emily
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    Shayenne said:

    ....must have missed something today?

    I think a see a common link.....
    as bad as I hate to admit it I have been in the middle of both of these buzz saws...It may be all my fault ya think ? Well, as a senior citizen about to be in 3 weeks, I can sincerely say with no apprehension at all...

    (1) As a senior citizen Im not responsible anymore for my actions...
    (2) Vitamin "P" works well for me also...
    (3) When people gather there is always action ...
    (4)I love all my semi colons
    (5) I said a prayer for "all" of my semi colons and their families and caregivers tonight.
    (5A) I want to apologize to everyone............again...
    (6) I think we need a cyber group hug...
    and last but not least.(7) What is an azz clown ?
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    2bhealed said:

    sorry you're having an off day/night. Hope tomorrow will be better.


    peace, emily

    Ditto Buzz!
    I think I found it, but everythings ok it seems, you're such an awesome person, I agree with your post, myself, but as a middle-ager, I love yas all too!


    Group hugsss and Blessings!
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    John - You rock!
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    2bhealed said:

    sorry you're having an off day/night. Hope tomorrow will be better.


    peace, emily

    Thanks Emily
    Thanks Emily,
    I do feel better now- so much better in fact, that I'm still wide awake reading and typing on this board after 2 a.m. from whatever it was they gave me to keep me wired (the decadrogn- sp?) The stuff they gave to zonk me out earlier is all worn off!
  • krystle singer
    krystle singer Member Posts: 108
    You are so RIGHT!
    We are all in the same pile...of whatever it is! And we are tough. We gotta be tough or we won't make it. This is a great message board and when we ask for advice we need to be prepared to take it or leave it. Sometimes, whethr we like it or not, we need a kick in the behind to get us on the right track!

    Good going there, John.

    Hugs, Sandi
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    You sound too disappointed John
    You missed nothing. Just because we are all in similar boats it does not give anyone the excuse or the right to start with the name calling. It is possible to have a disagreement without using certain words.
  • snommintj
    snommintj Member Posts: 601
    PhillieG said:

    You sound too disappointed John
    You missed nothing. Just because we are all in similar boats it does not give anyone the excuse or the right to start with the name calling. It is possible to have a disagreement without using certain words.

    No way
    Seldom do I let Hollywood influence my life but I learned a lesson from the movie Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid. When Paul Newman was challenged for leadership of the gang, he slowed down the action to make up some rules, then kicked the guy in the balls. Although this was done for theatrical effect, it truly is a life lesson on multiple levels. One of those levels applies here. Once you decide to engage in debate or combat, don't expect our opponent to play by your rules. What I may say or do is completely different from what someone else may do, neither of which should you find surprising or offensive. Debates, arguments, conflicts, combat are all improvs. Once the stage is set you have to play your part and enjoy the show. If you get caught up in your opponents performance you'll surely diminish your own. When you decide to engage an opponent, draw upon all of your knowledge, training, experience, and morality. Expect your opponent to do the same. After that anything goes.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    snommintj said:

    No way
    Seldom do I let Hollywood influence my life but I learned a lesson from the movie Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid. When Paul Newman was challenged for leadership of the gang, he slowed down the action to make up some rules, then kicked the guy in the balls. Although this was done for theatrical effect, it truly is a life lesson on multiple levels. One of those levels applies here. Once you decide to engage in debate or combat, don't expect our opponent to play by your rules. What I may say or do is completely different from what someone else may do, neither of which should you find surprising or offensive. Debates, arguments, conflicts, combat are all improvs. Once the stage is set you have to play your part and enjoy the show. If you get caught up in your opponents performance you'll surely diminish your own. When you decide to engage an opponent, draw upon all of your knowledge, training, experience, and morality. Expect your opponent to do the same. After that anything goes.

    It was a discussion about treatment options, not the Battle of the Bulge. It IS OK for someone to gain some additional knowledge from a discussion and change their opinions on things or is that when the kick in the balls applies?
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    PhillieG said:

    It was a discussion about treatment options, not the Battle of the Bulge. It IS OK for someone to gain some additional knowledge from a discussion and change their opinions on things or is that when the kick in the balls applies?

    the guy just wanted...
    I honestly think he just wanted us all to disagree with his onc and wife, telling him NOT to have chemo. When we didn't, he didn't take his ball and go home. He went Kung-Fu on us.
  • snommintj
    snommintj Member Posts: 601
    PhillieG said:

    It was a discussion about treatment options, not the Battle of the Bulge. It IS OK for someone to gain some additional knowledge from a discussion and change their opinions on things or is that when the kick in the balls applies?

    you are quick
    Who says chemo messes with your noggin?
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    snommintj said:

    you are quick
    Who says chemo messes with your noggin?

    My wife does.........LOL
    If you don't believe me ask her....LOL

    I forgot the question ?
