Beating Mimi to the punch and asking about everyone's weekend plans....

outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Since I don't see Mimi's familiar post yet about everyone's weekend plans,I'm asking now-what are everybody's weekend plans?
Tonight I am going to a Randy Travis concert with my hubby and a good friend of ours.Saturday,I'm not sure yet. Sunday is church and taking it easy before the week starts again!


  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    I have absolutely NOTHING planned. I intend to tidy up the house, play with my kitty kat, maybe do some laundry, and settle down either on the deck with a book or in the recliner watching movies. Of course, if someone calls and says lets go, I'll be out the door in a shot! I hope its not as hot this weekend as it was last weekend!

    Everyone - Have a Great Weekend! Go out and smell the flowers and duck the lightning strikes!

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Hey, no fair!
    Just kidding. Thanks for getting to this, Outdoor. I've been busy here at work. But, I love this thread no matter who starts it.

    Your concert sounds like a good time. I hope you're close to the action. Me, I hope to have a quiet weekend like Padee.

    Tonight will probably be out to dinner at a new Lebanese restaurant Simon and I discovered last week. They have these great cocktails and very good small plates. My list of movies to see in the theater grows, so we might try to catch either The Ugly Truth (although another movie about how "career" women are all humorless, stern and really unhappy, I don't know...), Funny People, or District 9.

    Saturday is my personal training day. My trainer will not be happy with me -- no cycling all week and bad food choices; trying to get back on track here. Then we'll be attending a BBQ at the western VA home of a colleague of Simon's. It'll be nice to see some rural country for a change. I'm also planning my birthday weekend (next weekend) this Saturday. We're thinking of staying over in VA beach, eating seafood, and lounging on the beach and hotel pools all weekend...

    Sunday will be a relaxation, reading, movie watching day. Hopefully we'll also do some house cleaning, cooking, and get ready for another week.

    Looking forward to reading about everyone's plans once again.

  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    mimivac said:

    Hey, no fair!
    Just kidding. Thanks for getting to this, Outdoor. I've been busy here at work. But, I love this thread no matter who starts it.

    Your concert sounds like a good time. I hope you're close to the action. Me, I hope to have a quiet weekend like Padee.

    Tonight will probably be out to dinner at a new Lebanese restaurant Simon and I discovered last week. They have these great cocktails and very good small plates. My list of movies to see in the theater grows, so we might try to catch either The Ugly Truth (although another movie about how "career" women are all humorless, stern and really unhappy, I don't know...), Funny People, or District 9.

    Saturday is my personal training day. My trainer will not be happy with me -- no cycling all week and bad food choices; trying to get back on track here. Then we'll be attending a BBQ at the western VA home of a colleague of Simon's. It'll be nice to see some rural country for a change. I'm also planning my birthday weekend (next weekend) this Saturday. We're thinking of staying over in VA beach, eating seafood, and lounging on the beach and hotel pools all weekend...

    Sunday will be a relaxation, reading, movie watching day. Hopefully we'll also do some house cleaning, cooking, and get ready for another week.

    Looking forward to reading about everyone's plans once again.


    I'm back in the trailer again....
    this time to the sunny side of the mountains~~Lake Chelan. Ahh, I can feel the sunshine I lay on my big floaty in the lake.
    Have a great weekend everyone.
    Remember the song from the 80's...Everybody's working for the weekend...?
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    I'm back in the trailer again....
    this time to the sunny side of the mountains~~Lake Chelan. Ahh, I can feel the sunshine I lay on my big floaty in the lake.
    Have a great weekend everyone.
    Remember the song from the 80's...Everybody's working for the weekend...?

    I plan on laying on the
    I plan on laying on the beach with my hubby, some family and friends. There is a great hot dog cart that I love! Sunday, i will either hang around the house or hit the mall. Enjoy!
  • ritazimm
    ritazimm Member Posts: 171
    Go Brewers
    Saturday evening is a Brewers game. (They haven't been doing so well lately but... GO BREWERS!)

    Sunday will be my chance to try to whittle some of the tasks off of my 'before my surgery' to do list. Too many things on their yet and not much time to do them. Oh well, if it doesn't get done, it will be there when I am back in commission.

    Have a relaxing weekend everyone!
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Quiet weekend
    Not too much happening here this weekend, some swimming in the pool with the grand boys and just relaxing at home. Enjoy your weekend everyone!

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Wishing everyone...
    An enjoyable summer weekend, no matter what you do or don't do.

    Tomorrow, we're heading with good friends to an annual nearby neighborhood event - "Edison Park Fest" - food, beer, live music, craft booths, etc. ...

    Sunday we'll take as it comes.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    Wishing everyone...
    An enjoyable summer weekend, no matter what you do or don't do.

    Tomorrow, we're heading with good friends to an annual nearby neighborhood event - "Edison Park Fest" - food, beer, live music, craft booths, etc. ...

    Sunday we'll take as it comes.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Not much planned. Going to
    Not much planned. Going to clean out excess stuff. And just doing nothing in particular.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    fauxma said:

    Not much planned. Going to
    Not much planned. Going to clean out excess stuff. And just doing nothing in particular.

    Hot and Humid
    Very Hot and Humid here in Maine.
    May try and play a round of golf Saturday morning.
    Sunday-church and then just relaxing.

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570

    I'm back in the trailer again....
    this time to the sunny side of the mountains~~Lake Chelan. Ahh, I can feel the sunshine I lay on my big floaty in the lake.
    Have a great weekend everyone.
    Remember the song from the 80's...Everybody's working for the weekend...?

    I lived in Grand Coulee for a few years
    M, my husband and I lived in Grand Coulee when he worked out of Nespelem for the BIA. We would backpack all over the Cascades and one of our favorite places was Stahekin. We would explore the old mine and basically have the area to ourselves. We have such fond memories of the Pacific Crest Trail, too. Such a beautiful place with many memorable adventures. xoxoxo Lynn
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    My family has convinced me that we are ready to take in an exchange student. We were called with a real sob story. A German girl who had been placed in a home in the States has had her dreams of studying in the US dashed because her soon to be host family's dad is being deployed to Iraq. The 16 year old German girl's visa is about to expire! Won't we please, please, please take her in.

    Our tiny community hosts 3-4 exchange students every year. I know from the experience of my friends that some kids fit right in and others can create a year from hell. Boy, was the pressure ever on. I am reading "Anti-Cancer" and taking seriously the chapter on Stress, while my family is heavy on guilt tripping me. "We won't let it be a stress for you." "We'll take care of everything." So I have given in. Now that I am getting to know Laura through Facebook and by talking to her, I am starting to get excited too. The school year for my kids (14 and 16) starts Wednesday. I leave to visit my mom in sisters in Atlanta Wednesday afternoon after I see them off to school. I return from Atlanta on Saturday, and Laura arrives in Boise the next day! So we are scouring our house and getting her room ready (Laura will have my eldest daughter's room. Kathryn is married and lives in Boise.). We also have "Golddiggers of 1933" as our Netflix. My kids have never experienced Busby Berkely (or however you spell his name), so this will be a treat.

    Oh, AND our local community host a 2 1/2 day Music Festival, so we'll be hearing live music tonight. Busy, busy, busy. xoxoxox Lynn
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    All plans squashed!!
    I started not feeling well Thursday evening and it seems to be continuing. Informed hubby I am just going to lay back this weekend, catch up on a few phone calls and the boards, and if I remember, water my plants! At this point, that sounds exhausting to me.
    Hope everyone has a good weekend and a memorable one! Pammy