Wisdom and Experience please

Bob O
Bob O Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Kidney Cancer #1
About 7 weeks age I had may right kidney removed (T1a 2.2 cm cancer in lower lobe). In the first month or so the pain dissipated around the 5 inch incision (horizontal to rt of belly button)and by the small lapro incisions.
Over the past week as I have gotten more active (cautiously)I have gotten a lot of pain in the back (rt side where my kidney was) is this normal? When can I expect it to subside? Are there any exercises that I can do to help build up muscle strength? etc and general wisdom and experience? Thanks so much. Bob


  • LisaJo
    LisaJo Member Posts: 13
    I'm not sure about wisdom, but?
    Hi Bob,
    I had my left kidney removed 5 years ago. I still ahve pain on my left side where my kidney was. I was at the urologist 2 weeks ago and he told m e that was normal. He said that the scar tissue in that area is sensitive? It had to do with all the other organs being moved and filling in where the kidney was? I told you I'm not the msot knowledgable!

    I was wondering if others had the same thing going on after such a long time from surgery? I am an active 52 year old woman and find that this to be iritating off and on. I just attributed it to old age.

    Anyone wiser then me?
  • chyr
    chyr Member Posts: 2
    Pain where Kidney was
    Hi Bob,

    I had my left kidney removed two months ago and still have pain on occasion where my kidney was. I asked my surgeon last week, and he said it was normal and would be there for a long time. To quote him "having a kidney removed is a big deal".
  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,051 Member
    chyr said:

    Pain where Kidney was
    Hi Bob,

    I had my left kidney removed two months ago and still have pain on occasion where my kidney was. I asked my surgeon last week, and he said it was normal and would be there for a long time. To quote him "having a kidney removed is a big deal".

    Guess I'm lucky
    Wow!!! With all the surgery I've had in the previous 3 years, once I recovered from the surgery -1 to 4 weeks- I've had no pain associated with it. And they did a lot of looking and cutting to remove kidney, 1/2 liver, gall bladder, a set of nodes; and then other times for lymph nodes. I'd had endometriosis treated with laser surgery 20 years ago and that too left adhesions. The first cancer surgery left adhesions in the bowel area that were removed a year later in C surgery #2. C Surgery #3 left an uglier scar which I can live with. The only real problem I've encountered is itching skin in the incion areas (it now starts at pubic bone and goes up under right arm). This is more of a problem during cold, dry weather, and now when I get hot and sweaty around the rib cage.
    Sorry you're encountering problems. It's a toss up...cancer/pain. You choose.
  • azrad411
    azrad411 Member Posts: 3
    Kidney is gone, still having pain
    My husband had a right radical nephrectomy exactly 8 weeks ago. He too has to pop a Lortab about once a day. We noticed the other day that his right side is actually "bulging" out. He said, "Look honey, I've got a bigger handle on this side than my other side". His oncologist told us just yesterday after showing him the bulge, that it is a hernia. Don't do anything about it. He said muscles must get stretched and rearranged when a surgeon goes in to remove an organ, and his muscle stretched and herniated. And that's my 2 cents :)
  • azrad411
    azrad411 Member Posts: 3
    Kidney is gone, still having pain
    My husband had a right radical nephrectomy exactly 8 weeks ago. He too has to pop a Lortab about once a day. We noticed the other day that his right side is actually "bulging" out. He said, "Look honey, I've got a bigger handle on this side than my other side". His oncologist told us just yesterday after showing him the bulge, that it is a hernia. Don't do anything about it. He said muscles must get stretched and rearranged when a surgeon goes in to remove an organ, and his muscle stretched and herniated. And that's my 2 cents :)
  • azrad411
    azrad411 Member Posts: 3
    Kidney is gone, still having pain
    My husband had a right radical nephrectomy exactly 8 weeks ago. He too has to pop a Lortab about once a day. We noticed the other day that his right side is actually "bulging" out. He said, "Look honey, I've got a bigger handle on this side than my other side". His oncologist told us just yesterday after showing him the bulge, that it is a hernia. Don't do anything about it. He said muscles must get stretched and rearranged when a surgeon goes in to remove an organ, and his muscle stretched and herniated. And that's my 2 cents :)