New to this discussion board

Janet3 Member Posts: 59
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am new to this discussion board. Never been part of one before, not very tech savvy. I am not a cancer patient. My mom was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer 30JUNE2009. Dr said she had 'maybe 3 months to live'. She's only 61 years young. Not acceptable to my mom who is the most optimistic person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. We received second opinion at M D Anderson In Houston. That oncologist seemed to completely discount the '3 month sentence'. She began chemo 03August2009. She has signet cell adenocarcinomatosis. Apparently rare. Wondering if anyone has any insight. What can I do as her main caregiver that would be of the most help? Having read over the board for several days before signing up, I can see that you are all very positive and ready to offer any ideas you might have. This is a completely new thing for us. No family history of cancer period. Just want to say I have such respect for all of you who are bravely fighting this battle and are willing to talk about it and share. My appreciation to you. My thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you.


  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    to the semi-colon's. I am sorry to hear about your mother and doctors should be **** slapped for making such life statements.

    Instead of typing alot of information, I have provided some helpful links that should provide some information, but PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that some information provided on the internet can be old.

    National Cancer Institute


    Being a caregiver can be stressful and demanding sometimes, but the most important role is just being there to support. Supports I turned to was family, friends and church. Trying to keep a normal life is important. Having the mind-set "I have cancer, cancer does not have me" is a very strong statement.

    We are here 24/7, 365 for guidance and support. Please keep us up-to-date on your mom
  • ninetoes
    ninetoes Member Posts: 81

    Sorry to hear about your Mom, but this is a great place for information and to vent. We are all here to help.

    Here are some links,

    National Cancer Institute

    Please keep us informed on your Mom's progress and you and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • ldot123
    ldot123 Member Posts: 272
    ninetoes said:


    Sorry to hear about your Mom, but this is a great place for information and to vent. We are all here to help.

    Here are some links,

    National Cancer Institute

    Please keep us informed on your Mom's progress and you and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers.


    Stay Positive
    Hi Janet,

    Welcome to the board. There are a lot of very positive stories to be found here. Not a day goes by when someone who was completely down in the dumps comes back with good news in their fight. Our thoughts are with you and your Mom.

    Cheers, Lance
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    welcome Janet
    Welcome to this board, Janet, but sorry it's because of your mom getting cancer.

    It shocks me to realize, with all the advances in cancer treatment in the past couple of years, that there are still doctors giving their "death sentence estimation" still. I want to personally shake and get in the face of that doctor! How dare he be so insenstive to actually say "three months left", when only God knows when someone's going to live or die, and when so many cancer patients are living for so much longer now?! If that's the way he is, I wouldn't count on him to be aggressive in the fight, or to be up on what's the latest in cancer research and treatment either. I would get a different doctor. I'm glad you got another opinion at MD Anderson and that you've been given more hope!

    Ok- now that I've gotten that out of my system... I'm here to listen and/or support you any time you need it. I'm two years into the "fight" myself, having been diagnosed as stage IV colorectal cancer with metastasis in the liver and both lungs exactly two years ago when I had just turned 41. Although I'm continuing to have treatment, I feel strong enough to still do the normal things in life and still continue to be wife to my husband and busy mom to my three kids (ages 16, 13, 9). Each time I have a chemo treatment, I've prayed to the Lord Jesus for "maximum effect with minimum side effect". God knows my busy role as mom doesn't stop just because I have cancer and I really believe that I've been blessed with the side effects not being too bad and with still looking fairly "normal" in my appearance. I will pray for the same thing for your mom, if you would like me to.

    Take care-
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Hi Janet
    Sorry to hear about your Mom. As others have said, be wary of what you read as far as life expectancy goes, most data is old. Your Moms old doc seems like a piece of work. No one knows who long anyone has. Now the not so great your family DOES have a history of cancer. I'd advise that everyone stays on their toes and gets scanned/checked. I had no family history either, since me, my sister and 2 cousins had cancer diagnosis. I'm not trying to scare you but just do not overlook that it's in the house now. You can rest assured that there are many very competent doctors out there who are very skilled in their fields so your Mom's prognosis can be very good. Also, as you've heard we are all here to help.
    My thoughts are with you.
  • donnare
    donnare Member Posts: 266
    Welcome - caregiver too
    Hi Janet,

    Don't know much about her cancer, and very sorry about your mom, just wanted to say welcome. My husband was basically given the same speech "..get your affairs in order..", in May, so I'm relatively new at this myself.

    Sorry you even have to be here, but you couldn't be in better company. This is a wonderful site in terms of information, education and much needed hope. The survivors, as well as other caregivers, here are very positive and very generous, in terms of sharing information and suggestions, and are wonderful at supporting each other and us caregivers.

    If I can ever be of help - just ask. You both will be in my prayers!

    Be well,

    P.S. As Phil told you " wary of stats..". They are usually outdated. It can be very upsetting to read them, so just try to remember they are usually old news.
  • Paula G.
    Paula G. Member Posts: 596
    Hi Janet,
    I haven't been around long on the board either. Sorry about your mom.It is my husband that has stage4 colon cancer. You will find lots of people that will help you so much. I already see some great responces to your post. As a caregiver myself all I can say is just be there for her. Chemo is different for everyone. Stay positive and keep in touch with us.
    Welcome to the board, Paula G.
  • bdee
    bdee Member Posts: 304
    Hello, Janet
    I, too, have signet cell adenocarcinomatosis and even though you won't find many of us on this board, it has helped me over several problems I have had since fighting this disease. It is a very rare cancer and hard to fight, but fight I will to the bitter end. My doctor told me I had 18 months at the most if I didn't have chemo and even with chemo he is giving me from 2-3 years to live. I believe if I can last that long, then research will find another chemo or pill that will let me live longer and I know my doctor will be looking for that cure too.
    Thank goodness you went to MD Anderson and found a doctor who will fight with and for your Mom.
    My husband is my care giver and I don't know what I would do without him. The love, support and research he does has helped me through some hard times.

    Good luck to your Mom and to you and your family,
  • Janet3
    Janet3 Member Posts: 59
    bdee said:

    Hello, Janet
    I, too, have signet cell adenocarcinomatosis and even though you won't find many of us on this board, it has helped me over several problems I have had since fighting this disease. It is a very rare cancer and hard to fight, but fight I will to the bitter end. My doctor told me I had 18 months at the most if I didn't have chemo and even with chemo he is giving me from 2-3 years to live. I believe if I can last that long, then research will find another chemo or pill that will let me live longer and I know my doctor will be looking for that cure too.
    Thank goodness you went to MD Anderson and found a doctor who will fight with and for your Mom.
    My husband is my care giver and I don't know what I would do without him. The love, support and research he does has helped me through some hard times.

    Good luck to your Mom and to you and your family,

    Thank you!
    Thanks soo much to all of you who responded to my initial note. I feel uplifted already. All prayers are appreciated. Yes, we realize the first doc was an insensitive jerk. We feel very fortunate to now have 2 oncologists - 1 in San Antonio and 1 in Houston - on board who are very confident and much more positive for a better outcome. I sincerely appreciate everyone's response. I look forward to venting and seeking your advice. I will of course be keeping each and every one of you in my thoughts and prayers. Look forward to continuing the conversation for a long time to come.