MOE58 Member Posts: 589 Member
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
We have been home since Saturday, and doing semi well, he still cant do alot of things by himself, but I let him do what he can. I am blessed that he is doing as well as he is. I am also blessed that my work is letting me work from home, so that I still bring in a paycheck. Jeff had a very hard and rough road during surgery, for the ones of you that may be new to the site, I had to wear "MY BIG GIRL PANTIES" alot, to get where I am at today. Things Jeff and I took for granted is nothing now, things we fussed about over silly stupid stuff, wont be like that again, you never know how much someone means to you until you see them suffer the way he did, I saw this man with 14 tubes and a ventilator for 12 days not knowing from one day to another if he was going to make it. I asked him the question the other night, "WOULD YOU DO THIS SURGERY AGAIN" he said no, he would just take Chemo and pray. I think the reason why is because the road we walked. For some of the people on this site they didn't have any problems hardly at all, but he did. I know there is some caregivers here that their husbands is inoperable, or they just got the news that there is nothing more they can do, my saying is don't ever give up, I was hopeing they could wear "MOE"S SHOES" to get them through the operation. I have seriously thought about putting my "MOE"S SHOES" and her "BIG GIRL PANTIES" out to sell so that other cancer survivors would have a pair or would have the shoes, to get the good news. Of course without my friends on this site I wouldn't have gotten where I am today, When I was down and not knowing what the day was going to bring I could always ask "WILLIAM MARSHALL" to help me out, and of course there is "KITTEN" that was always there for me to ask since her and my husband had the same surgery. I know GOD gave me back Jeff and for the ones that hasn't read all my post this sentence means I almost lost him 24 hours after surgery. I still have to help him alot but we take one day at a time, we don't get in a hurry and we take our precious time with each other.

Please for the ones having surgery or need a shoulder to cry on I am here, I might not be able to give the right answers and If i cant I know where to direct you.

May GOD give us all the strength while we fight this ugly disease known as "CANCER".

I would also like to share a phrase with you "LIFE ISN'T ABOUT WAITING FOR A STORM TO PASS, ITS ABOUT DANCING IN THE RAIN"



  • mumphy
    mumphy Member Posts: 440
    Hey lori,

    Just reading this post made me feel better. I always get nervous the day before chemo ever since Al had that bad reaction and I thought he was going to die.

    This is a horrible disease and only the people who are living it understand!!!

    Thanks to everyone! I don't know what I would do without all of the wonderful people on this site!!

  • MOE58
    MOE58 Member Posts: 589 Member
    mumphy said:

    Hey lori,

    Just reading this post made me feel better. I always get nervous the day before chemo ever since Al had that bad reaction and I thought he was going to die.

    This is a horrible disease and only the people who are living it understand!!!

    Thanks to everyone! I don't know what I would do without all of the wonderful people on this site!!


    Just know I am here for you and hopefully some day Al can have the surgery. If you ever need to vent I will do what I can to help you.

    Lori aka MOE