First Post- New Here

butterfly343 Member Posts: 39
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Everyone,
This is the first time I've posted. I've been reading all the comments and disscusions back and forth and what a wonderful site and group of women! I was diagonsed with BC in June. I had found a small bump in my right breast near my armpit ared in 2008 and had mammo and ultrasound. All the docs said it was a skin cyst. I belived them. The bump grew larger and started to hurt, so in June 2009 I went to have it removed. My surgeon preformed a lumpectomy thinking he was removing a skin cyst. When the pathology came back with BC, I was floored. I had another lumpectomy to remove more tissue from tumor site and 18 lymphnodes removed to check for cancer. I am clear now. I will be starting a "dose dense" chemo treatment on aug 17. It is either adriamycien+cytoxin or taxol every 2 weeks with a shot of neulasta after every chemo. After, I will have 6 weeks of rads and 5 years of Tamoxfien. I decided to have as much treatment as I could get, because, I have NO history or risk factors that would have suggested that BC would ever be a concern for me. My tumor was 1.3 cm, ER+, HR+, invasive and agressive. It has helped so much knowing that I can have a spefic concern or question and come to this site,read a few posts and know that there are people that have been through this or are just as scared and confused as I am. Thank you all so much and I hope I can be helpful to other as well.


  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    As we always say ... welcome to the "club" no one ever wants to join. Actually ... we are more like family... as you may have noticed from our posts. So ... welcome to our "virtual" family. You have come to the right place.

    I am sure others will respond to your post, diagnosis and treatment plan ... but I just wanted to let you know that you are in a place of safety and support. We are all here for each other ... 24/7 ... and we're here for each other to share experiences, knowledge etc. ... but most of all support. Knowing we are not alone in our fight is very comforting. Knowing we can get on this site and share anything ... ask anything ... say anything ... and people really listen and care. We are here for each other. It takes a village .. and we are a big village ... strung all over the US ... and the world. Welcome to the family.

  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    Welcome to this board! It has been a source of inspiration & support to me in my fight with bc. I wish you the best as you begin the next phase of your treatment. I,too, had no risk factors/family history, etc.(except begin female & over 50), so I was speechless when I found out that I had bc. Good luck & keep us posted!
  • bfbear
    bfbear Member Posts: 380
    Tux said:

    Welcome to this board! It has been a source of inspiration & support to me in my fight with bc. I wish you the best as you begin the next phase of your treatment. I,too, had no risk factors/family history, etc.(except begin female & over 50), so I was speechless when I found out that I had bc. Good luck & keep us posted!


    As you can probably tell from what you've already read, this is a GREAT place full of wonderful, strong, courageous, funny women! And all of us are survivors. So, welcome to the club. It's the place to come for bc questions, hand-holding, shoulders to cry on, venting and ranting, and sharing happy stories, jokes, and weekend plans as well.

    With hope and hugs,
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    Tux said:

    Welcome to this board! It has been a source of inspiration & support to me in my fight with bc. I wish you the best as you begin the next phase of your treatment. I,too, had no risk factors/family history, etc.(except begin female & over 50), so I was speechless when I found out that I had bc. Good luck & keep us posted!

    I too, had no risk factors,
    I too, had no risk factors, and had had 3 benign cysts removed over the past 20 years. So when I found this lump, I went to have it checked. But I was not the least concerned about it. After all, with a history of false alarms, I didn't expect this to be anything different. Getting it checked was just a sensible precaution. No one in my family was prepared for the news.

    I've had surgery to remove the lump and quite a few lymph nodes. I'll see the oncologist this coming Thursday to discuss the chemotherapy and set up a schedule.

    I am new here too, but I have felt so welcomed, and supported already. It's as if all these people have known me forever. Even though I had a good support system in place at home. it is so comforting to know that someone here will really understand when I say I feel really low.

    You've come to a good place.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Julie and m_azing grace
    Hello, and welcome to you both. I am sorry for the reason you are here but glad that you found us. You will find more support and understanding and care than you could have hoped for.

    My best wishes to you both.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Moopy23 said:

    Julie and m_azing grace
    Hello, and welcome to you both. I am sorry for the reason you are here but glad that you found us. You will find more support and understanding and care than you could have hoped for.

    My best wishes to you both.

    I second that!
    Welcome to both of you guys-glad that you found us! Though sorry that you had to...
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Hi Julie
    Hello and welcome! Everyone said it already, but this is one great group of ladies. They have helped me immensely and I know we will be here for you all the time. Sorry you have to start chemo. You will be in my prayers!
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    padee6339 said:

    Hi Julie
    Hello and welcome! Everyone said it already, but this is one great group of ladies. They have helped me immensely and I know we will be here for you all the time. Sorry you have to start chemo. You will be in my prayers!

    that is a great picture of McCartney and awesome that you were able to get up that close!
  • brenda247
    brenda247 Member Posts: 124
    some of the same here
    i know some of what you going through.. you have come to the right place there are a group of great people here they have helped me sooo much!! i was stage 2 invasive and aggressive and been through so much but i couldnt of done it without being here.. yes i was scared to death being told one thing and getting to the end of my treatments and being told something different but theres always someone here that has helped me in more ways than one so you hang in there get all the answers you can and everything will be ok..
    good luck & my prayers are with you!!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Welcome, Julie
    Just like you, I had no prior family history of any type of cancer, at all. So, can relate to your shock and confusion. Was diagnosed at 45, now a 6 year survivor.

    Chemo can be difficult; yet, it is doable. Everyone reacts differently. There are members here on the brink of starting (like you), in the midst of it, or done. We'll be here for you, each step of the way. Visit often, whenever you need or would like to.
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537 Member
    Hi Julie
    Welcome to the club you never wanted to join...
    Like you I had no family history of cancer but was diagnosed in april with bilateral mastectomy in May with expanders placed for reconstruction and complications after. The actual reconstruction will have to happen next year. I have had 3 doses of adriamycin/cytoxan and have my 4th next friday, with taxol/herceptin every 2 wks x 4 after that then herceptin for a year after that.

    Chemo is not fun but we all seem to plod our way thru it. The meds make me tired and mess with my appetite...I still am managing to work about 20 to 24 hours per week but its hard...this group however has been such a help...

    Post often and let us know how you are doing...we are all in this together

    Linda T
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    mlmjt1 said:

    Hi Julie
    Welcome to the club you never wanted to join...
    Like you I had no family history of cancer but was diagnosed in april with bilateral mastectomy in May with expanders placed for reconstruction and complications after. The actual reconstruction will have to happen next year. I have had 3 doses of adriamycin/cytoxan and have my 4th next friday, with taxol/herceptin every 2 wks x 4 after that then herceptin for a year after that.

    Chemo is not fun but we all seem to plod our way thru it. The meds make me tired and mess with my appetite...I still am managing to work about 20 to 24 hours per week but its hard...this group however has been such a help...

    Post often and let us know how you are doing...we are all in this together

    Linda T

    Hi Julie, I am going through
    Hi Julie, I am going through the same chemo treatment you will be starting. I am on treatment 3 of AC / with shot every two weeks for 4 Treatments then Taxol and Herceptin for 12 weeks once a week then continue with herceptin for up to 52 weeks and Rads for 6 weeks everyday. It's doable, because it has to be. Glad to have you a part of our club here. Best of luck to you.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Kat11 said:

    Hi Julie, I am going through
    Hi Julie, I am going through the same chemo treatment you will be starting. I am on treatment 3 of AC / with shot every two weeks for 4 Treatments then Taxol and Herceptin for 12 weeks once a week then continue with herceptin for up to 52 weeks and Rads for 6 weeks everyday. It's doable, because it has to be. Glad to have you a part of our club here. Best of luck to you.

    Hi Julie! I had no bc in my
    Hi Julie! I had no bc in my family either. I had a lumpectomy, rads and am considering tamoxifen.

    Just want to welcome you and wish you good luck!

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Alexis F said:

    Hi Julie! I had no bc in my
    Hi Julie! I had no bc in my family either. I had a lumpectomy, rads and am considering tamoxifen.

    Just want to welcome you and wish you good luck!


    Just want to say hi to you
    Just want to say hi to you Julie and to welcome you!

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Hi Julie
    What a wonderful attitude you have! It will go a long way in your recovery! I am the one who's avitar will change frequently (I have this thing for monkeys/chimps. Actually all safari animals!). I also believe in laughter....good for the soul!!
    Keep coming back! We welcome your input. :(-) Pammy
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Just wanted to take the opportunity to say hello and to welcome you to the board.

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    CR1954 said:

    Just wanted to take the opportunity to say hello and to welcome you to the board.


    Hi Julie and welcome to the
    Hi Julie and welcome to the site. Hope to see you post often.

  • RiverGypsie
    RiverGypsie Member Posts: 13
    Welcome Welcome!!
    Hi Julie....I'm new here too, and I can't tell you how comforting it is to have found this site. I have the BEST support with family and friends, but all of these wonderful people on the board really understand. You can ask or comment about whatever is on your mind, any time of the day or night. It doesn't get any better than that!! I just finished rads and am now on a chemo program. My main goal is to stay positive and do whatever needs to be done to get through this. All of this support makes it a lot easier!! I wish you the best and hope to hear how all is going. You have a great day and remember, you are not alone!!
  • guitarmom2
    guitarmom2 Member Posts: 39
    crazy isn't it?
    I was told for a few months that I didn't have cancer, by so many docs and ultrasound techs etc. They kept sending me for tests all the while making me feel like a hypochondriac. That said, I ended up wtih double mastectomies due to DCIS in the right and early changes in the left. Unlike you, I have a mother with a history of breast cancer x 2, but had just gotten my BRCA results and I DO NOT have the gene! Anyway, cure rates are on the rise and we can find each other here, so having breast cancer in 2009 is better then in years past. Can you imagine there was a time recently when people felt like they couldn't talk about cancer? I would have gone crazy if I had the additional burdon of hiding it. Anyway Butterfly (love the screen name) welcome and I wish you a smooth recovery.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    crazy isn't it?
    I was told for a few months that I didn't have cancer, by so many docs and ultrasound techs etc. They kept sending me for tests all the while making me feel like a hypochondriac. That said, I ended up wtih double mastectomies due to DCIS in the right and early changes in the left. Unlike you, I have a mother with a history of breast cancer x 2, but had just gotten my BRCA results and I DO NOT have the gene! Anyway, cure rates are on the rise and we can find each other here, so having breast cancer in 2009 is better then in years past. Can you imagine there was a time recently when people felt like they couldn't talk about cancer? I would have gone crazy if I had the additional burdon of hiding it. Anyway Butterfly (love the screen name) welcome and I wish you a smooth recovery.

    Welcome rivergypsie and
    Welcome rivergypsie and guitarmom2 to the site!
