
tkd3g Member Posts: 767
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am sitting here, while my kids sleep, trying to figure out how to tell them that their grandpa just died.

My dad lost his battle this morning at 2:44am. He was a strong 83 yr. old, 20 year colon cancer survivor and a 3x survivor of bladder cancer.

He had multiple issues in the last 3 months, and his decline was fast. Just yesterday afternoon we moved him to Hospice House. That was his choice, he was in a lot of discomfort.

Unfortunately, we were not with him when he died. There was no indication that it would be that quick. My only comfort is that I was with him almost every day for the last month.

He lived a beautiful life and was always smiling. Heaven has gotten a real gem! He will be terribly missed.

Love you Daddy.



  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    I'm very sorry
    I'm very sorry to here about your dad.He sounds like he was a very strong man,and lived a good life with a good family.At least you got to spend some time with him.Heaven must have needed another good person.I will pray for you and your family.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    So sorry
    Oh girlfriend,

    I am so sorry you lost your Daddy and your children have lost their grandpa. My thoughts are with you.


    peace, emily
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    2bhealed said:

    So sorry
    Oh girlfriend,

    I am so sorry you lost your Daddy and your children have lost their grandpa. My thoughts are with you.


    peace, emily

    I'm Sorry.... hear about your dad, but he sure did last long through his cancer battles, what an accomplishment, I feel very hopeful readimg about that, he sounds like an amazing man, and my prayers are with you and your children during this time.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Oh, Barb....I am sending my prayers...
    I know he will be greatly missed, but just remember, he has only moved, from in front of your eyes, into your heart, where he will live on forever!

    As far as your kids...well, my dad died when my daughter was very young. So, I took her outside the first night, and we picked a star for her that was the 'ear' of her grandad. It seemed to work...she told me, after her dad died, that she picked a star for both him and her sister...

    BIG hugs to you! Kathi
  • luv3jay
    luv3jay Member Posts: 533 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss.
    I'm so sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my prayers.

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    I'm So Very Sorry
    My sincerest condolences to you and your family, Barb.

    The Gates of Heaven swung wide open for your Dad this morning. I hope it is true what they say, no more sorrow and no more pain...

    He sounds like a wonderful man - and a true Warrior if there ever were one! I admire his courageness and tenacity - I can only hope to battle that long...I've been diagnosed twice and right now wating for confirmation the 3rd time...a Stage IV...and I'm just under way in the 6th year of my journey

    What an inpiration reading that story...

    Yours was a very moving story and I was touched by it...thank you so much for sharing your heart on this day.

    My best to you
  • krystle singer
    krystle singer Member Posts: 108
    I am sorry
    I lost my daddy in 1973 from pancreatic cancer and I still miss him every day. You and your family have my sympathy ande prayers. I was my "daddy;s girl" all the years we had together and it was a long fight with cancer. Your dad must have been a strong and brave man. Remember the best of your times with him. It will take time for the good memories to replace the suffering you watched, but that time for good memories will come.

    All my sympathy and prayers,

    Love and Hugs,

  • tkd3g
    tkd3g Member Posts: 767
    Thank you everyone for your kind words. As a 5 year rectal ca survivor myself, my Dad has always been my hero and role model.

    I LIVESTRONG for him.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Praying for you

    I'm so sorry about your dad's passing. I know this is a time of great sadness for you and your family. I'll be praying for you.

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Sorry for your loss
    I am really sorry for your loss, but I rejoice in the fact knowing he is in better hands. No more discomfort for him FOREVER!

    God bless you
  • krystle singer
    krystle singer Member Posts: 108
    tkd3g said:

    Thank you everyone for your kind words. As a 5 year rectal ca survivor myself, my Dad has always been my hero and role model.

    I LIVESTRONG for him.


    Hero Dad
    Although my dad has been gone since 1973, he is still my hero. How fortunate are we who have had the love of a wonderful father! I am the person I am today because he was my role model. If he were here today he would be cheering me on despite my own bout with cancer. I am sure that your Dad, Barb, is watcing over you as well. I was always my dad's baby girl and I still am.
    You are so right, live strong for him! It makes all the difference.

    Hugs and love,
  • eric38
    eric38 Member Posts: 583
    dorookie said:

    Sorry for your loss
    I am really sorry for your loss, but I rejoice in the fact knowing he is in better hands. No more discomfort for him FOREVER!

    God bless you

    Your Dad was a tough man.
    Your Dad was a tough man. I`m sorry for the way he died but he managed to live to a ripe old age in spite of his challenges. I`m sure God was smiling on him.

  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
    hi barb,
    i am sorry to hear

    hi barb,
    i am sorry to hear about your dad.
    sending thoughts and prayers to you and your children.
    be well