Had #11 today. Update on Vitamin D3 levels

I'm taking a Centrum Silver Women's Ultra vitamin, 2,000 IU of Vitamin D3 and Calcium with Vitamin D3. Adding that together, I'm getting 3,600 IU's of Vitamin D3 each day.
I'm very sleepy this afternoon. The Benadryl and Ativan they gave me has kicked in. I'm going to eat something and take a nap! I'll update after disconnect to let you know how the side effects went.
vitamin D
Hi Diane,
Treatment 11- you're almost done!!
Glad to hear your vitamin D levels are up! I need to get mine checked again, as I'm wondering how my levels are doing. Last time checked, my levels were also at 34. Optimal levels for people with cancer are now considered to be 60-70(anything over 100 is too high). It's now been a month since I've had my level checked & so I'll request that when I go in next week.
Hope you're enjoying a nice nap as I write this & I'm praying that your side effects will be less this time.
Take care,
Lisa0 -
I'm so glad you finished 11,
I'm so glad you finished 11, I just did my 4th...i came home tired but had lots of energy today! i don't even know what vitamin D3 is and not one has mentioned this to me. I do get my labs, would it be under a different name? Thanks, Patti0 -
ask for it
Hi Patti,
Some oncologists are up on testing vitamin D levels and others are not. I just changed oncs, but my old one was definitely not up on it. I consulted with another oncologist who told me I need to get the D levels tested & so I asked my regular oncologist if we could have it done. He agreed it was a good idea and, after I had brought it up, acted like it was so important to do, but I don't think he would have ever done it or mentioned it if I hadn't first. There is very solid data out now to show that vit. D levels can actually have a direct correlation on developing breast and/or colorectal cancer. Once you already have the cancer, making sure the vit. D level is at a certain point can supposedly help with avoiding recurrences. Other than that, a vitamin D deficiency can cause bone and joint pain. I've experienced both and I'm hoping to improve that by boosting the D.
D can be either D3 or D6. Apparently, D3 is what most supplements now are, but they used to be the D6 form, which were not as effective in the body and could become more toxic at higher doses than the D3.
Google UCSD vitamin D and you should hopefully find the link on the video clip coming out of UCSD about the latest in vitamin D research. Also try listening to Dr. Mercola vitamin D. Most think of him as more quackish, but it's interesting to note that he's been saying all this about vitamin D for years and everyone laughed at or ignored him, and now science has actually proven what he's claimed to be true. I get my vitamin D from his website in the form of a spray vitamin D. It's actually absorbed right into the bloodstream under the tongue. I found that my body wasn't absorping the vit. D supplement pills I was taking (my level was at 13 even after taking the pills for many months & 32 and above is normal). Literally, within 3 weeks of using the spray form, my level went up to 32 & has been sitting at 34 for a while now- I'm hoping to up it even more.
Take care-
Lisa0 -
Interestinglisa42 said:ask for it
Hi Patti,
Some oncologists are up on testing vitamin D levels and others are not. I just changed oncs, but my old one was definitely not up on it. I consulted with another oncologist who told me I need to get the D levels tested & so I asked my regular oncologist if we could have it done. He agreed it was a good idea and, after I had brought it up, acted like it was so important to do, but I don't think he would have ever done it or mentioned it if I hadn't first. There is very solid data out now to show that vit. D levels can actually have a direct correlation on developing breast and/or colorectal cancer. Once you already have the cancer, making sure the vit. D level is at a certain point can supposedly help with avoiding recurrences. Other than that, a vitamin D deficiency can cause bone and joint pain. I've experienced both and I'm hoping to improve that by boosting the D.
D can be either D3 or D6. Apparently, D3 is what most supplements now are, but they used to be the D6 form, which were not as effective in the body and could become more toxic at higher doses than the D3.
Google UCSD vitamin D and you should hopefully find the link on the video clip coming out of UCSD about the latest in vitamin D research. Also try listening to Dr. Mercola vitamin D. Most think of him as more quackish, but it's interesting to note that he's been saying all this about vitamin D for years and everyone laughed at or ignored him, and now science has actually proven what he's claimed to be true. I get my vitamin D from his website in the form of a spray vitamin D. It's actually absorbed right into the bloodstream under the tongue. I found that my body wasn't absorping the vit. D supplement pills I was taking (my level was at 13 even after taking the pills for many months & 32 and above is normal). Literally, within 3 weeks of using the spray form, my level went up to 32 & has been sitting at 34 for a while now- I'm hoping to up it even more.
Take care-
I had started taking vitamin D supplements a while ago when I read that low vitamin D may impact getting colon cancer. My thought process was that may it would help stem any recurrences. I am not sure if it is D3 or D6 that I take but will see what it says on the bottle. I have never been checked for vitamin D levels that I know of. I was wondering how much vitamin D people are taking. I take 1000U a day. Anyone else care to share.
Cheers, Lance0 -
Vit D3ldot123 said:Interesting
I had started taking vitamin D supplements a while ago when I read that low vitamin D may impact getting colon cancer. My thought process was that may it would help stem any recurrences. I am not sure if it is D3 or D6 that I take but will see what it says on the bottle. I have never been checked for vitamin D levels that I know of. I was wondering how much vitamin D people are taking. I take 1000U a day. Anyone else care to share.
Cheers, Lance
Some multi vitamins only contain D2, which is NOT what you need.
You can see a report on Youtube under Vit D Dr. Garland
Should Everyone Take Calcium and Vitamin D?
Posted: 14 May 2009 05:25 AM PDT
Written by Heinz-Josef Lenz, MD.
Only about five years ago, every patient of mine who finished chemotherapy was given a vitamin cocktail to further reduce colon cancer risk. It was calcium, selenium, vitamin E and folic acid.
Over the last three years, folic acid has been shown to increase growth of polyps, and in patients with metastatic disease it may shorten life. The protective value of vitamin E has been questioned, and there was evidence that it might increase prostate cancer risk. Selenium did not show benefit.
So we are down to calcium. This supplement has been shown repeatedly to benefit patients by reducing cancer risk for a variety of solid tumors including colon cancer. A recent publication by Dr. Yikyung Park from the National Cancer Institute showed that supplementation of 1200 mg calcium in women and men over the age of 50 decreased cancer risk by 17% for men and 23% for women (Archives of Internal Medicine, February 23, 2009). These were cancers of the gastrointestinal tract mainly colon cancers.
The usually source for calcium in our diet is milk products (yogurt, cheese etc) as well as meat. The calcium pathway is very interesting because it requires activity of vitamin D. Without vitamin D it is difficult to absorb calcium and put it into the organs where we need it, but to make sure we have sufficient vitamin D we need some sun exposure (vitamin D is activated in the skin) and we need a functional kidney.
When vitamin D was tested in patients with colon cancer it was found by Dr. Charles Fuchs in the Journal of Clinical Oncology published in June last year that the patients with the highest vitamin D levels lived longer suggesting that low levels may be associated with shorter survival. I recommend all my patients take 1500 mg of calcium and 1000-3000 units of vitamin D daily.
If you have a history of kidney stones or inflammatory bowel disease please check with your doctor first before starting calcium supplements.0 -
2000iuldot123 said:Interesting
I had started taking vitamin D supplements a while ago when I read that low vitamin D may impact getting colon cancer. My thought process was that may it would help stem any recurrences. I am not sure if it is D3 or D6 that I take but will see what it says on the bottle. I have never been checked for vitamin D levels that I know of. I was wondering how much vitamin D people are taking. I take 1000U a day. Anyone else care to share.
Cheers, Lance
My nutritionist has me on 1000iu 2x a day.0 -
Too much?dmdwins said:2000iu
My nutritionist has me on 1000iu 2x a day.
Can we take too much Vitamin D?0 -
D3 is cholicalciferol
In regard to the question about how much vitamin D people are taking and can you take too much... I am currently taking 6,000 IU a day, which is a fairly high dose.
It is possible to take too much and get your levels above acceptable and there apparently can be some bad side effects from having your level too high. Anything over 100 is considered too high. 32 and over is normal. I was at 34 the last time mine was checked, about a month ago and I'm due to get it checked again this coming week.
It's important to not take high doses unless your doctor is checking your levels every month or two (some have said every 3 months).
Note: D3 is also sometimes called cholicalciferol. I've noticed some labels will say vitamin D (as cholicalciferol). D3 and this other term mean the same thing. If it does not identify the vitamin D on the label as either D3 or as cholicalciferol, then it might not be. D2 and D6 are not what you should take. (I don't know if they have other names they go by too or not).
Lisa0 -
I have a question Dianeluv3jay said:Enjoy your nap! And way to
Enjoy your nap! And way to go on almost completing all 12 treatments!
Congrats on almost being done! I'm sure you have shared your journey with these treatments, but I'm new to all this and I would really appreciate knowing how you have managed to make it through them. I've just finished my first treatment and will be having #2 on Monday if all goes well. I had several issues, that after reading other people's adventures, are minor in comparison...but as I'm not looking forward to #2, much less #12, I'd really like to know how you did it.
~~Terry0 -
For Terryafretiredky said:I have a question Diane
Congrats on almost being done! I'm sure you have shared your journey with these treatments, but I'm new to all this and I would really appreciate knowing how you have managed to make it through them. I've just finished my first treatment and will be having #2 on Monday if all goes well. I had several issues, that after reading other people's adventures, are minor in comparison...but as I'm not looking forward to #2, much less #12, I'd really like to know how you did it.
Hi Terry, I made it one treatment at a time. I am a tough cookie and never needed pain killers after surgery, home 42 hours later, etc. I'm more of an 'I can deal with this for one day, 12 hours, one more time' type gal.
This 11th treatment brought the usual bloody nose, throat sores, neuropathy, aches and pains, headache.... but they don't last for long. I use saline spray and Vasoline for the nose, salt water and baking soda (thanks Kimby) for my throat sores, I knit and play a typing game for the neuropathy in my hands, and ignore the aches and pains/ headache. I've managed to 'fix' chemo brain by doing word searches, crossword puzzles and other mind games. In fact, my mind seems sharper than BEFORE chemo. (Didn't take much) I've only had MINOR queasiness and had constipation which I fight with high fiber foods for the first few days after chemo.
I had pink splotches during several treatments and my onc, who is always there, upped my Benadryl and steroids plus added another med. Those haven't come back the last few tx's.
Honestly, the side effects came on slowly and one at a time so I just dealt with them one at a time.
A preacher I heard said 'All you can do is all you can do and all you can do is enough'. I like that!
I'll pray for #2 for you, Terry, if that's okay!0 -
Thanks Diane!dianetavegia said:For Terry
Hi Terry, I made it one treatment at a time. I am a tough cookie and never needed pain killers after surgery, home 42 hours later, etc. I'm more of an 'I can deal with this for one day, 12 hours, one more time' type gal.
This 11th treatment brought the usual bloody nose, throat sores, neuropathy, aches and pains, headache.... but they don't last for long. I use saline spray and Vasoline for the nose, salt water and baking soda (thanks Kimby) for my throat sores, I knit and play a typing game for the neuropathy in my hands, and ignore the aches and pains/ headache. I've managed to 'fix' chemo brain by doing word searches, crossword puzzles and other mind games. In fact, my mind seems sharper than BEFORE chemo. (Didn't take much) I've only had MINOR queasiness and had constipation which I fight with high fiber foods for the first few days after chemo.
I had pink splotches during several treatments and my onc, who is always there, upped my Benadryl and steroids plus added another med. Those haven't come back the last few tx's.
Honestly, the side effects came on slowly and one at a time so I just dealt with them one at a time.
A preacher I heard said 'All you can do is all you can do and all you can do is enough'. I like that!
I'll pray for #2 for you, Terry, if that's okay!
Thank you so much for sharing. I feel like such a whiner, especially as I've only had the one treatment, but nausea is something I've never been good at handling. After reading many of the threads on here, I've decided to shut up my whining and figure out how to handle it. So this weekend I have been proactive...I've gotten the Biotene mouthwash, gum and toothpaste to help with the fuzzy mouth (no sores yet). Got the Bag Balm that Craig talked about, got snacks and anything else I could think of. I'm also going to ask about Zofran instead of Phenergan, so I feel better prepared this time and maybe that will help make a difference as well.
Those pink splotches, were they everywhere or just in certain spots? What is the salt water and baking soda...is that for gargling? Do you get sores in your nose as well? I have to laugh about eating....do I eat for the constipation or eat for the diarrhea? It's very confusing to know which way to go on that one.
I so admire you and your spirit. Thank you so much again for answering my questions and perhaps we can pray for each other!0 -
I go for #11 in the morning. I had to stop the oxy after #9 because of the neuropathy. My fingers and toes started getting really bad after # 7 and never stopped. The dr. cut the dosage on #9 but it didn't help, so he stopped it. It has not gone away yet. I am hoping that it does soon. I have been really blessed though, because other than that I haven't had too many symptoms. My feet peeled after treatment #4. That was wierd. All the skin on the bottom peeled completely off. I had a pair of gel insoles in my shoes and I don't know if it was a reaction of the chemo and the insoles, or just the chemo. I will certainly be glad when #12 is over. Good luck everybody and just keep hanging in there. Remember this too shall pass.afretiredky said:Thanks Diane!
Thank you so much for sharing. I feel like such a whiner, especially as I've only had the one treatment, but nausea is something I've never been good at handling. After reading many of the threads on here, I've decided to shut up my whining and figure out how to handle it. So this weekend I have been proactive...I've gotten the Biotene mouthwash, gum and toothpaste to help with the fuzzy mouth (no sores yet). Got the Bag Balm that Craig talked about, got snacks and anything else I could think of. I'm also going to ask about Zofran instead of Phenergan, so I feel better prepared this time and maybe that will help make a difference as well.
Those pink splotches, were they everywhere or just in certain spots? What is the salt water and baking soda...is that for gargling? Do you get sores in your nose as well? I have to laugh about eating....do I eat for the constipation or eat for the diarrhea? It's very confusing to know which way to go on that one.
I so admire you and your spirit. Thank you so much again for answering my questions and perhaps we can pray for each other!
Carletta0 -
I go for #11 in the morning. I had to stop the oxy after #9 because of the neuropathy. My fingers and toes started getting really bad after # 7 and never stopped. The dr. cut the dosage on #9 but it didn't help, so he stopped it. It has not gone away yet. I am hoping that it does soon. I have been really blessed though, because other than that I haven't had too many symptoms. My feet peeled after treatment #4. That was wierd. All the skin on the bottom peeled completely off. I had a pair of gel insoles in my shoes and I don't know if it was a reaction of the chemo and the insoles, or just the chemo. I will certainly be glad when #12 is over. Good luck everybody and just keep hanging in there. Remember this too shall pass.afretiredky said:Thanks Diane!
Thank you so much for sharing. I feel like such a whiner, especially as I've only had the one treatment, but nausea is something I've never been good at handling. After reading many of the threads on here, I've decided to shut up my whining and figure out how to handle it. So this weekend I have been proactive...I've gotten the Biotene mouthwash, gum and toothpaste to help with the fuzzy mouth (no sores yet). Got the Bag Balm that Craig talked about, got snacks and anything else I could think of. I'm also going to ask about Zofran instead of Phenergan, so I feel better prepared this time and maybe that will help make a difference as well.
Those pink splotches, were they everywhere or just in certain spots? What is the salt water and baking soda...is that for gargling? Do you get sores in your nose as well? I have to laugh about eating....do I eat for the constipation or eat for the diarrhea? It's very confusing to know which way to go on that one.
I so admire you and your spirit. Thank you so much again for answering my questions and perhaps we can pray for each other!
Carletta0 -
Answers for Terrycolon2 said:I go for #11 in the morning. I had to stop the oxy after #9 because of the neuropathy. My fingers and toes started getting really bad after # 7 and never stopped. The dr. cut the dosage on #9 but it didn't help, so he stopped it. It has not gone away yet. I am hoping that it does soon. I have been really blessed though, because other than that I haven't had too many symptoms. My feet peeled after treatment #4. That was wierd. All the skin on the bottom peeled completely off. I had a pair of gel insoles in my shoes and I don't know if it was a reaction of the chemo and the insoles, or just the chemo. I will certainly be glad when #12 is over. Good luck everybody and just keep hanging in there. Remember this too shall pass.
Those pink splotches, were they everywhere or just in certain spots?
Terry, the pink splotches were always on my 'trunk, neck and hairline'. They would go away while we looked at them. It actually made my onc laugh because he was trying to get a good look at them and they'd go away yet appear in another spot. Last time I had them, I had 3 very faint spots right at the area at the top of my bra.
What is the salt water and baking soda...is that for gargling?
Kimby told me about this. It helps clean the mouth and actually helps prevent mouth and throat sores as well as make them go away. Oh I HATE the fuzzy mouth.
Do you get sores in your nose as well?
The 5-FU causes a bloody nose. I didn't have any sores in my nose. You'll blow your nose and find bright red blood. I smear a little Vasoline in the area and it helps keep it moist. Only need to do it for a couple of nights.
I have to laugh about eating....do I eat for the constipation or eat for the diarrhea? It's very confusing to know which way to go on that one.
I haven't had diarrhea so I eat for constipation for about 4 days after chemo. Avoid Plum Smart! It gave me painful gas!
Thanks for your kind words!
Diane0 -
Well done!dianetavegia said:Answers for Terry
Those pink splotches, were they everywhere or just in certain spots?
Terry, the pink splotches were always on my 'trunk, neck and hairline'. They would go away while we looked at them. It actually made my onc laugh because he was trying to get a good look at them and they'd go away yet appear in another spot. Last time I had them, I had 3 very faint spots right at the area at the top of my bra.
What is the salt water and baking soda...is that for gargling?
Kimby told me about this. It helps clean the mouth and actually helps prevent mouth and throat sores as well as make them go away. Oh I HATE the fuzzy mouth.
Do you get sores in your nose as well?
The 5-FU causes a bloody nose. I didn't have any sores in my nose. You'll blow your nose and find bright red blood. I smear a little Vasoline in the area and it helps keep it moist. Only need to do it for a couple of nights.
I have to laugh about eating....do I eat for the constipation or eat for the diarrhea? It's very confusing to know which way to go on that one.
I haven't had diarrhea so I eat for constipation for about 4 days after chemo. Avoid Plum Smart! It gave me painful gas!
Thanks for your kind words!
Awww Diane lm so proud of you one more & you will be done.You like everyone else on this board are an lnspiration to us who are still on no2 touch wood no3 for me next week.Btw you mentioned gall bladders a lot for me if it comes true lm asking you for the lottery numbers next lol.hugs sonia0 -
What's the mix?dianetavegia said:Answers for Terry
Those pink splotches, were they everywhere or just in certain spots?
Terry, the pink splotches were always on my 'trunk, neck and hairline'. They would go away while we looked at them. It actually made my onc laugh because he was trying to get a good look at them and they'd go away yet appear in another spot. Last time I had them, I had 3 very faint spots right at the area at the top of my bra.
What is the salt water and baking soda...is that for gargling?
Kimby told me about this. It helps clean the mouth and actually helps prevent mouth and throat sores as well as make them go away. Oh I HATE the fuzzy mouth.
Do you get sores in your nose as well?
The 5-FU causes a bloody nose. I didn't have any sores in my nose. You'll blow your nose and find bright red blood. I smear a little Vasoline in the area and it helps keep it moist. Only need to do it for a couple of nights.
I have to laugh about eating....do I eat for the constipation or eat for the diarrhea? It's very confusing to know which way to go on that one.
I haven't had diarrhea so I eat for constipation for about 4 days after chemo. Avoid Plum Smart! It gave me painful gas!
Thanks for your kind words!
Thanks for answering the questions Diane. Here's one more: What is the mix of the salt and baking soda? I brushed my teeth continuously (or so it seemed) during the two days after that first round. I did not like that feeling...ick!!! I don't think I have any sores yet...after yesterday I've noticed that my throat is sore, but it could be due to drainage. Seems like my sinuses get to going after chemo.
The onc told me to bulk up my fiber for either constipation or diarrhea. He said it should work for both. We'll see.
~~Terry0 -
For Lanceldot123 said:Interesting
I had started taking vitamin D supplements a while ago when I read that low vitamin D may impact getting colon cancer. My thought process was that may it would help stem any recurrences. I am not sure if it is D3 or D6 that I take but will see what it says on the bottle. I have never been checked for vitamin D levels that I know of. I was wondering how much vitamin D people are taking. I take 1000U a day. Anyone else care to share.
Cheers, Lance
I take 10,000U/day D3 (2 caps of 5000U) from Vital Nutrients(recommended by my naturopath). My D3 was just tested and is at 50.
Leslie0 -
For Terry/ salt and baking sodaafretiredky said:What's the mix?
Thanks for answering the questions Diane. Here's one more: What is the mix of the salt and baking soda? I brushed my teeth continuously (or so it seemed) during the two days after that first round. I did not like that feeling...ick!!! I don't think I have any sores yet...after yesterday I've noticed that my throat is sore, but it could be due to drainage. Seems like my sinuses get to going after chemo.
The onc told me to bulk up my fiber for either constipation or diarrhea. He said it should work for both. We'll see.
Terry, I don't like the taste of the baking soda so I cut mine down a bit.
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 cup warm water
I use 1 tsp bs
2 tsp salt
It works so well and costs next to nothing!0
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