soreness in breast

I am confused. Wasn't your
I am confused. Wasn't your surgery the lumpectomy? I know mine was. Is the doctor removing more tissue because he didn't get clean margins the first time with the lumpectomy?
Ofcourse, you are going to be sore after surgery. That is normal. And, it may even worsen. You have to trust your plastic surgeon and know that he knows what he is doing. Usually, the pathologist is right there and will test the tissue the plastic surgeon is taking out until it is clean.
Perhaps, you should call your plastic surgeon and go over all of this with him before the next surgery. I think it would help you!
Good luck!0 -
Hi ppurdin
I'm not sure if I'm answering this right or not but,,,,,,,,,
I had a lumpectomy about 10 days ago. At first the pain went back and forth, there was no pain before surgury (from just the lump) but of course after words, there was the recovery time. They made an incission along the right side of my breast, which accually was pain less, for about the first week. (I think it was numb) and then there was another incission under the arm, from the sintenel node(s) removal and then a hole for the drain. Those were the most painful. I stayed home from work for a whole week and went back last Thursday, since then the pain under the arm has gotten better, but along the breast is has given me alittle more trouble. I'm not sure if it's because the numbness is going away now or because it's healing and pulling (streching) the scar tissue. But I think it's normal, just uncomfortable.
As far as how the Dr. knows how much to remove the second time atound, well I have no idea. This coming Thrusday I am going back for more surgury also, my Dr. is calling it a re-incission, she wants to take more tissue from the area around were my tumor was at that is closest to the skin. She said that the margin wasn't clean enough (only 1mm) and she wants to get at least a 3mm to 5mm clean margin. But I was wondering the same thing, how will she know where to go since the lump is already gone?
As for me I will be asking my surgeon more questions before the next surgury and I suggest you do the same thing. The best way to be sure is to ask questions. But I do think that most of the pain you are having is normal.
I hope I understood your question correctly, unless you are taking about having a needle guioded biopsy? And are now awaiting Surgury? Let me know and I would be happy to answer any queston you have that I can help with.
Take Care and call your doctor just in case.
Aurora0 -
soreness in breastaurora2009 said:Hi ppurdin
I'm not sure if I'm answering this right or not but,,,,,,,,,
I had a lumpectomy about 10 days ago. At first the pain went back and forth, there was no pain before surgury (from just the lump) but of course after words, there was the recovery time. They made an incission along the right side of my breast, which accually was pain less, for about the first week. (I think it was numb) and then there was another incission under the arm, from the sintenel node(s) removal and then a hole for the drain. Those were the most painful. I stayed home from work for a whole week and went back last Thursday, since then the pain under the arm has gotten better, but along the breast is has given me alittle more trouble. I'm not sure if it's because the numbness is going away now or because it's healing and pulling (streching) the scar tissue. But I think it's normal, just uncomfortable.
As far as how the Dr. knows how much to remove the second time atound, well I have no idea. This coming Thrusday I am going back for more surgury also, my Dr. is calling it a re-incission, she wants to take more tissue from the area around were my tumor was at that is closest to the skin. She said that the margin wasn't clean enough (only 1mm) and she wants to get at least a 3mm to 5mm clean margin. But I was wondering the same thing, how will she know where to go since the lump is already gone?
As for me I will be asking my surgeon more questions before the next surgury and I suggest you do the same thing. The best way to be sure is to ask questions. But I do think that most of the pain you are having is normal.
I hope I understood your question correctly, unless you are taking about having a needle guioded biopsy? And are now awaiting Surgury? Let me know and I would be happy to answer any queston you have that I can help with.
Take Care and call your doctor just in case.
HI,THANK YOU FOR YOUR REPLY.i HAD THE SAME THING YOU HAVE HAD AND I GO IN TOMORROW FOR THE LYMP NOD BIOPSY AND SURGERY TO REMOVE MORE WHERE THE Cancer was .Do you have to take treatments after surgery.Iv been told i will need 6weeks of Radiation.Good LUCK AND PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH.iF IT IS OK WITH YOU I WILL PUT YOU ON MY FRIEND LIST SO I CAN CHECK BACK WITH YOU.i am trying to keep brave for my familys sake,but I am truly scared.THIS WEB SIGHT HAS BEEN A god sent to me. Pat.0 -
Patppurdin said:soreness in breast
HI,THANK YOU FOR YOUR REPLY.i HAD THE SAME THING YOU HAVE HAD AND I GO IN TOMORROW FOR THE LYMP NOD BIOPSY AND SURGERY TO REMOVE MORE WHERE THE Cancer was .Do you have to take treatments after surgery.Iv been told i will need 6weeks of Radiation.Good LUCK AND PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH.iF IT IS OK WITH YOU I WILL PUT YOU ON MY FRIEND LIST SO I CAN CHECK BACK WITH YOU.i am trying to keep brave for my familys sake,but I am truly scared.THIS WEB SIGHT HAS BEEN A god sent to me. Pat.
I would like it very much if you added me to your friends list and I'll try to do the same. You will be my first friens, I still feel kinda of new here, and I'm not to good with computers or PM ing but I'll try to figure it out. It would be great to keep in touch and share stories.
As far as my after surgury treatment goes......I'm still not sure, I haven't talked to an oncologist yet. I have her name, but won't see her until after this next surgury. My surgeon has told me that she expects that I will do chemo and rad's, because I am still concidered young (45) for BC. She said that if I were older and not premenopausal that I would probably only have to do rads.
My cancer stats are:
No node involvement, 5 out of 5 removed clean
Tumor size 1.4cm,
Stage 1,
Grade 2 intermediate aggressiveness.
It seems that all indicaters would say no chemo, and the surgeon said it was only her opinion and that the Onco would have the last say, so when I see the Onco I'm going to ask for the ONCOTYPE DX test. Have you you read the threads on that test? Check them out if not, or I'll try to share what I know about it with you, But for right now because of my age, I guess I'll be having chemo and rad's. I'll cross that bridge when I get there I guess. Too much over load any other way for me.
Pat hang in there, and we'll get through this together. You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I hope you're able to get some rest tonight as well. Let me know when you can how everything goes tomorrow.
God bless
Aurora0 -
Aurora,aurora2009 said:Pat
I would like it very much if you added me to your friends list and I'll try to do the same. You will be my first friens, I still feel kinda of new here, and I'm not to good with computers or PM ing but I'll try to figure it out. It would be great to keep in touch and share stories.
As far as my after surgury treatment goes......I'm still not sure, I haven't talked to an oncologist yet. I have her name, but won't see her until after this next surgury. My surgeon has told me that she expects that I will do chemo and rad's, because I am still concidered young (45) for BC. She said that if I were older and not premenopausal that I would probably only have to do rads.
My cancer stats are:
No node involvement, 5 out of 5 removed clean
Tumor size 1.4cm,
Stage 1,
Grade 2 intermediate aggressiveness.
It seems that all indicaters would say no chemo, and the surgeon said it was only her opinion and that the Onco would have the last say, so when I see the Onco I'm going to ask for the ONCOTYPE DX test. Have you you read the threads on that test? Check them out if not, or I'll try to share what I know about it with you, But for right now because of my age, I guess I'll be having chemo and rad's. I'll cross that bridge when I get there I guess. Too much over load any other way for me.
Pat hang in there, and we'll get through this together. You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I hope you're able to get some rest tonight as well. Let me know when you can how everything goes tomorrow.
God bless
Wow, you are pretty much a match with me with your cancer type, etc. I have you beat by a couple years in age (47) and you have me beat by also having DCIS. I do not have to do chemo (Oncotype score = less than 1) and I start rads today. I will be hoping that they say no chemo for you as well. Also, if you do the test, I am hoping for a low score for you!Pammy
0 -
PammyAkiss4me said:Aurora,
Wow, you are pretty much a match with me with your cancer type, etc. I have you beat by a couple years in age (47) and you have me beat by also having DCIS. I do not have to do chemo (Oncotype score = less than 1) and I start rads today. I will be hoping that they say no chemo for you as well. Also, if you do the test, I am hoping for a low score for you!Pammy
Good luck with your
Good luck with your rads with no bad side effects. Keep us in the loop. You could do a weekly chapter. You will probably have a hunky tech, and the staff will probably hand feed you grapes at the end of each treatment. Oh, and daily massages. One can only hope.
Stef0 -
Haven't met him yet....fauxma said:Pammy
Good luck with your
Good luck with your rads with no bad side effects. Keep us in the loop. You could do a weekly chapter. You will probably have a hunky tech, and the staff will probably hand feed you grapes at the end of each treatment. Oh, and daily massages. One can only hope.
The two girls that are taking care of me did say that there will be one male that will also be working with me off and on. Haven't met him yet, but.....I'll definitely tell all!!Pammy
0 -
Oh pammy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Akiss4me said:Aurora,
Wow, you are pretty much a match with me with your cancer type, etc. I have you beat by a couple years in age (47) and you have me beat by also having DCIS. I do not have to do chemo (Oncotype score = less than 1) and I start rads today. I will be hoping that they say no chemo for you as well. Also, if you do the test, I am hoping for a low score for you!Pammy
I didn't know you started rads, today......did I miss something on the boards here, I thought you were waiting for the BRAC test or something like that?......Anyway I hope everything goes well for you to today. I'll be waiting for chapter 7 alsoand praying in the mean time for you.
Lots of Love
P.S. Thank for the well wishes I hope my score is low also. I wouldn't even know about the test if it wasn't for you!!!!!!!!!!!!0 -
No one knew I was starting today!!aurora2009 said:Oh pammy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't know you started rads, today......did I miss something on the boards here, I thought you were waiting for the BRAC test or something like that?......Anyway I hope everything goes well for you to today. I'll be waiting for chapter 7 alsoand praying in the mean time for you.
Lots of Love
P.S. Thank for the well wishes I hope my score is low also. I wouldn't even know about the test if it wasn't for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Including me!! They woke me up this AM first thing. My BRCA test came back negative and since I have been 2 months out from surgery they wanted to start today. Talk about shock!! But upward and onward I went!! I took the lemons...made lemonaid.....and used THAT to wash down the xanax!!Pammy
0 -
friendsaurora2009 said:Pat
I would like it very much if you added me to your friends list and I'll try to do the same. You will be my first friens, I still feel kinda of new here, and I'm not to good with computers or PM ing but I'll try to figure it out. It would be great to keep in touch and share stories.
As far as my after surgury treatment goes......I'm still not sure, I haven't talked to an oncologist yet. I have her name, but won't see her until after this next surgury. My surgeon has told me that she expects that I will do chemo and rad's, because I am still concidered young (45) for BC. She said that if I were older and not premenopausal that I would probably only have to do rads.
My cancer stats are:
No node involvement, 5 out of 5 removed clean
Tumor size 1.4cm,
Stage 1,
Grade 2 intermediate aggressiveness.
It seems that all indicaters would say no chemo, and the surgeon said it was only her opinion and that the Onco would have the last say, so when I see the Onco I'm going to ask for the ONCOTYPE DX test. Have you you read the threads on that test? Check them out if not, or I'll try to share what I know about it with you, But for right now because of my age, I guess I'll be having chemo and rad's. I'll cross that bridge when I get there I guess. Too much over load any other way for me.
Pat hang in there, and we'll get through this together. You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I hope you're able to get some rest tonight as well. Let me know when you can how everything goes tomorrow.
God bless
HI FEELS SO GOOD TO HAVE YOU TO TALK TO.i appriatte you alott and thankful for this websight.I TWO WILL PRAY FOR YOU.I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHAT THE DR. SAYS.DID YOU HAVE ALOTT OF PAIN UNDER YOUR ARM AFTER THE LYMPH NODS WERE REMOVED.IT SEAMS LIKE NOTHING HELPS THE PAIN.and i can usually tolorate pretty good.You say you are not good on the computer,well as you can tell I CAN NOT SPELL GOOD.i wish they had a spell checker on here.THEY PROBLEY DO AND i haven,t found it.TAKE CARE.pat0 -
friendsaurora2009 said:Pat
I would like it very much if you added me to your friends list and I'll try to do the same. You will be my first friens, I still feel kinda of new here, and I'm not to good with computers or PM ing but I'll try to figure it out. It would be great to keep in touch and share stories.
As far as my after surgury treatment goes......I'm still not sure, I haven't talked to an oncologist yet. I have her name, but won't see her until after this next surgury. My surgeon has told me that she expects that I will do chemo and rad's, because I am still concidered young (45) for BC. She said that if I were older and not premenopausal that I would probably only have to do rads.
My cancer stats are:
No node involvement, 5 out of 5 removed clean
Tumor size 1.4cm,
Stage 1,
Grade 2 intermediate aggressiveness.
It seems that all indicaters would say no chemo, and the surgeon said it was only her opinion and that the Onco would have the last say, so when I see the Onco I'm going to ask for the ONCOTYPE DX test. Have you you read the threads on that test? Check them out if not, or I'll try to share what I know about it with you, But for right now because of my age, I guess I'll be having chemo and rad's. I'll cross that bridge when I get there I guess. Too much over load any other way for me.
Pat hang in there, and we'll get through this together. You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I hope you're able to get some rest tonight as well. Let me know when you can how everything goes tomorrow.
God bless
HI FEELS SO GOOD TO HAVE YOU TO TALK TO.i appriatte you alott and thankful for this websight.I TWO WILL PRAY FOR YOU.I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHAT THE DR. SAYS.DID YOU HAVE ALOTT OF PAIN UNDER YOUR ARM AFTER THE LYMPH NODS WERE REMOVED.IT SEAMS LIKE NOTHING HELPS THE PAIN.and i can usually tolorate pretty good.You say you are not good on the computer,well as you can tell I CAN NOT SPELL GOOD.i wish they had a spell checker on here.THEY PROBLEY DO AND i haven,t found it.TAKE CARE.pat0 -
I have had a lumpectomy and all of my lymph nodes had to be removed on my right side because they were cancerous. I feel for you guys who have to go back or are having one of the procedures done. Before surgery, your surgeon will ask you if you have any questions. Ask him anything you want to know like how will he know he has got enough tissue. Don't be afraid to ask or hesitate to ask. They will answer you. It is part of their job. My surgeon told me he was going to take a "generous" amount of tissue out along with the lump. It worked. The extra tissue was "clean" enough.
The lumpectomy and the lymph node surgery are a bit painful. And I was more sore a few days after the surgery. Since they removed my lymph nodes, my doctor did not release me to work for 10 days. I was still sore afterwards for awhile. My right breast would swell off and on and my underarm is still numb. My oncologist told me this was normal and that my brest would be sore for about three months after the lumpectomy and my underarm would be numb for about six months after the lymph node removal.
I am currently going through chemo treatments and this will be followed by radiation therapy. The chemo is not too bad in itself. It is the side effects that are hard on you. After my first treatment, I got tired easily, I got rashes, fever, chills, and now my hair is falling out. Although this is normal, it does not make it easy to deal with. It is a disruption to the life you once knew. But, like my friends tell me, dealing with this is better than dealing with the alternative - death.
Good luck to all.
P0 -
Aztec45aztec45 said:Lumpectomy
I have had a lumpectomy and all of my lymph nodes had to be removed on my right side because they were cancerous. I feel for you guys who have to go back or are having one of the procedures done. Before surgery, your surgeon will ask you if you have any questions. Ask him anything you want to know like how will he know he has got enough tissue. Don't be afraid to ask or hesitate to ask. They will answer you. It is part of their job. My surgeon told me he was going to take a "generous" amount of tissue out along with the lump. It worked. The extra tissue was "clean" enough.
The lumpectomy and the lymph node surgery are a bit painful. And I was more sore a few days after the surgery. Since they removed my lymph nodes, my doctor did not release me to work for 10 days. I was still sore afterwards for awhile. My right breast would swell off and on and my underarm is still numb. My oncologist told me this was normal and that my brest would be sore for about three months after the lumpectomy and my underarm would be numb for about six months after the lymph node removal.
I am currently going through chemo treatments and this will be followed by radiation therapy. The chemo is not too bad in itself. It is the side effects that are hard on you. After my first treatment, I got tired easily, I got rashes, fever, chills, and now my hair is falling out. Although this is normal, it does not make it easy to deal with. It is a disruption to the life you once knew. But, like my friends tell me, dealing with this is better than dealing with the alternative - death.
Good luck to all.
Thank you s for sharing your story with us so far. I'm finding that I'm in more pain today than I was right after surgury, I'm trying to take the least amount of pain medicine needed, because I really need to get back to work. I'm setting my sites on Wednesday 1/2 day and then back to normal, but light duty. My surgeon never really gave mt a release date, she's just left it up to me.
I haven't seen you post before so I just wanted to welcome you, this site has been a real great outlet for me. Family and friends are great but they don't always know what to say or have answers for what I'm going through, and here I feel a bond that can't be denied.
Please come back often, and tell us more about yourself, like what kinda of treatment you're getting and how you're doing with it. There's always someone here if you just need to talk.
Good Luck and May God Bless You
Aurora0 -
surgery recoveryaurora2009 said:Pat
I would like it very much if you added me to your friends list and I'll try to do the same. You will be my first friens, I still feel kinda of new here, and I'm not to good with computers or PM ing but I'll try to figure it out. It would be great to keep in touch and share stories.
As far as my after surgury treatment goes......I'm still not sure, I haven't talked to an oncologist yet. I have her name, but won't see her until after this next surgury. My surgeon has told me that she expects that I will do chemo and rad's, because I am still concidered young (45) for BC. She said that if I were older and not premenopausal that I would probably only have to do rads.
My cancer stats are:
No node involvement, 5 out of 5 removed clean
Tumor size 1.4cm,
Stage 1,
Grade 2 intermediate aggressiveness.
It seems that all indicaters would say no chemo, and the surgeon said it was only her opinion and that the Onco would have the last say, so when I see the Onco I'm going to ask for the ONCOTYPE DX test. Have you you read the threads on that test? Check them out if not, or I'll try to share what I know about it with you, But for right now because of my age, I guess I'll be having chemo and rad's. I'll cross that bridge when I get there I guess. Too much over load any other way for me.
Pat hang in there, and we'll get through this together. You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I hope you're able to get some rest tonight as well. Let me know when you can how everything goes tomorrow.
God bless
HI Aurora. I PRAY YOUR OK,AS FOR ME SURGERY IS DONE.I went to the dr. yesterday to get the drain ,bandage and clamps out.This biopsy showed no cancer in the limph nods that they removed or the breast tissue they removed.I am very very glad.So from finding Cancer when doing the lunsectomy two weeks ago I will be seeing my Cancer DR. about treetments Aug.10th.I AM HAVING A LOT OF PAIN AFTER THE BANDAGES WERE REMOVED.Their is no support for my breast so every time I move it hurts.I am taking more pain medicine now.last night I held on to a pillow so when i moved it didn,t hurt so bad.Today i put a camosole on and it seams to help.I know the pain will get better it has two.I DON,T MEAN TO COMPLAIN BUT IT IS A LITTLE HARD TO DEAL WITH.Thanks for listning.I AM PRAYING FOR YOU.LET ME KNOW HOW YOU ARE WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE IT PLEASE. PAT.0 -
So glad you're doing okayppurdin said:surgery recovery
HI Aurora. I PRAY YOUR OK,AS FOR ME SURGERY IS DONE.I went to the dr. yesterday to get the drain ,bandage and clamps out.This biopsy showed no cancer in the limph nods that they removed or the breast tissue they removed.I am very very glad.So from finding Cancer when doing the lunsectomy two weeks ago I will be seeing my Cancer DR. about treetments Aug.10th.I AM HAVING A LOT OF PAIN AFTER THE BANDAGES WERE REMOVED.Their is no support for my breast so every time I move it hurts.I am taking more pain medicine now.last night I held on to a pillow so when i moved it didn,t hurt so bad.Today i put a camosole on and it seams to help.I know the pain will get better it has two.I DON,T MEAN TO COMPLAIN BUT IT IS A LITTLE HARD TO DEAL WITH.Thanks for listning.I AM PRAYING FOR YOU.LET ME KNOW HOW YOU ARE WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE IT PLEASE. PAT.
I did the same thing with the pillow, it really helps, The pain will pass, especially now that all the drains and clamps are off, try wearing a sports bra, for support. My daughter found one for me at Wal-mart with no seams, and hooks in the front. I couldn't wear it while the drain was in, because I could feel the drain inside me, but afterwards it was a real god send. Just keep listening to your body and rest when needed and use the pain meds too.
I'm so happy there was no cancer in you nodes or the tissue they removed, you can't get any better news than that!. And please don't be soory for complaining you've been through alot as have I, But it's all up hill from here.
I was lucky I had no drains after this second surgury, but on Sunday I developed an eye infection on my right side and my right foot also started swelling. So I had to take it easy for the last couple of days and lay off the internet.(ha). I ended up talking to my surgeon yesterday and she thinks the eye thing, was unrelated, but told my to put my foot up and watch it closely. The concern is a blood clot from surgury, but as of now the swelling has gone down and I have no pain in the calf, or chest area. (I think it was from sitting at the computer and not getting enough ciculation). So for now I'm Fine.
I'll see her tomorrow at 10am, to pick up my path report, and set an appt for the onc, She was able to tell me that no cancer was found in the new tissue that was removed, and there's a good chance that I might now need to do chemo. Of course the Onco will have to decide that, but I'll take that as good news for now.
Take care pat, you're always in my thoughts and prayers,
Aurora0 -
TO COMPLAINHi Auroraaurora2009 said:So glad you're doing okay
I did the same thing with the pillow, it really helps, The pain will pass, especially now that all the drains and clamps are off, try wearing a sports bra, for support. My daughter found one for me at Wal-mart with no seams, and hooks in the front. I couldn't wear it while the drain was in, because I could feel the drain inside me, but afterwards it was a real god send. Just keep listening to your body and rest when needed and use the pain meds too.
I'm so happy there was no cancer in you nodes or the tissue they removed, you can't get any better news than that!. And please don't be soory for complaining you've been through alot as have I, But it's all up hill from here.
I was lucky I had no drains after this second surgury, but on Sunday I developed an eye infection on my right side and my right foot also started swelling. So I had to take it easy for the last couple of days and lay off the internet.(ha). I ended up talking to my surgeon yesterday and she thinks the eye thing, was unrelated, but told my to put my foot up and watch it closely. The concern is a blood clot from surgury, but as of now the swelling has gone down and I have no pain in the calf, or chest area. (I think it was from sitting at the computer and not getting enough ciculation). So for now I'm Fine.
I'll see her tomorrow at 10am, to pick up my path report, and set an appt for the onc, She was able to tell me that no cancer was found in the new tissue that was removed, and there's a good chance that I might now need to do chemo. Of course the Onco will have to decide that, but I'll take that as good news for now.
Take care pat, you're always in my thoughts and prayers,
HI I AM GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU.SORRY TO HEAR YOU HAVE HAD A SORE FOOT AND EYE.I had a sore eye a while back.It looked like a stye.I AM GLAD YOU GOT BETTER NEWS ALSO.Did you have your lymp nods removed? i am so glad surgery is done.It has to get better some time.I TRY HARD NOT TO COMPLAIN.I KNOW SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE IT SO MUCH WORSE THEN ME.Well thanks for letting me know how your doing.GET LOTS OF REST.I WILL PRAY FOR YOU TONIGHT.Pat.0 -
Yes Pat I Didppurdin said:TO COMPLAINHi Aurora
HI I AM GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU.SORRY TO HEAR YOU HAVE HAD A SORE FOOT AND EYE.I had a sore eye a while back.It looked like a stye.I AM GLAD YOU GOT BETTER NEWS ALSO.Did you have your lymp nods removed? i am so glad surgery is done.It has to get better some time.I TRY HARD NOT TO COMPLAIN.I KNOW SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE IT SO MUCH WORSE THEN ME.Well thanks for letting me know how your doing.GET LOTS OF REST.I WILL PRAY FOR YOU TONIGHT.Pat.
I had 5 removed during the first surgury, all 5 came back clean. As for pain, under the arm I had some also, but after the drain was out and I went back to work (8 days after 1st surgury) the pain subsided alot. The doctor said I healed well, the incission was only about 3 inches long and I think she did a great job. I'm having alot of pain this time around, under my arm and around my back anf under my ribs. But the doc said that was due to laying the table, and having to have my arm up during surgury. So I expext this will pass too. Lot more brusing also.
Take care Pat, and don't worry about complaining, I completely understand, we're in this together remember?
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