Morning anxiety and mouth sores

mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am 2 treatments into ac every 2 wks with 2 more to do then with 4 more of taxol and herceptin every 2 wks after that then 1 year of herceptin every 3 wks after that. My heart is just racy in the morning and periodically thru the day. I feel so anxious. I was on lorazepam but my internist switched me to xanax on friday which did help. I am also about 5 wks into paxil. Anybody else feeling this and how do you all cope with it. Also anybody have issues with mouth sores on the ac and does it stop with the taxol? Honestly sometimes I feel psychotic

Thanks all for being there


  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    First, I would like to welcome you to this awesome site which is filled with wonderful women and men at different stages in this fight.

    Second, Mouth sores--I personally had a few and I would rinse my mouth with 1 tsp baking soda in 8 oz of warm water several times a day. Worked for me.

    Third, If and when you get a metallic taste in your mouth use plastic ware.

    Get plenty of rest.

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    We're here
    I'm sorry that I don't have anything practical to contribute, as my treatment and meds are very different from yours.

    It sounds like you're looking at a long road of treatment ahead of you -- my goodness, I would think there was something wrong with you if you *didn't* feel anxious!!

    I know that others who have experience with your meds will weigh in with better advice -- I just wanted to let you know that we're here with you.

  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Have you heard ot Miracle Mouthwash?
    After my first treatment my mouth was all bumpy and I got a sore throat. My dr. prescribed Miracle mouthwash. It is used to rinse the mouth and throat. It numbs a little and you can use it 3x per day. You can swallow it too and it can even help the stomach. At first I thought it was kind of gross and didn't want to use it but I was despearte! This time around I did not hesitate to use it. It does help.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    My onc told me to rinse
    My onc told me to rinse after eating with salt water to help with mouth sores. I didn't get them very bad. Ask your onc.
  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    Same as You
    Wecome to the best site ever. So much information here. I am on the same treatment plan as you. I just finished #4 this past Thursday. I too had the racy heart which I tried to keep busy to ignore. I had a echocardiagram before treatment and will have another this Tuesday to make sure my heart is OK. I also have a EKG at every doctors visit. Do you? As far a mouth sores I never had any, but I did use the baking soda rinse everyday to help prevent them.
    Good Luck with your treatments, Diane :)
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member

    First, I would like to welcome you to this awesome site which is filled with wonderful women and men at different stages in this fight.

    Second, Mouth sores--I personally had a few and I would rinse my mouth with 1 tsp baking soda in 8 oz of warm water several times a day. Worked for me.

    Third, If and when you get a metallic taste in your mouth use plastic ware.

    Get plenty of rest.


    I agree
    I was going to write exactly what Margo said. also if heart racing continus, talk to your DR. about it. I also took ativan for anxiety and nausea. Good luck and best wishes.
    Hugs, jackie
  • faithandprayer
    faithandprayer Member Posts: 177
    Hi mlmjt -
    I'm so sorry about the mouth sores, it must be miserable.
    At the suggestion of the nurses, I chewed ice and/or popsicles during my chemo. The nurses seemed to know when the right time during chemo was to do it, brought them to me and it seemed to help. As I recall, it has something to do with the blood vessels constricting during that time.

    I did get some miserable bumps but never the full blown blisters. I do hope it clears quickly for you.

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    First, I would like to welcome you to this awesome site which is filled with wonderful women and men at different stages in this fight.

    Second, Mouth sores--I personally had a few and I would rinse my mouth with 1 tsp baking soda in 8 oz of warm water several times a day. Worked for me.

    Third, If and when you get a metallic taste in your mouth use plastic ware.

    Get plenty of rest.


    Hi! Just want to welcome
    Hi! Just want to welcome you also. I didn't have chemo, so, I can't speak directly to your questions.

    Good luck!
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Mouth Sores
    I am new to this site but there are a lot of people who can speak to just about anything you are feeling or experiencing.

    I had mouth sores. I used an over the counter rinse called Peroxyl made by Colgate. Walmart sells it. You have to brush your teeth and use the rinse after each meal and before you go to bed everyday. This will keep the sores at bay. You may need to talk to your onc about the mouth sores as well. My sores were discovered to be a result of a yeast infection. This is due to low white cell counts. The doc prescribed some steroids to get rid of the infection. It is disgusting but a common side effect of the chemo drugs.

    I started having crying spells after my surgeon told me I would need chemo and radiation therapy. I would cry when I was alone in the car, in the shower, at home. I was just feeling sad about it all. The onc prescribed Citalopram. It helped me out a lot.

    You are not alone. Everyone on this site has felt the weight of the diagnosis or treatment or side effects at some point. Just find what meds help, find a support group, do something that makes you happy - listen to music, read, etc. and communicate your feelings and side effects so someone can help you.

    Best of luck.

  • ritazimm
    ritazimm Member Posts: 171
    My chemo regimen was TAC so it was a bit different but I also had the mouth sores. They didn't get bad until my last two treatments so I was thankful for that. I used Kanka or similar canker sore numbing solutions to get me through the worst times and so that I could actually eat something. Although I had the metalic taste so bad that I really didn't care if I ate or not. I ate a lot of pancakes at that point.

    As far as the anxiety.........I had/have that as well. It has been 15 months sinch I had my last chemo session but I still have some difficulties with this. I am taking lorazepam and trying to wean off if it. I told my dr. that recently and he actually said that I should not worry about that. He says that portion of the brain that controls these "melt downs" is very primative and kind of does what it whats to do. As much as we want to control it, the breina chooses to do what it wants. I'm trying to accept this in hopes that the more accepting I am of it, the less stress there will be on it. The anxiety attacks have gone down a lot for me. I didn't really start having them until I finished chemo and radiation, at which time I thought all would be back to normal and when that didn't happen, the anxiety attacks started. I am having some "chemo brain" type issues (easily distracted, can't concentrate, etc.) and these are now starting to improve as well. point is, now I only seem to have the anxiety when I return to work after any absence. At first it was every Monday, but now it seems to be only if I have been off for vacation or sick time. It seems as though my brain panics because it is used to being relaxed at home and now it has to try to focus and that is scary. These seem to be getting better as well. So, if you can't just make them go away, try not to worry about them. You will get past this! You are going through SO MUCH, mentally as well as physically, and it will take time for your brain to be more accepting of what is going on. This didn't even mention all of the drug side effects that can put you out of balance. Keep the faith! You will get there!

    God bless! You'll be in my prayers!